
Vampire and Ware Wolf

This story is about the rivalry going on since thousand of years between a Vampire and a Werewolf. What will be the consequences when both of them had to team up to fight a common enemy ?

Shafaq_Qaiser · Fantasy
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7 Chs

In the hell

Soon after the Court meeting was over , both the Vampire and the Ware Wolf were sent to the hell for their punishment.

At the gate of hell , they heard a loud voice which said, " As your punishment given by the Magical Court of Justice you both have to spend one day in hell. During this period , you will have to face three different challenges and the most important thing is that you will feel all the pain and misery here , but you cannot die. One more thing you both have to complete each challenge together otherwise none of you would be able to get out of the hell.Your punishment will start as soon as you get this message. "

The voice disappeared after conveying the message.They both frowned at each and then started to cross the broken bridge made of wood ahead them. As soon as they took this first step on the bridge , arrows from each and every direction start attacking them. They started to dodge the arrows and walked slowly slowly to the end of bridge. After about an hour when they reached the end of the bridge , they were almost completely covered in blood. They were badly injured but they do not stop and keep moving. After walking some distance , they reached a place where there were a lot of creepers. As they start walking further , the creepers started to trap them in their stems. After a lot of effort , the Vampire managed to free himslf from the creeper's trap and picked a sharp tree branch to cut the creepers stems. First of all he released the Ware Wolf , helplessly. Then he gave him a tree branch similar to his , to fight against the creepers. They started to cut out the creepers and defend themselves. After a long fight and ton of efforts they finally got victory.

Finally , they reached the destination where the last challenge was awaiting. There lied a huge ice mountain which they have to climb to get out of the hell. They took a deep and breath and without wasting any time they started to climb the mountain. With great effort and power they finally climbed over the mountain and reached the gate to the dispersal of hell. Then again a voice came and said, " Congratulations ! You have completed all the challenges together with great effort and bravery. Your punishment is over and you are now free to get out from the hell. "

They gave each other a death glare and then turned around to look over the challenges they faced during the time being. Then they take a step at the gate and disappeared into a light.