
Vampire king and his key

In the dimly lit chambers of the ancient vampire kingdom, a mysterious figure emerged. His dark eyes glowed with malevolence as he addressed the assembled vampires. "I need this child," he declared, his voice commanding attention. "Only the child with the key on her back can grant us immeasurable power, making us invulnerable to sunlight and unstoppable in our quest for dominion." A vampire dared to question the prophecy, cautioning the leader about a potential hindrance. But the king of vampires, driven by ambition, dismissed it with anger, refusing to let anything stand in his way. The prophecy spoke of a unique being—a boy existing between vampire, human, and zombie. The very existence of such a being threatened the king's plans, and he vowed to eliminate any potential obstacle. "Enough with the prophecy!" the king growled, his voice dripping with malice. "If this 'door' ever crosses our path, I'll destroy him before he becomes a threat to my key." According to the prophecy, a girl would be born with the key, destined to assist vampires in their quest for global supremacy. However, there was also a warning about an existence that should never come to be—a force that could bring ruin to the vampire kingdom. As the room fell into an eerie silence, the king's sinister plan to secure the key and conquer the world began to take shape. Little did he know that destiny had already set its course, intertwining the lives of two unsuspecting souls—Ambrose Ravencroft Sanguisaffron and Clara Mitchell Milson—who would hold the key to unforeseen consequences and a fate beyond the darkness that surrounded them. In 18th-century Europe, fate entangles Ambrose Ravencroft Sanguisaffron, a vampire outcast longing for acceptance, and Clara Mitchell Milson, a disguised princess in servitude. As they uncover palace secrets, their paths unite in an unlikely alliance. Amidst conspiracies and forbidden love, they rewrite their destinies, challenging societal norms in pursuit of freedom and redemption.

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17 Chs

Rumors and festival preparations

As days passed, Clara's regular visits to the palace continued, and her presence became a joyful occurrence for everyone, especially the palace guards, who adored her cheerful and endearing nature. What captivated everyone the most were her eyes, which had an inexplicable charm. She smiled with her eyes, and it felt like they had an enchanting power to touch the very souls of people around her. They were clear and mesmerizing, akin to pure water glistening in a serene forest fountain.

Despite the witch's attempts to change Clara's appearance, her eyes remained untouched, defying any magic the witch could conjure. This fact seemed to irk the witch even more, feeling as though her own magic was being mocked by the innocent child. Try as she might, the witch eventually gave up on altering the color of Clara's eyes, leaving them an enchanting shade of blue, reminiscent of pure water's clarity.

One day, while Mitchell was attending math class, Clara's curiosity led her to imitate her friend's lessons using toys outside the classroom. To the teacher's surprise, Clara had solved a challenging math question, having no basic knowledge of numbers. Intrigued, the teacher began spending time with Clara, realizing she was a quick learner and even capable of comprehending complex subjects without formal education.

The teacher and Clara began studying together in an abandoned building behind the castle. Fascinated by Clara's love for learning, the teacher used magic to make their study sessions more engaging. The words danced in the air, and birds seemed to materialize out of thin air, captivating Clara's imagination and enhancing her passion for learning. She delved into famous literature, including Shakespeare's works and the writings of university scholars, displaying an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

In contrast, Mitchell struggled academically, failing in her studies and finding it challenging to grasp even the basics. This stark difference in their abilities sparked suspicion in the teacher's mind. She wondered if Clara truly was the biological child of the king and queen, considering the intelligence Clara exhibited at such a young age, comparable to that of her scholarly parents.

The teacher contemplated investigating the matter further but hesitated, fearing for Clara's safety if the truth were to be revealed, as the Royal Family had numerous enemies. The teacher instructed Clara to keep their meetings a secret from everyone, including the princess, to ensure her safety.

As their bond grew stronger, the teacher and Clara made a pinky promise, sealing their little secret together, knowing that they were the only ones aware of this clandestine arrangement. Clara respected her teacher deeply and didn't question the need for secrecy, maintaining their pact with genuine devotion and delight. Behind the facade of the enchanting studies, the teacher's thoughts harbored a sinister curiosity about the possible motives behind Clara's exceptional intelligence and origin, but for now, those motives remained hidden in the shadows.

n the shadowy halls of the mansion, a persistent rumor shrouded young Raven i

an air of mystery. No one knew the true fate of Claude after he had bitten the innocent boy. The enigmatic Head of the mansion, Knife, remained tight-lipped, and conflicting stories circulated among the residents. Some claimed that Claude had met his demise, while others whispered about his sudden transfer to an unknown city.

