
Vampire Kin

There are currently two clans, witches and Vampires war-lasting generations. Elvyra a young witch who transmigrated two weeks before her death decides to embark a new path and become a vampire Kin brooking taboos lasting generations. However, will she be able to manage and survive in a world of witches and vampires on rampage?

AnaMariaD · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 21 - Behind the Baron -

Baron Philips was a fool, but this time he crossed the line! Because of that request, Riccardo was shocked and had no words to describe how impudent it was.

Riccardo could not believe his ears. He had to find a way to deal with Baron Philips before he caused more damage. He had to act fast. Riccardo thought to himself, "This Baron Philips needs to be taken down a notch, and I know just the thing to do it!" He pulled out a large sign that said "Baron Philips: Knee-High and No Higher!"

His Lord stood there looking at him like the other people in that room, and then he laughed. At that sight, everyone froze. His Highness was laughing, there was no such a thing before, and they did not know how to confront that.

"Baron," said the Lord turning serious, "I think I heard something" All people sensed some kind of danger in the air; the Lord seemed to be very pissed off this time. His eyes were blazing with fury and his face was red with anger. As his jaw was set firm his fists clenched tightly. It was clear that he was very angry.

He trembled in fear when something caught his attention. A strange shadow lurked in the room. It was she. She explored the castle in the shadow. It was strange but thinking about her helped him calm down.

All of the people were in a state of confusion; he never took down his rage like that. He finally realized that her presence comforted him, and he could trust her. When he took a breath, they all felt a sense of relief that he was no longer in distress.

Upon hearing, the words "Get out!" the whole room flew out in an instant, but the baron, was still there, a fool at it.

As the baron stood alone, he became aware of a heavy weight of shame that lifted from his shoulders. He thought to himself, "Finally, some peace! Now I can sit here and enjoy my drink without anyone bothering me!" However, it was wrong, his Lord was in a bad mood, he stayed calm just because the shadow was looking at him and he did not want to make a bad impression on the woman. He knew he had to leave, but he was scared of the consequences if he acted too hastily. He glanced at Riccardo and saw displeasure in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he bowed his head and walked away.

"My Lord, he finally had a wise choice," said Riccardo sighing

"It seems so" The Lord smiled strangely at that, view Riccardo noticed the shadow on the wall, and at that moment it disappeared quickly "My Lord, I'm sorry if I'm impertinent but do you trust that woman?" he asked confidently.

Seeing Riccardo's concern about his well-being and his cautious nature, he told him, "You can keep an eye open so nothing will go wrong" to reassure him. Riccardo nodded and the lord smiled. He knew that Riccardo was a loyal friend and that he would do his best to keep him safe. The Lord put a hand on Riccardo's shoulder and said, "You have my trust."

Things could get difficult anytime but he was confident that Elvyra was worth his belief. He did not explain to himself why but he felt he could trust her. He felt a connection to her, something that he could not quite explain, that assured him that she was trustworthy.




Once back in his carriage, the baron was quite agitated. He started to sweat profoundly and showed a nervous state. "God dammit, I was so close," he muttered in a low tone to himself.

"Baron Philips," that voice sounded from his carriage, and he knew the only person inside was the one he did not want to see.

"What a pleasure Marquise Achillea," she said with a smile of courtesy.

As the Marquise stared at him with his cold eyes, he continued, "Get in!" The baron immediately entered the carriage.

The carriage started to move right away and the Baron got on it. He had no idea where the Marquise was taking him, but he knew he had no choice. He had to go along with what the Marquise said. He was scared of what would happen next. As the carriage began to move, the Baron felt a chill run down his spine. He was unsure of what the future had in store for him. All he could do was sit back and hope for the best. Little did he know he was in for the ride of his life...literally!

The silence was heavy to handle, but he knew that if he opened his mouth on that occasion it would be the last time that he would speak.

The Marquise already knew everything, the baron had everything written on his face; the plan was ruined.

"I had already spoken with him, but he did not reply, you know how he behaves, it is not easy to gain his confidence, but he did not publicly oppose the idea," the baron was muttering to escape from that situation.

"I guess you have a backup plan," said the marquise, he was right, even if the Baron failed, and he always had a backup plan.

"Certainly, your grace!" quickly answered the Baron.

The marquis became suddenly silent while glaring at the Baron. "Stop the carriage," he said to the coachman who immediately stopped the carriage. "Do not make me wait for too long," said before getting down.

Suddenly the door shut behind him, and the door slowly began to move again, the Baron was sitting there immobile on the seat, trying to catch his breath, and knew that there was only one more chance for him to get back. Little did he know, this was going to be a wild ride like no other... and he had better hang on tight! His life online.



The knight opened the carriage door and after the Marquise got on, he asked, "Is he trustworthy?"

The marquise looked at him with his usually cold gaze. "Keep an eye on him," he said.

"I will follow your instructions." He closed the door as he bowed his head.