
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Garrison of Death

We had all come to a agreement that the garrison at the border needs to be investigate and the people there needs to be rescued if they are in danger, "My Lord, Who do we send to investigate this situation?" Bragdon asked at this time after reading some of the information.

"Kellnor get together a small group of experienced scouts trained in shadow arts, Tell them to observe the situation only and not to engage at this time and to report back to me personally and to not to talk to anyone else about this"

Kellnor nodded, "Yes My Lord it will be done immediately".

"We will call this meeting over for the time being, I will be waiting for the report back from the scouts"

With that being said, Kellnor and Bragdon had left the room and I sat back in the chair and placed my hand over my eye's, "What's wrong my love?" Julieta asked as she gently grabbed my hand.

"It is the situation at hand, First it was the fight with the creature's that the traitors released then the fight with the bigger one's that we had to fight as well, Then we find out information that they came from the abandoned kingdom to the south"

I am visibly upset about the situation and worried for my people if these creature's continue to spread across my kingdom, I am worried about the saftey of my future wife and family and the safety of what my parents left for me to protect.

"Jerome could you please help Lord Black out of his armor so we can rest for the evening?"Julieta looked at Jerome and asked.

"Right away My Lady" Jerome nodded and asked for a couple of the Elite Guards to assist.

As am I having my armor removed, Kellnor has already dispatched a group of highly trained scouts to check out the situation at the southern garrison, They will return once they gather enough evidence about the situation and will return to report to the Lord.

"It is time to rest my dear, You have had a long journey the last few days and we have our wedding in just a couple of days, Please get some rest for awhile" Julieta said a bit worried

"I agree dear I have been so busy the last few days that I have not rested much" I sigh as I sit down on the couch.

A few days ago we sent the scouts to the Garrison at the border to the dead lands, We still do not know the situation there or what happened to the men and their families, Hopefully we will hear some news soon about that.

We have been preparing for our wedding which is in just a few days time, We were sitting there talking about the wedding and how we wanted to have the ceremony and what our plans were for after the ceremony was finished, "It will be wonderful when we get to spend the first night together as husband and wife" Julieta stated with a gentle smile.

"I could not agree more dear, It is going to be our first step to our own family as well as a ruling couple for this kingdom as well" I nodded with a gentle smile in agreement.

As we were sitting there talking the scouts finally returned with the information on the garrison and the men there, So we stopped what we were doing and took the conversation to the war room followed by the High commander and High Knight.

"Report the situation on the garrison" I said in a serious tone.

"Yes My Lord" The leading scout replied, "The garrison and the fifteen hundred men plus there families are all dead, They seem to have been turned into undead abominations from what we could see, Bodies were spread out all over the place and were being eaten by the undead ones, We don't know what caused this but we were told not to enter the area just do reconnaissance for information, We were not able to get inside as the area was swarming with the undead".

This news came as a shock to everyone in the war room at this time, "Your certain they were undead and even the village was wiped out" The High Commander asked.

"Yes that is correct sir, We are still unable to determine how the undead had spread but we also did not venture to close as well"

"Understood you and your men did a good job getting information for Lord Black, Do not speak of this to anyone at all under strict orders fromthe Lord himself"

"Understood sir we will not speak a word and will await further orders" With that they finished their report and left the war room.

"How can we lose a entire garrison of fifteen hundred men without getting any word or request for aid, Something is not right with this situation at all do we have any information at all about the undead or how it is spreading?"

"Sire I am as confused as you are about this for the fact that the gates located on the side of the garrison wall to dead lands always remain locked, They will not open without direct orders from the castle and the walls blocked the main path through that mountain are well over twenty meters thick, The scouts did not report any structural damage to the garrison or the walls themselves so it's unclear"

I know this situation has become even more bizarre of late, First it was the traitors releasing the creature that destroyed the village I lived in, Then it was the larger abominations that came up from the dead lands that we learned about, Now we have lost a entire garrison of men and they're families without hearing any news or receiving urgent requests for aid, It seems like the garrison fell over night without warning.

"We must get to the bottom of this situation before it spreads futher through the kingdom or eventually reaches the castle" I said as I slammed the table in anger.

Everyone in the room was shocked when I hit the table but they all felt the pain and anger I felt as well, "We need to clear out the garrison first before anything else, Once we lay those souls to rest we will need to re-fortify the garrison"

"Understood My Lord, We shall await your commands in regards to this situation" The High Commander nodded.

"Also my wedding will be in two days so it will have to wait until after that, Send the scouts out again just to keep a eye on the situation until we can get the main force to the garrison to retake it"

"Right away My Lord" The High Commander and High Knight agreed and left the war room to prepare for the upcoming fight at the garrison.

"Are you going to fight as well dear?" Julieta asked as she was worried about me going.

"Yes I will go as well dear, I cannot expect my men to go fight for me if I am to afraid to do it myself, That is not what a proper Lord does he shows his men and his people that he is will to sacrifice himself for the sake of his people and to keep them safe"

"Then I will stay strong and await your safe return" She said with a gentle smile on her face.