
Vampire Knight- Lost N Forgotten

Years after Zero has left Cross and the hunters, he finds himself alone and lost. Needing money, not able to get a job or anything for being a level D. He turns to the one thing he feels he has left. Can he really offer his body up? Who will he encounter? So many questions go through his mind, yet he knows he has to, to be able to survive.

Denise_M_ · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Twenty Two.

Chapter 22

The next day, after there discussion, about Zero going back to work for the association, she goes out bright and early. Leaving Zero home to work alone. She has the car pull up to take her where she needs to go. Not telling Zero much of anything just leaving him to his work.

She heads to a huge building, one she has been to a hundred times before. Going into the lobby, where everyone treats her as if she was someone, where she felt she wasn't. It was just an act she played like she was in control and this life, she was leading was one she wanted, not one she was pushed into.

She walks into a big office with a large wooden desk, large window with burgundy curtains, and matching plush desk chair, and two plush chairs in front of the desk. With a large fireplace. The office had everything you would expect from a rich businessman.

"My dear, what did I do, to be graced with your presence today?" Kaname asks.

"I Have a favor to ask. One I need you to do without any problems." She replies.

"You know for you, I would do anything. Anything at all. It is so great to see you. You don't come around much." Kaname says going over to her, and kissing her forehead.

"I been busy, plus you know how I hate it here. This place isn't for me. I rather work from home." She answers.

"Ah, I know that very well. So what can I do for you? Would you like a drink?" Kaname asks.

"Yes, Please a bourbon would be fine. What I have to ask you, you're not going to like." She comments.

"You haven't even asked it yet, let me decide." Kaname chuckles handing her a glass.

"I know you Kaname, very well. You won't, but I need you to do it anyway." She responds.

"Just tell me what it is," Kaname says.

"I need you to get Zero back into good graces with the association and get his job back. I want him to be the person he was always meant to be. Not what he has become." She snaps.

"Are you crazy? Why would I do that? We don't even know where he is. He isn't our problem anymore." Kaname replies.

"How can you say that? You made what he has become. It's all your fault, something I will never forgive you for. I need you to fix it. If you love me the way you claim you do, you will do it." She yells.

"I don't think, I like this new you very much. He has been out of our lives for a while now, can't you just let it be that way? I know you're going through things but this is unheard of." Kaname remarks.

"Someone wanting to see who they really are? is unheard of? I need to be me, not what you want me to be. I also care very much for him, and I want to make things better. I am asking for a favor, if I have to I will go over your head. Which won't look very good for you." She states.

"My My, I see you really do want this. Always trying to protect him, always doing things for him, you shouldn't. Will, you ever learn?" Kaname asks.

"Are you going to do it?" She says.

"Yes, for you I will do anything. You know that, its why you're here. I will call the association and see what I can do. I am not sure how I can fix this though? I mean they threw him out, now to make him president? That is going to piss a lot of people off." Kaname remarks.

"Your good at doing that, I don't see why you can't for him. That was the job he would have had if you didn't destroy his life. it's the least you can do. ALso, make sure you state anyone touches him, they answer to you. I don't want any shit." She answers.

"Are you ever coming home?" Kaname asks.

"No, I am happy where I am." She replies.

"I miss you, I would like for us to get back what we had," Kaname says.

"It takes time Kaname, things can't be rushed. This will put you back into my good graces a bit. I can't live in that house or how you want. I need to be me." She responds.

"Very well, I am glad you came to see me, even if it had to do with him. After all this time, he is still on your mind and in your heart. I should have known." Kaname replies.

"He always will be, forever." She answers. "Thank you for the drink and your time. I shall be going." She adds.

"Anytime, I will let you know what happens." Kaname comments.

"Thank you very much." She replies.

Do you know who she is?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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