
Vampire and Slime Back in Time [Tensura: Rimuru x Luminous]

While fighting with Chronoa, Rimuru asks Luminous to hold her down as he has figured out how to stop her rampage. while Luminas held Chronoa down, Rimuru, or more accurately, Raphael, started to entire her consciousness. but a fatal error happens, which leads both Remuru and Luminous to go back in time and in a state weaker than they were. Note: This is my fanfic which is originally on Wattpad. It's still there, and it will be uploaded there before here (a few minutes difference at most). I would probably be more active there, but I will still be active as all heck! I do not own any of the characters (unless I make an OC) ok, so this's basically a Rimuru x Luminous story. with a lot of wholesomeness. I wanted one, but I couldn't find any good ones, so I chose to do it myself. unlike just about every other 'Rimuru goes back in time' fanfic (actually most tensura fanfics, even the nontime travel ones), where Rimuru is hella strong and is a god. or that he went to another world and is almost at top of the power chain (most other world ones are after the end or after he became demon lord) this one would have both Rimuru and Luminous very weak, like way weaker than in the original. aka they are hardcore. and despite me wanting wholesome, it will be hella dark, compared to most other ones at least. why? cuz my mind is too fucked to make a wholesome thing. there must be pain and suffering. so deal with it.

M_Swedgy · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Ch5 | Teasing and digging.

A.N/ Hello my fellow normies! I have a few things to say.

so... [Procrastination Lord: M] was working real hard paradoxically enough (which make sense since I'm a paradox) and am so impassionate that am forcing my self to write these chapters, cuz I would have just stopped otherwise.

another thing: should I make the other fanfic that I talked about at last chapter's end A.N/

the self insert comedy one, where I, the Author, gets reincarnated. it's nothing new, but I can make a somewhat good plot, plus it's more comedy than anything else. example joke, go to the moon just to huge it cuz no one asks how is the moon (it's this bad because it's out of context)



After killing that snake, I saved Luminous and went unconscious. when I woke up, I felt that I was being hugged. and smooth, small hands caressing me. 'this... feels very comforting...' my half-sleeping mind wondered off in bliss for a moment before I fully woke up.

"uhh.... G-Good morning Luminous.... wh-what are you doing right now." I said to the radiating beauty that was rubbing her face on me. 'pleas don't stop..' I thought before I invisibly blushed 'having no blood is Amazing!'

A.N/ it was around 2-3 years ago that I read the LN so am not sure how Rimuru commented on girls like Luminous and Hinata in his mind. but I remember him being almost flirtatious in describing them to the readers. is this correct or am I just high?

then she -to my disappointment- got up

"U-mmm... I-I felt very cold, so I hu-hugged you to warm up" then she averted her eyes (is this the correct term?) and... blushed?

'Wait!! did she just blush while averting her face?... Nononono! it's just my imagination! yeah.. that's it, just my imagination. Luminous always teases me, so it can't be possible that she's blushing!'

I felt very awkward so I tried to change the subject, and reminded Luminous of the reason why we fought the snake: so that Luminous could eat it.

I jumped of Luminous's arms and started cutting the snake into square slices before she said that she felt cold. then I looked at her, shivering... 'yeah, her cloths are ripped and she's barely covered. she would obviously feel cold'

so I went back into her arms, then we took a look at the snake. it had some rotten parts, but it was mostly fine. then asked her to make some fire.... then she said she don't know how.

she explained how due to her being born as a higher being, she just did magic instinctively so she didn't know how to consciously control it. and also because of her high status, she didn't know how to light up fire.

'I guess it make sense. it's similar as to how kids born in rich families don't know how to clean and sort out their bedrooms'

so, we had to eat the snake raw. I sliced it and Luminous -on her own- started to peel off the scales. after we ate, well... I more of absorbed than ate, but you get my point. I absorbed the scales which Luminous put aside.

'Great sage, can you use these scales to make better cloths for Luminous?'

<<Yes Master, but there are other things that I should report to you. do you want to hear them?>>


<<after Master have absorbed the [blind cave snake] (am bad with names so deal with it) Master acquired the intrinsic skills [Vibration Sense] and [Enhanced Hearing] and got more powerful as a result of the Magicule that got consumed. so my calculating capabilities improved as will! a side effect of that is am better at synthesizing>>

'Ohh! Great job Great sage! as reliable as always!'