Amidst the swirling uncertainty, Raven, a mere 5-year-old, unwittingly became the center of attention. Both vampire and human servants feared the unknown consequences of being near him. They kept their children at a safe distance, avoiding any possible contact with the enigmatic child.

While the mansion buzzed with speculations, Sofia, Raven's mother, was preoccupied with preparing the Head's costume for the upcoming Eternal fair. This prestigious event took place only once every decade, and its custom demanded the utmost attention to detail. So consumed was she with her task that she failed to notice her son's isolation, his presence ignored and overlooked by the others.

In the dimly lit sewing room, Sofia's nimble fingers weaved delicate fabrics into an elaborate costume, unaware of the social turmoil her son was facing. The soft glow of candles provided the backdrop as she worked tirelessly, determined to impress the Head with her craftsmanship.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the mansion, little Raven wandered the halls, his small frame lost amidst the grandeur. He peered around corners, yearning for companionship, but the eerie silence around him was deafening. The other children, usually filled with laughter and play, avoided him like a dark secret.

In one of the opulent chambers, the enigmatic Head, Knife, sat behind a massive wooden desk, his face a mask of inscrutable emotions. A flickering candelabra added an air of mystique to the room, while a lone painting adorned the wall, depicting a long-forgotten ancestor. As he observed the mansion's inhabitants through the eyes of that painting, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness for the predicament that had befallen young Raven.

Yet, the Head's countenance remained stern, hiding a secret that weighed heavily on his shoulders. The revelation of Claude's fate could send shockwaves through the mansion and disrupt the delicate balance of power between vampires and humans.

As the days dragged on, the rumor mill churned, and Raven's presence became akin to an unsolved puzzle, leaving everyone perplexed and wary. The Head's silence only fueled the curiosity, his motives hidden behind a veneer of intrigue.

In the midst of the mansion's enigma, the Eternal fair loomed on the horizon, a rare event that promised excitement, festivities, and the revelation of hidden truths. Sofia's focus on the Head's costume was a testament to her dedication, unaware of the unfolding drama surrounding her young son, who yearned for understanding and acceptance in a world that seemed so distant and cold.

As the rumors reached the ears of the Head, his face displayed a mix of concern and frustration. He knew the consequences of such rumors spreading through the mansion and the potential chaos it could create. In a moment of exasperation, he stood up from his chair and began pacing around his desk, trying to process the situation.

"Is it possible that they've already discovered the truth about Claude?" he mused to himself, anxiety tightening his jaw.

Lost in thought, he absentmindedly knocked over a delicate antique on his desk. The sound of it hitting the floor made him flinch, and he clenched his fists in frustration. "I can't let this escalate any further," he muttered, a sense of responsibility pushing him to act.

With determination in his eyes, he stormed out of his office and into the grand hall where all the residents and staff had gathered. Heads turned to look at him as he entered, and an air of deference filled the room as they bowed their heads in respect.

Clearing his throat, the Head addressed the assembly. "Gather," he commanded in a firm yet measured tone. In an instant, the hall was filled with people, creating a sea of expectant faces.

"Rumors have a way of spreading like wildfire," he began, his voice carrying authority. "I want the truth about what happened to Claude and what led to Raven's situation."

A hushed silence enveloped the hall as the residents exchanged nervous glances, unsure of how to respond. One brave servant stepped forward, looking hesitant but resolute. "I can tell you, sir," she spoke, her voice quivering slightly.

The Head nodded, encouraging her to continue.

"Raven and Claude were playing near the courtyard," she recounted, "and it was just an accident. Claude lost control while playing, and in a moment of panic, he bit Raven. It was not Raven's fault; he did nothing wrong."

Whispers spread through the crowd as they absorbed the revelation. The Head's expression softened, showing a mix of relief and understanding. "Thank you for coming forward," he said, his tone gentler. "I'll make sure the truth is known and that we address this matter fairly."

With that, he dismissed the assembly, signaling that the gathering was over. The mansion buzzed with conversations, and a sense of relief washed over Raven, knowing that the truth had been revealed and that he was not to blame.

The Head's mind raced with plans to rectify the situation, vowing to ensure fairness and justice for both Raven and Claude. In the midst of the uncertainty, his determination to protect and maintain harmony within the mansion remained unwavering.

