
Vampire Family System

Lucky_Punch · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A Panda!

Then, as Sanguiz's gaze wandered, it was met by the sight of a creature that emanated a familiar color.

It was a creature he had never encountered in this world before, or had he encountered it as a vampire in this fictional realm.

Perhaps because Sanguiz had never ventured beyond the noble territory.

However, with a surge of recollection from his memories on Earth, Sanguiz recognized the creature standing before him.

"A panda?"

Sanguiz mumbled, his eyes fixed upon the distinctive appearance of the creature.

It bore a striking resemblance to pandas, well-known for their black and white markings.

Its rotund body, stocky legs, and broad shoulders mirrored those of pandas.

The round face exhibited black patches around its eyes, ears, and body, while the rest of its fur gleamed in a pristine white hue.

The creature's size was formidable, much like that of an adult panda.

Sanguiz recollected that Adult pandas could weigh anywhere between two hundred and twenty to three hundred and thirty pounds, and they could reach a height of about four to six feet when standing on all fours.

This creature shared those proportions, evoking a sense of awe in Sanguiz.

However, as Sanguiz observed the panda before him, their eyes locked in a moment of connection, he sensed a subtle shift in the air.

There was an undertone of curiosity emanating from the panda's gaze, but something felt amiss to Sanguiz.

His eyes darted toward the object the panda held, and his focus honed in on the crimson hue beside the creature's mouth.

A question escaped his lips, laden with concern.

"Is it eating meat?"

Pandas were known to be herbivores, predominantly consuming bamboo.

Their specialized digestive system allowed them to process the fibrous plant material efficiently. However, they occasionally diversified their diet with other vegetation, fruits, and even small animals.

The panda's behavior in front of Sanguiz might be contradictory to its species' characteristic traits.

Pandas were generally regarded as gentle and docile beings, spending most of their time foraging and resting in solitary fashion.

They possessed remarkable climbing skills, effortlessly spending hours in the embrace of trees.

Nevertheless, it was essential for Sanguiz to remember that pandas belonged to the bear family—a fact he had yet to comprehend fully in this mysterious dimension to which the system had transported him.

Thus, caution gripped Sanguiz's heart.

The uncertainty of the panda's intentions, especially with its peculiar choice of sustenance, urged him to exercise vigilance.

Slowly, he took a step backward, his movements deliberate and measured.

"What action will this panda take?"

He tried to know its stance, it was imperative for him to gauge the true nature of the panda.

If it proved to be an herbivore, Sanguiz could easily make his escape and not bother it.

However, if it revealed itself to be otherwise, a battle might be inevitable.

As Sanguiz gingerly stepped backward, an instinctive wave of fear surged through him, causing his hair to stand on end.

The panda, in an unexpected turn, abandoned the meat it had been clutching.


Sanguiz 'eyes widened and he gulped in the panda's action.

Sensing the shift in the air, he made a resolute decision to remain motionless.

In the presence of a bear, it was widely advised against running or making sudden movements, as such actions had the potential to awaken the bear's primal chase instinct and incite an attack.

Bears, with their astounding swiftness, easily outpaced humans, rendering any attempt at escape futile.

Sanguiz knew that fleeing could inadvertently intensify the situation, leading the bear to perceive Sanguiz as prey.

Even if he's a vampire now, it's the same thing, he's just a vampire slave, not a high ranking one.

"Listen to me, my body, listen to me."

Should Sanguiz give in to the impulse to flee, the bear might regard him as a target to be relentlessly pursued.

Alternatively, his movements, however unintentional, could be misconstrued as a threat, eliciting a defensive reaction from the panda

The bear's likelihood of launching an attack increased when it felt threatened or confined, particularly if there were cubs in the vicinity.

"You are calm, you are calm."

Beads of sweat formed on Sanguiz's forehead as his gaze remained locked with the panda, both of them acutely aware of each other's presence.

The atmosphere was tense, and the scent of anticipation lingered in the air.

Suddenly, a sharp creaking sound pierced through the silence, originating from a nearby bamboo branch.



