
Vampire Knight- Lost N Forgotten

Years after Zero has left Cross and the hunters, he finds himself alone and lost. Needing money, not able to get a job or anything for being a level D. He turns to the one thing he feels he has left. Can he really offer his body up? Who will he encounter? So many questions go through his mind, yet he knows he has to, to be able to survive.

Denise_M_ · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Twenty Nine

What do you think is to come?

Chapter 29

She looks up at his face with tears in her eyes and streaming down her face. This reminds him of so many times, years ago when he was with Yuki. Those eyes that would look up at him filled with tears. Filled with hurt. He puts his hand on her cheek and whips away the tears as her mouth goes to his and her arms go around his neck.

"I want to be with you like this one more time before I tell you the rest." She says.

Zero just looks at her and nods. What was one more time before knowing the truth? He just didn't understand, why she wanted to hide who she was? But he would give her, the request she asked for. For some reason, he wasn't able to tell her no if he tried.

She takes him by the hand and takes him to their bedroom, being ever so gentle with him. She sits him on the edge of the bed, looking into his eyes, she kisses him lightly on his smooth creamy lips. The ones she dreamed about for years with no one knowing. She wasn't sure how he was going to react after she told him the real truth, so everything she wanted to do to him, she was going to do now. She just hoped that it wouldn't be the last time.

Her blood desire at the fullest, needing and wanting him so badly it was eating her from the inside out. She just knew she had to curb it the best she could. She saw he did, and he wasn't asking for her blood. She didn't want to start his cravings up all over again, so she never brought up the subject.

She looks into his eyes and places another kiss on his lips, sitting on his lap and removing his white dress shirt button by button. Zero's hand around her waist taking in the feel of her. What she didn't know is his craving for her blood, was just as strong as hers was. He was just doing the same curbing it. Also wondering why she never asked to drink from him. Just at the moment, he was sitting there enjoying her hands roaming around his chest. Sliding down to his pant buckle.

She kisses down his neck to his chest, licking and lightly sucking on his nipples. Making him moan by each of her touches. She slides her hand down his black dress pants and undoes the buckle feeling his member grow hard at her touch. Zero slides her dark grey dress down her body, to reveal her black lace bra and matching panties. His hands go straight for her breasts as he gives her the same treatment she just gave him, squeezing them lightly in between licks. She lays him down on her bed, taking in the sight of his perfect slender creamy body. The one she dreams of more than he ever would know.

She sits on tops of his lap, letting his hard firm member slide into her tight wet core. Her hands on his chest, and his on her ass. She moves herself up and down slowly enjoying every last feel of him inside of her. Not wanting this to go fast, wanting to remember every part of it. In case it had to last her forever. She slowly makes love to him. Kissing him deeply and passionately as she rides him. Zero's hands roam her body, feeling every curve she has of her soft smooth skin.

After a while, she starts to get faster and harder, not able to control it any longer. The need building up inside of her, needing let out. He helps her body go up and down faster with his long slender fingers holding her bottom. They keep going until both of them climax and she falls lightly on top of him. Wrapping her arms and legs around him, never wanting to let him go.