As Sofia rushed into the hall, exhaustion etched on her face, she scanned the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of her son. She noticed Raven peeking from behind a wall, his eyes filled with apprehension and fear. Her heart ached at the sight, knowing the pain he had endured in the mansion's unforgiving atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Raven hesitated to step forward, feeling a sense of dread that he would face rejection once again. He had learned to keep to himself, believing that if he stayed hidden, no one would dislike him further. The incident with Claude had been beyond his control, and yet, the blame was placed on his young shoulders.

However, his attempt to hide failed when the other children noticed him and decided to push him. As he fell to the ground near the stairs, a collective gasp echoed through the hall. Everyone took a step back, shocked by what had happened, but instead of showing concern, they directed accusing glares at the innocent boy.

Sofia's maternal instincts kicked in, and she hurried to her son's side, her voice laced with frustration and anger. "Why would you do this to him?" she demanded of the other children. "It's not Raven's fault! Stop blaming him for everything that goes wrong!"

The parents, trying to protect their own children, were quick to point fingers at Raven, but Sofia wouldn't stand for it. She fiercely defended her son, determined to shed light on the truth.

"Your children pushed him," she argued, her voice shaking with emotion. "He didn't cause the accident with Claude, and he doesn't deserve to be treated like an outcast!"

Her words resonated with some, and they began to realize the injustice that had been done. However, tensions ran high, and the blame game continued among the parents, each trying to deflect responsibility from their own children.

In the midst of the heated exchange, the Head returned to the hall, his presence commanding attention. His stern gaze silenced the arguments, and Sofia's eyes met with his, holding a mix of determination and vulnerability.

"Enough," he declared firmly, putting an end to the chaos. "We will address this situation fairly, and the truth will prevail. No more unjust accusations."

As the Head spoke, a sense of relief washed over Sofia, and she clutched Raven tightly, shielding him from the judgmental stares. She knew that she would fight fiercely for her son, no matter the challenges they faced in the mansion. And at that moment, Raven realized he wasn't alone; he had his mother's unwavering love and support, and that made all the difference.

The hall erupted into chaos as the arguments escalated, causing the atmosphere to become tense and overwhelming. The Head's patience wore thin, and his eyes turned cold, a sign that he had reached his limit. Stepping down from the stairs, his authoritative presence commanded silence, and everyone held their breath, realizing they had crossed a line.

In the midst of the chaos, Sofia stood her ground, refusing to be cowed by the commotion around her. When the Head addressed her, his voice resonated with power, and a shiver ran down her spine as their eyes met. But despite her fear, she couldn't back down from defending her son.

As the hall fell silent at the Head's command, Sofia swallowed her words, knowing that this wasn't the time or place for further arguments. She nodded in acknowledgment, her heart racing with a mix of emotions - fear, determination, and curiosity about the festival.

The announcement that both Sofia and Raven would be accompanying the Head to the Eternal festival in Manchester shocked everyone. Whispers spread like wildfire, and the Head's decision was met with curiosity and concern from the other residents.

One lady, feeling bold enough to question the Head's choice, asked, "Why are you taking her? She's just a servant."

The Head's glare silenced the room, and he responded with a tinge of anger, "You know better than to question my decisions. Sofia is not just a servant; she holds a crucial role in this mansion."

The lady, taken aback by the Head's sharp response, meekly apologized, realizing her mistake in challenging him.

As the crowd began to disperse, Sofia and Raven exchanged a bewildered look, trying to make sense of the unexpected invitation to the festival. The air was thick with uncertainty, and yet, they knew this was an opportunity they couldn't refuse.

With a mix of trepidation and excitement, Sofia and Raven prepared themselves for the journey ahead, unsure of what awaited them at the Eternal festival in Manchester. But in their hearts, they held on to hope, knowing that this might be a chance to change their fate and find a place where they truly belonged.

In the aftermath of the intense exchange, the lady who had questioned the Head's decision found herself taken aback by his response. His calm yet aggressive voice left no room for further protest, and the weight of his words settled heavily upon her. She fell silent, realizing the significance of Sofia's role and the importance she held in the Head's life.

The room remained hushed, and the silence spoke volumes, reflecting the tension and uncertainty that lingered in the air. Sofia, determined to stand her ground, raised her voice in defiance. "But if I am not ready to go with you," she said firmly, "then why should I be forced to attend the festival?"

The Head's cold reply was swift and cutting, leaving Sofia stunned. His words threatened to tear her away from her son, a thought she couldn't bear to entertain. She felt her heart tighten with fear and despair as she looked at the Head, torn between her love for Raven and her duty to the mansion.