The branch began to twitch erratically, creating a disconcerting noise that startled both Sanguiz and the panda.

Reacting instinctively to the unexpected disturbance, Sanguiz swiftly drew his sword from its sheath, assuming a defensive stance with his weapon pointed towards the panda.

However, almost immediately, a wave of realization washed over him, and he cursed under his breath.

"Damn it!"

He had acted hastily, failing to consider the potential consequences of his actions.

The panda, seemingly transformed by the startling noise and Sanguiz's defensive stance, underwent a dramatic metamorphosis.

What was once a cute and seemingly gentle creature now revealed a horrifying visage.

Its fur stood on end, a mixture of black and white forming a stark contrast. Its face contorted with rage, and astonishingly, it rose up on its hind legs, assuming a bipedal stance.


That shrill voice made the panic coursed through Sanguiz's veins, his heart pounding wildly in his chest.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

He repeated, his mind racing to comprehend the unfolding situation.

In his state of distress, an unexpected transformation occurred.

A blood-red aura enveloped Sanguiz, starting from his chest and spreading to his stomach, limbs, head, and finally coating his sword.

The ominous aura seemed to emanate power, shrouding him in an aura of unknown origin and purpose.

Despite the mysterious aura that had enveloped him, Sanguiz's focus remained fixed on the panda.


However, to his astonishment, in the blink of an eye, the panda didn't seem to care or sensed that he coated himself with a magical aura as it vanished into thin air, as if by some magical means.

Whether it had moved swiftly or employed teleportation, Sanguiz couldn't discern.

However, before he could fully process the situation, he sensed a presence above him—a massive hand hurtling through the air, aimed directly at him.

Drawing upon his extensive training as a knight in the rugged territories, Sanguiz's instincts took over.

Reacting swiftly, he raised his sword, not with the intention to strike, but to defend against the impending slap from the panda.

He ensured that his sword was still enshrouded in the blood-red aura, which seemed to imbue it with an unknown power.

Yet, the impact was devastating.


With that resounding bang, Sanguiz's body was unable to withstand the force of the blow.

The panda's paw collided forcefully with his chest, and the flat of the sword pressed against him.

The combined force sent him hurtling through the air, his body propelled like a baseball bat, carving a path through the tall, blade-like grasses that surrounded them.

After a few moments, the panda, having observed the path carved by Sanguiz's flight, made a decision to follow him.

It stood at the edge of the carved way, gazing at the distance with an air of satisfaction.

Suddenly, with a burst of energy, the panda leaped into the air, executing a series of joyful jumps and playful dances.

Rara Rara Rara!

Its movements seemed to convey a sense of celebration, as if reveling in the act of sending Sanguiz soaring through the air.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Sanguiz lay bloodied in the center of a patch of grass. His ears, nose, eyes, and mouth were filled with blood as he stared blankly at the sky.

"What kind of attack was that?"

He muttered, blood choking his words intermittently.

The technique he had just used, known as the blood coat, was a secret in the novel that was supposed to be discovered in the future.

No vampires currently possessed this knowledge, and Sanguiz had spent years trying to learn it.

"My blood coat was supposed to distribute the pain evenly throughout my body, reducing the impact of the attack."

Sanguiz thought to himself, his mind filled with despair.

"And with the blood coat, my magical power should have been strengthened by four. How could such a simple swipe from that damn panda be so powerful?"

As he gazed at the beautiful sky above, Sanguiz couldn't help but ask himself.

"Am I really going to die?"

Tears mixed with blood began to stream from his eyes, their glistening drops falling to the ground behind him, nourishing the soil.

"Is this how it ends for me?"

Sanguiz questioned himself once again.

Then his thoughts turned to the system that suddenly appeared in his existence, only today.

In his current weakened state, he lacked the energy to move or feel anger, but he couldn't help but feel frustration towards the system.

"What kind of system would harm its host?"

Despite sensing the danger earli

er, Sanguiz still couldn't comprehend the nature of this system.

It had sent him to his death, a really one of a kind system.

Suddenly, his body was pulled, leaving only a trail of blood.