
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Slow Recovery

It's been 2 weeks according to Julieta since I was brought to her by my parents, This time since I fell ill it has been much harder to recover from and my strength hasn't completely returned to me, The good thing is that I can talk a bit better and can more slightly but I'm still to weak to fully sit up on my own.

"How is he doing Miss Julieta?" My parents came by to check on me and it felt very nice to be able to finally hear and see my mom and dad.

"He is slowly recovering and it is taking time for his strength to come back" she said with a gentle smile and calm voice, My parents were so happy to hear that I was recovering and they couldn't wait till I was able to come back home.

Some more time has gone by since I first arrived here and Julieta has been constantly looking out for me while I have been here, Something I noticed is her silent movements like she doesn't walk at all but floats around the room she is quick and doesn't seem to get tired, Even though so takes care of me all day it doesn't seem to bother her in the slightest.

"I will be keeping a eye on you and will be doing daily checks to see how you are doing once you go home" Julieta said to me as she handed a cup of what looks to be medicine, I drink the medicine but the taste is really strong and made me cough alot, "What is in this drink!?" I think to myself inwardly while coughing.

"I'm sorry the medicine is strong and probably does not taste the best either, It will help you recover and keep you from falling ill again so easily but you much have a glass a day from now on otherwise you will fall ill again and I'm not sure I would be able to help you recover again" Julieta stated after she took the cup back from me.

I didn't realize how severe it has become this time that I have fallen ill, Knowing I will have to be drinking this medicine everyday even though it does not taste good at all, Gives me a sense of peace in the fact ill be able to be back home with my family again and helping out.

The next day I am finally able to return home and be with my family, My mother and father have been so worried that I would not be able to return home that they picked me up and just held me tight without saying anything at all.

Julieta was at the house as well to give me my daily dose of the medicine, The medice still made me cough after I drank it and the taste was still strong to handle, But I did it so I can be here with my family instead of stuck in bed not being able to move.

It has been 6 months since I first fell ill and was taken to Julieta, Now I look forward to the medicine as I've been getting stronger everyday and haven't been getting sick aor as tired so easily, I have gotten to know Julieta alot more and she has become more of a friend to my family instead of someone that has been looking out for me.

What I did not know nor did my parents was these happy days we are having will be coming to a sudden end and everything would fall apart around me.

[Auther here, I just wanted to leave a quick message to say thank you to everyone that has come by and has checked out my book so far, Please leave comments so I can read them and reply , Again thank you so much and keep a eye out for more to come]