
Realizing I'm not Human

When I Woke up I was 21.....and not at quite like the doctors said....

Ella(Elf)- oh your finally awake?

Johnie- yes...how long was I out?

Ella- seven years!!

Johnie - I was asleep since I was fourteen years old!!!!!!

The air became timid as Johnie raised his voice!! And Ella realized that she would have too calm him down..

Ella- please sir.... remain calm!!! The air is getting harder too breath!!!

Johnie- sorry!!(waves his hand and the air goes back too normal)

Ella- how?

Johnie- I'm not sure...I just know you are an elf and my self...I may look human but I am not....and I have mastery over my Magic

Not realizing it Johnie also has the power too create anything with infinite mana and infinite creations..

Johnie- I also know there's a beautiful lady down the hall who is dying of an unknown disease...

Ella- how did you know that?

Johnie- I heard it when you all was talking!!

Johnie waves his hand and hands a medicine too Ella...

Johnie- give this medicine to her....and wait two hours and she'll be fully awake and recovered...go give that too her now...rather yet I'll give her the medicine myself...

Johnie gets out of bed and walks down the hall and enters the room with the patient who has an unknown disease..and Johnie gives her his medicine and miraculously she wakes twenty minutes later fully healed and recovered..

Johnie- well it seems like my medicine was extremely potent and Extremely Effective for her!!

Emily- uhh.....thank you sir...

Johnie- no problem ma'am

Nurse- sir how did your medicine heal her!?!?

Johnie - that disease was well known back then.....I saved millions of lives with that very same Medicine.... I won't tell you what it was or how too create it..... because it's pointless....those herbs went extinct 300 years ago

Nurse- but sir..... how would you know?...you look young!!!

Johnie- I'm way older than you think!!!

Johnie waves his hand and makes the empty vial disappear

Nurse- wait....your a patient as well!!!!

Johnie - not anymore!!!!.... where's my clothes at!!!!

Nurse- those expensive clothes are in the masters room

Johnie - what are my clothes doing there?!?!?!?

Nurse- there so ancient.....he wanted too study them and see what Era they came from....

Johnie - why not ask the source?!?!?

Nurse- we didn't think you was ever gonna wake up!!

Johnie- I'm going too get my clothes back...if he won't hand over my clothes willingly.....I will force him...

Nurse-(oh dear....his aura is seaping out of his body again!!!)

Nurse- uhh...uhh...uh.....uh....uh....sir can you please control your Aura..... it's kinda hard for us too breathe and stand..

Johnie- sorry... I'm use too it...back in the day....I could let my Aura out and no one would pay attention to me...

Nurse- how strong was people back then???!!?!?!?!?!?!?

Johnie- they was no where near as strong as me...but in your terms...they were as strong as humans could get...

Johnie leaves and goes too the Masters room...and enters

Master Rei- who are you?

Johnie- I've come too take my clothes back...that you stole!!

Master Rei- there's no way.....these clothes are older than time its self .....

Johnie- it's either I get my clothes back willingly or they'll have one less master here...your pick?!?!

Master Rei- if these are your clothes that means you was around when humans was born....

Master Rei- I have so many Questions...

Master Rei hands Johnie back his Expensive Clothing

Master Rei- your clothes look like they came from the Future

Johnie- technically I brought someone back too me.....too make me this suit.....she is long dead.....but she enjoyed spending time with me...even though she knew what I was.....she didn't care .....she wondered why I didn't age.....until one day she asked me about it...and I told her....she didn't want too live forever.....she said lifeand Death is a blessing....I thought about that moment before ...when she was happy and i seen her future and she said she was glad she meet me.... because now she could die knowing that someone cared about her...

Master Rei- (sobs) (sobs) (sobs) that was really sad at the end

Johnie- yes.....but I must be going now

Nurse- you half too sign discharge papers sir!!

Johnie - really!!! You expect me too sign a piece of paper.....back then ....there was only healers that traveled with a party of five or six people.... We didn't have hospitals at all.....and you try keeping my clothes.......answer me this!!!

Nurse-what's that?sir

Johnie-give me one good reason why I shouldn't destroy this building?

Little girl- because there's sick kids here and adults...

Nurse-little girl you need to go back and rest!!!

Assistant Director- sir you will sign these papers or you will not leave!!!!

Johnie- no one in the world can hold me!!! What makes you think you can?

Assistant Director - because these security guys are at the Master Rank!!!

Johnie- you have no idea what I'm capable of!!! And you wanna send puny humans too try too keep me!!! Keep dreaming!!!!!

Assistant Director - security restrain this guy!!!

Security - yes sir

The Security goes the rush forward

Master Rei- hold it!!!

Security - yes sir!!

Assistant Director - but sir

Master Rei- this man has the Power too Eliminate us All if he wished... Let him be ... Remove everything relating to him from our database emediately!!!

Assistant Director - yes sir!!!

Johnie- humans are so stupid now days!!!.... thinking they can take me down !!!!!

Johnie-(hmm? I have abilities from the animals I ate?)(water, lightning, thunder, weather Manipulation, mind control, flying, super Extreme speed, Extra: Control over the target no matter the Level, create artifacts:♾️)

Johnie- hmm

Master Rei- something wrong sir?

Johnie- here Rei (create a God Level Ring of GodHood)(ring Successfully created)

Johnie motions his hand and a ring appears

Master Rei-what kinda ring is this?

Johnie- this ring will make you a God.. once you put it on....the ring will disappear and you'll be a God..... That's a reward for helping me....

Master Rei- this artifact is too precious I can't accept this!!!!

Johnie-I insist Rei

Lilly- (knock,knock,knock) sir (enters the room as Rei puts on the ring)

Rei starts too glow and turns into a God and the ring disappears

Rei- why did the ring disappear?

Johnie- it was only made for that purpose alone ....I know you have over one hundred and eighty seven enemies out there....now you'll never die by them.....you have the power too wipe them from existence or catch them ...

Master Rei-if they try too kill me then it's fair game.....

Johnie- only stipulation I have is.....you mustn't tell anyone how you got so strong.... That includes the young lady behind you as well....

Lilly- yes sir!!!!