
Vampire Knight- Lost N Forgotten

Years after Zero has left Cross and the hunters, he finds himself alone and lost. Needing money, not able to get a job or anything for being a level D. He turns to the one thing he feels he has left. Can he really offer his body up? Who will he encounter? So many questions go through his mind, yet he knows he has to, to be able to survive.

Denise_M_ · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Twenty Seven

Chapter 27

A few weeks go by, Zero loving his job. He feels at home and peace for the first time in his life. He loves going on the field and being needed. He also loved to hunt vampires, It gave him a rush that nothing else ever could. He couldn't believe that his personal and business life was doing so well. He was happy with both.

He still stayed at her home and wasn't asked to leave. Their relationship has grown and become more than either of them expected. He would go home to her cooking them dinner. They would sit down and talk about there day and enjoy the night together.

Even after all this time, Zero still knew nothing about her. Not even her name, which he now thought was something he should know. They were not just john and hooker. They were friends and lovers. Yet, she never changed, him not knowing much about her. And she seemed to know a lot about him.

Work was great, as he got to see Yagari every day, and the others were treating him with respect. At first, it was from fear and now it was growing for real. Seeing how Zero knew what he was doing, and was someone to count on. The newer hunters only hearing stories and not knowing him, didn't let the stories pick how they felt about him. They let Zero show them who he really was, and they liked him. Things were going better than he thought.

One day while Zero is at work, She sits at her desk doing her work when an unexpected visitor arrives.

"What are you doing here? I told you never to come here?" She says.

"I missed you, I also wanted to know how Zero liked his job?" Kaname asks.

"He will smell your scent. He likes his job, he is happy. LIke he should have been the whole while." She answers.

"Smell my scent? You didn't let him come here, did you? What the hell are you thinking? What are you doing? He doesn't know who you are does he?" Kaname snaps.

"No, he doesn't. I am not ready to let him know either. It will change everything. I needed to see him again, to make things better. To show him, what he really means to me." She answers.

"To lie to him? Decisive him? And you say I am bad? What happens when he knows the truth? He will hate you for this, you know how he is. I can't believe after all this time, your still pining for him. This makes me very unhappy." Kaname admits.

"I am sorry how you feel. Now you know how I felt. I know he will be mad but by then at least his regular life will be back in order. He can move on and be happy." She states.

"Happy? I doubt when he finds out, happy will be a thing he feels. Betrayed more like it. You have been covering up your true self all this time. Isn't it about time, you admit who you are, and what you are? " Kaname says.

Zero pulls up in the car and walks to the door, smelling Pureblood stink. He knows right off its Kaname. He just hisses to himself. Wondering what he was doing here.

"I will tell him in due time, It just happened to be like this. I didn't plan it. " She states.

"Plan what?" Zero asks. "And what the hell are you doing here?" Zero adds.

She just looks at Kaname, frightened. As much as he wants to tell the truth, he doesn't want to hurt her.

"I had a business to talk over. I never thought I would see you here or ever again for that matter. Then bad pennies do show up all over." Kaname answers.

"Yea, they do, that's why you're here. You were the one who asked for my job back. Didn't you?" Zero responds.

"Yes, she asked me to and I did it. You won't believe it but I didn't think what they did to you, you deserved. I had nothing to do with it." Kaname replies.

"You didn't stop it either. You were happy to see me gone. You got what you wanted. How is she anyway?" Zero snaps.

Kaname looks at her then at Zero. "She is good. She still thinks about you, even if she doesn't want to admit it." Kaname answers.

"Yeah right, she doesn't need me. She has wonder boy." Zero snaps.

"If you only knew. I will be going. Thank you for the chat. You really do need to take care of what we talked about. As you can see, it's getting out of hand." Kaname says to her.

"I will, in due time. Thank you for coming." She replies.

"If I only knew what Kaname? I always loved the riddles you liked to speak in." Zero comments.

"I don't have the time to explain. Maybe another day." Kaname answers walking out of the house.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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