
Vampire king and his key

In the dimly lit chambers of the ancient vampire kingdom, a mysterious figure emerged. His dark eyes glowed with malevolence as he addressed the assembled vampires. "I need this child," he declared, his voice commanding attention. "Only the child with the key on her back can grant us immeasurable power, making us invulnerable to sunlight and unstoppable in our quest for dominion." A vampire dared to question the prophecy, cautioning the leader about a potential hindrance. But the king of vampires, driven by ambition, dismissed it with anger, refusing to let anything stand in his way. The prophecy spoke of a unique being—a boy existing between vampire, human, and zombie. The very existence of such a being threatened the king's plans, and he vowed to eliminate any potential obstacle. "Enough with the prophecy!" the king growled, his voice dripping with malice. "If this 'door' ever crosses our path, I'll destroy him before he becomes a threat to my key." According to the prophecy, a girl would be born with the key, destined to assist vampires in their quest for global supremacy. However, there was also a warning about an existence that should never come to be—a force that could bring ruin to the vampire kingdom. As the room fell into an eerie silence, the king's sinister plan to secure the key and conquer the world began to take shape. Little did he know that destiny had already set its course, intertwining the lives of two unsuspecting souls—Ambrose Ravencroft Sanguisaffron and Clara Mitchell Milson—who would hold the key to unforeseen consequences and a fate beyond the darkness that surrounded them. In 18th-century Europe, fate entangles Ambrose Ravencroft Sanguisaffron, a vampire outcast longing for acceptance, and Clara Mitchell Milson, a disguised princess in servitude. As they uncover palace secrets, their paths unite in an unlikely alliance. Amidst conspiracies and forbidden love, they rewrite their destinies, challenging societal norms in pursuit of freedom and redemption.

Prosperity_forms · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Half Red and half black fate string

[Third point of view]

Raven strolled through the bustling festival, accompanied by Head Knife and his mother, Sofia. His eyes sparkled with anticipation as he took in the array of stalls adorned with twinkling lights. The aroma of mouthwatering food filled the air, stirring his appetite. Raven's gaze turned towards his mother, a hopeful grin forming on his face. "Can I get that one?" he asked, pointing to a stall offering sweet cuisine, specifically pan cake.

However, Head Knife's response was a stern refusal, causing disappointment to wash over Raven's features. His expression made it evident that another denial might bring tears to his eyes. Curious about the rejection, Raven contemplated asking the reason behind it. Yet, before he could voice his inquiry, Sofia intervened, positioning herself firmly in front of Head Knife. She locked eyes with him, her determination unwavering, as she asserted, "I'll use my own money to let him enjoy his meal. My lord, please don't dismiss this child's wish. I am his mother, and I intend to let him savour whatever delights him."

Knife gently closed his eyes before reopening them, his voice carrying a note of patience. "Sofia, perhaps you've overlooked our situation. I've mentioned before that this child is a vampire. Consuming food isn't a possibility for us," Head Knife explained, his stance unwavering. His words held the truth, as vampires like him were incapable of partaking in regular meals.

As for Raven, despite his youthful excitement, he shared the same limitations. His veins coursed with the vampire's essence, making the idea of indulging in human sustenance akin to attempting to dine on raw stones.

Sofia took a momentary pause, her tone measured. "You and I are aware that he hasn't shown any signs of being a vampire. It's possible that your assumption was incorrect, and he might share my nature," she said in a hushed voice, ensuring Raven remained oblivious to their conversation.

Head Knife's response held firm conviction. "Sofia, I've said it before, and I'll say it again: this boy is part of our kind. Learning our ways won't do him any harm," he asserted.

Sofia's voice edged with concern. "So, you want him to drink blood like you do? And to keep humans as slaves for sustenance?" she questioned, her worries laid bare.

"I don't want us to quarrel here," Knife said calmly, his gaze drifting around to the curious onlookers.

aware of the attention they were drawing. "Do as you wish, Sofia," he responded, a hint of frustration evident. Suddenly, Sofia's grip tightened on Raven's hand, and in an instant, she lost him amidst the bustling crowd.

Knife's gaze moved to a familiar face in the distance, prompting him to follow. However, amidst the sea of people, he lost sight of the person he was tailing. As he navigated through the crowd, his gaze settled on the other side of the lake. There, he spotted Sofia and Raven near a mage's stall. The mage executed a mesmerising trick, causing a lantern to soar into the sky, transforming into a breathtaking display of thousands of illuminated lights. Sofia and Raven turned, their eyes meeting Knife's gaze from across the water.

As the crowd streamed by Knife's side, a black thread encircling his ring finger connected him, almost mysteriously, to a black thread that stretched across the lake to Sofia's ring finger. The threads,half black and half red converged and intertwined, forming a bridge across the water.

"It truly is a marvel, Sofia," Knife whispered softly, his voice laced with an unusual vulnerability. "You and I, bound by fate, yet my side remains shrouded in darkness, devoid of affection or sentiment for you... Sofia." His confession hung in the air, heavy with unspoken emotions.

On the opposite side of the lake, Sofia's gaze met Knife's, just as it had during their first encounter. The present scene mirrored the past, stirring memories that clawed at her insides. Tears welled up and cascaded down her cheeks, each drop a testament to the pain she carried. Her trembling hand extended towards Knife, the distance between them was too long yet their eyes locked onto one another, carrying a mix of complex emotions.

"Knife," Sofia's voice was barely audible as she spoke, "do you ever recall our first meeting?" Her words carried a delicate weight, laden with memories.

"It was a decade ago, in that grand ballroom," she continued, her tone filled with a mix of nostalgia and emotion. "I couldn't tear my gaze away from your eyes, even for a moment. Yet, in that fleeting instant, I sensed that your heart was already spoken for, belonging to another."

Sofia's voice carried on as she recounted the enchanting scene from that long-ago night. "As the servant passed the red thread, and the priest of love and fate secured it around everyone's finger, a touch of magic seemed to fill the air. The threads came to life, seeking their dance partners. That's when my red thread met yours. But I found myself wondering why, at that very moment, why your thread was black as it looks now.

During that ballroom night, our dance intertwined, yet your gaze seemed to harbour emotions I knew I'd never fully comprehend in this lifetime. Sofia's thoughts swirled in her mind like leaves caught in a gust of wind. As Raven tugged at her gown, asking for permission to explore, she nodded, entrusting him to stay close to the stalls as he promised.

Knife's attention shifted elsewhere, and in the whirl of the crowd, he became absorbed in the sea of faces. Sofia wrestled with her emotions, her gaze locked on the stalls as she methodically scanned each one, her heart racing. However, her search turned frantic as she failed to spot Raven anywhere. Panic set in as she shouted his name repeatedly, her voice desperate and fearful, yet there was no sign of Raven, causing her distress to intensify.

"My child, Raven!" Sofia's voice trembled with fear and desperation as panic surged within her.