
Vampire Love (A BTS Fan-fiction)

When your best friend Ivy, gets captured by a group of Vampires, What will you do? They are after your best friend's blood, and you are there to save your best friend from their clutches... But what will happen when they want you instead of your Best Friend? Join Y/N on her adventure to save her Best friend Ivy.

DaoistELQ5oM · Fantasy
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4 Chs

CH 3 - Where are you?

Immense Pain was the only thing in your head as the world around you started getting dizzy and you hit the bed...

~A Few Hours Back~

"Let's see who reaches to my room first, The one who looses is a big fat Potato!!"

"Yahh...!! Wait for me!"

Both of you were playing and talking to each other,

"Hey Y/N, Let's drink"

You looked at her shocked, You never thought that Ivy would say that thing to you ever."What? Are you in your senses?!?"

"Yahh Y/N, Of course I am in my senses otherwise I would n't be talking to you"

I looked at her suspiciously, "Then why are talking about drinking, I thought you never drink?"

She looked at you with a slight smirk, "Let's drink and party tonight, I bought some drinks, They are in my backpack"

"What? Are you seriously out of your senses?!?"

"Stop talking and Let's drink"

No matter how much you told her, She won't stop about drinking, She wanted to drink that bad. You knew you would have to agree, "Fine, I guess.."

She jumped up in joy. She rushed to get her backpack and pulled two bottles of Alcohol. You were astonished, "Where did you get this, I thought you were just kidding?"

"Nah I wasn't, Now let's party tonight!!"

And that's how you ended with Immense pain and you slept till 2pm in the afternoon.


Y/N's P.O.V


I am in pain, It hurts so bad...

I woke up in the morning to find my room in a mess and bottles of alcohol were scattered in the room. It looked like a tornado had stuck here, What happened last night??

As I tried to remember the events from last night, I found Ivy's phone. What is it doing here? Then hit me, hard. Ivy and me were partying last night and Ivy must have left the house at night. I wonder what embarrassing things I did last night. I was a light weight so alcohol had a great influence on me.

But the real question was that Why Ivy left at night without saying anything??

Sighing, I decided to clean this room and yes, I missed school today. I'll ask someone at school to lend me some notes. While I was cleaning the bed mattress, I found a note, It was from Ivy.

"I am going home, I had so much fun!!"

P.S. => I am going to have fun teasing you, You did so many embarrassing things..

I screamed, She wasn't going to let me live peacefully. I was sure that she will tease me to no end.

After cleaning, I decided to make something for myself to eat. After arguing for a few minutes, I settled on noodles. As I was about to eat my noodles, I got a call, It wasn't on my phone, The call was on Ivy's phone.I picked it up.

"Ivy, Where are you?"

It was her parents.

"This is Y/N speaking"


Why were her parents calling her?

"Y/N is she at your house?"

What are they talking about, she left last night.

"No aunty, Ivy left last night"

"What? But if she isn't at your home, Where is she?"

Now, I was confused. Shouldn't Ivy be at her parent's house?

"Aunty, but she isn't here"

"But she isn't at her house either"