As the weight of the situation bore down on Sofia, she felt a wave of emotions surge through her. The room seemed to fade away as she focused solely on her son, who had been hiding all along. Raven's innocent face glistened with tears, his emotions mirroring those of his mother.

Seeing her son in distress, Sofia couldn't hold back her emotions any longer. She brushed away her tears and asked him gently, "Are you hurt, my dear?"

Raven nodded in response, showing his scraped knee as evidence of the fall he had endured. Concern etched on Sofia's face, she immediately examined him further, making sure there were no other injuries. Her motherly instincts kicked in, and she felt a mix of protective love and sorrow for what he had endured.

With a tender touch, Sofia wiped away her son's tears, trying to provide him comfort amidst the turmoil. Raven's response touched her heart deeply, reminding her of the resilience and strength he possessed, even in the face of adversity.

"Here," he said, pointing to his heart, "now Raven is not hurt anymore."

His words melted Sofia's heart, and she pulled him close, enveloping him in a warm embrace. In that moment, she realized that her love for Raven surpassed any fear or challenge she faced. Their bond was unbreakable, and she vowed to protect him at all costs.

As the commotion subsided, the room seemed to come alive once more, but Sofia and Raven remained lost in their shared embrace. In this whirlwind of emotions, they found solace in each other, knowing that together, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the days went on, Clara kept learning from her teacher in secret. She learnt a lot of new things. One day as Clara was going to the Royal kitchen she heard the maids whisper to each other about something called fest. And the way they were talking made it sound like a fun place to be in. So Clara decided to ask the teacher about the fest in depth.

Clara asked the old lady in the kitchen for some food as she was hungry. So the old lady gave her pancakes to eat. Clara was happy and smed brightly as the pancakes were delicious.

Clara has started gaining weight after coming to the palace. Before she was really thin. She was malnourished due her mother's negligence.

But now that she got the three meals each day with some treats here and there. Her health seemed to have improved.

She even got a double chin. But she looked adorable. Even though nobody payed much attention to her, the old lady did pay her attention as when she first saw Clara she thought that the girl was pitiful as she noticed her her mother her. So she gave her some food from her share.

Clara was wearing the clothes that princess has rejected. Clara got everything that princess used. She never got anything new as her mother thought that it was waste of money to spend on a little child and they need to save for the future.

One day when Clara was going to play with print she saw her mother was talking sweetly with Mitchell (princess). Clara became sad instantly as her mother never talked to her so sweetly.

So disheartened Clara left from there and looked for her teacher. She was upset but the curiosity about the fest made her happy instantly.

"Ahh teacher i was looking for you," said Clara.

Oh but why we're you looking for me? Asked miss Lilian.

"Well, I wanted to know what is fest? Everyone is talking about it," Asked Clara with glittery eyes.

Fest is a place were people from all races come together adn enjoy themselves. They even have a trade fare. You must be wondering what is trade fare. Trade fare means to buy and sell things. A lot of merchants come to sell their goods.

Said miss Lilian.

So it is like a party? Asked Clara.

Yeah you can call it a party. There is a ball every decade. And this year the ball will be open.

And all the big figures will be coming to participate. It is a really important fest. And all the races come together with peace and harmony. No one can harm others. If anyone tries to do anything wierd Or try to spoil the fest, then that person gets cursed by the heaven. This fest was started to end the discrimination people do to the other race. And it is a place where they share their culture, tradition and their ideas. They discuss about political issues. They discuss literature which you like a lot.

So you can go and listen to the great scholars. They share their opinions.

There are beautiful dresses sold there, there are different food stalls which have delicious food st a reasonable price. There are many games to play there. And you get to meet new people.

So Clara do you want to go to the fest?

Asked miss Lilian.

Oh I surely do, but i do not have any clothes suitable for the occasion. So i will pass. Said Clara as she felt how poor she was that she did not have even one dress that she could wear on an important occasion.

"Oh don't worry about that, I will get you a pretty dress as a reward for your hardwork, " Miss Lilian said.

Really? You are the best said Clara.

But my mother will not like me taking a dress from you, said Clara as she felt disappointed.

"Oh don't worry about that, we will not tell her about the dress and i will keep the dress for you. And you can wear it again on any celebration that will happen in the palace and you will not have to hide yourself from anyone. Or feel like you are any less than others. You can enjoy yourself, " Miss Lilian said.

"Ok i am so happy, thank you miss," Said Clara.