<<fufufuf~~ praise me more Master~~>>

'yes, I could have never survived without you, now or before. so you can get as much praise as you want!' (idk about you, but praise addict ciel plus a praise giving Rimuru is cute to me)

before I could continue showering Great sage with praise, I got picked by soft, cold hands. I got hugged by Luminous again. 'I guess she's really cold...' then I spat out the cloth that Great sage made for Luminous.

they were way better than before, despite barely looking like actual cloth. she complained about them but both me and Great sage explained to her why this is the best we could make right now. plus she got introduced to Great sage.

wanting to change the subject from how she doesn't know how to use magic, she tried to learn [Water Blade]. at first, she tried to move the water using magic, but that didn't work. so I advised her to move the water with her hands

after a few tries, Great sage advised her to use her imagination to manipulate both water and Magicules. she failed on her first three tires, but on the forth, she looked very angry for a moment before shooting a [Water Blade]

'it took her only four tries huh... I wonder why she looked angry.' she then left the pond and grabbed the cloths on the ground and started changing.

when she was changing, she said something. what she said attacked me harder than when I got stabbed before reincarnating. what she said was..

"I hope you aren't watching me. I still remember how much you wanted to see me naked in the hot springs before..." 'AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!' I screamed in internal embarrassment. 'she attacked me in my weak spot when I was least prepared!'

'No! I can't just let her tease me and have her way! I must have my pride as a man and counter attack!'

"Wh-What c-can I do? you look s-s-so cute! I co-couldn't resist!" 'AAHH!! brain! was that the best you could come up with??!' I fumbled, rotated, and lastly, melted in place. I was blushing so much that my aqua blue body is had a pink spot and almost started to steam!

the good thing is, I won! or so I thought...

"W-well. Y-You lo-look a-a-adorable as well, s-so I wo-won't mind it m-much... a-as l-l-long as you let m-me hold you!"

she said while stuttering, in a higher pitch than usual. her voice transcended just being cute. I saw her face, red from blushing in embarrassment. her eyes glowing made the magiules dance in front them, let alone her radiating sliver hair which give her an ethereal charm.

her words, her sound, rang in my head. that sound, that ring, pierced through every barrier to my soul. reaching the core of my existence. blossoming greater than any cherry blossom at the peak of spring.

'I... lost..' I said that to my self. I couldn't counter her, I can't win. so I accepted the truth that I lost to her, and that she won.

A.N/ Don't aske why Rimuru/Me are being a romantic poet thing right now. and I may or may not be high on water as of right now.


'AAAHHH! what did I just way!! I feel like my face is burning! I can't believe I said what I said right now!'

'ahh.... I fucked up... or did I?'

my heart got pumping at the thought, I didn't even know what I thought or what was the meaning of it.

'Ah! I got it! I could use this to my advantage to tease Rimuru even more about having a crush on me! right... I must use everything to my advantage!'

as I thought of that, my heart started to calm down. I thought it was because excitement about how I could tease him that my heart was pumping. but it looks to be not.

"wh-why ar-are you s-si-silent? d-did y-you per-erhaps f-f-fall in l-l-l-oo-love with me?"


she said that to, probably trying to tease me. but I already knew the answer. my mind, soul, and body knew the answer. I said it with no hesitation or stuttering.


<<I ship you Master!>> said a voice that I didn't hear.

she flinched in surprise. 'what could she be so surprised about that she would flinch? wait.. why is she steaming of her head right now? could be because of what I sa-' at that moment I snapped out and noticed what I said.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I jumped then started digging the ground. 'I don't want to exist anymore!!'

I started 'digging' which is actually just me absorbing the ground. but I started to manipulate the magicules in the ground so I could move it and eat it faster.

[Skill Ac-] 'I don't care!!' I mentally screamed before I started to cry wishing to revert time and say nothing, ignoring VOTW.

I suddenly accelerated, but I didn't notice. I just kept going deeper and deeper.


A.N/ ok I'm sorry that it got even shorter, just around a 1100 word. but as I said at the beginning, am forcing my self to write and my brain is empty of ideas. why?

1: the other story that I told you about keep filling my mind.

2: playing witcher 3 so am not daydreaming as much, hence less ideas for the story. and even if I daydreamed, it would be either about 'Chaos Through Worlds' (a story I will publish when I get good at writing and drawing/get back into writing it) or the other fanfic that is on my mind.

just about everything in this chapter was made on the spot. that's why the beginning of Rimuru's POV was done quickly, because I wanted to get into the meat of the chapter. but I only thought about Luminous using what she said.

how is she gonna use it? no clue! I made it on the spot. and I made things move too fast because I had no other ideas, so sorry for that. I will deal with it somehow, because I don't want their love confession right now, I need it way later.

how much latter? dunno. but am sure that it's not before wulprigis or whatever.

next chapter will be an actual grinding and in Rimuru's POV.