
Chapter I: The Hunter Arrives


"Aahhhh!!!" "I don't want to leave!!!Noooo!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I am being dragged along the floor by the hunter.

This hunter barged on my room destroying the door and casted a restriction spell on me. In my defenseless and constricted state, she forcefully gripped my hand, bled it with a knife and put my hand on a piece of paper. Forcefully making a contract with me (using a slave scroll) and sealed me.

Hi, I'm a vampire. And this hunter whom I've just met is a girl. A girl that acts in a way that doesn't match her age.

After being dragged from the second floor to the stairs where I receive bruises of each kind in the face, we came across the kitchen. Looking out from inside the box where I'm trapped in, I witness my mother limp on the floor laid facing down in a pool of blood.

"Mother!!" I thought for a moment that this girl killed my mother. But I noticed the bottle of ketchup near my mother after being slid past her.

I stared blankly, wait… I thought vampires don't bleed and I heard a slight mumble saying "Good Luck".

"Aaahhhh!!!NOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed as I am dragged outside our house.

Oh, by the way, no matter how much I scream they won't hear me. This box prevents voices from reaching the outside world. Please send help.

After moving out from the house and into the carriage, I observed the exterior and interior of the carriage but just for a moment before I go back to complaining.

I struggled and made movements inside the sealed space. Squirming and moving about didn't change anything, I complained to be let out of the box "Let me out!!! Goddamnit!!".

"Okay then." A direct response from the little girl (hunter).

("This girl…is not so bad.") I thought. But I had other plans in life.

"A chance to escape!" I used the chance to ready myself.

She then unsealed me on broad daylight, outside the carriage.

"Aaaahhh!!!" I screamed. "The sun is killing me!! The sun is –aaah!!"

I know that I have resistance towards sunlight but this is a different kind of sunlight, it is a kind of sunlight that kills vampires. It's midday and the sun is directly above all trees and all buildings. An unobstructed beam of direct sunlight.

"Vampires shouldn't come out, it's broad daylight" said bluntly by the little girl(hunter).

"LITTLE GIRRLL!!" I screamed as I charge towards her.


And I was resealed again inside the box.


Various numbers of citizens kept on walking inside the town, vendors selling their goods on people passing by, tailor shops weaving their threads into clothing, blacksmiths forging weapons and refining armors and guards patrolling the city.

While I am inside the sealed box I used the opportunity to use my ears to determine my current location. I could hear noises, people; it could be a marketplace or a busy town. Seconds after my ears pick up many, many…many footsteps.

My ears are being rattled because the box is close to the ground. I used the skill Silencio to block the entry of noise. I also used this skill on that one time when there is a church being built near our house that produces disturbing sounds.

("Hey, when I get out of this box, I'm going to—aaahh!!")

The little girl(hunter) gripped the string attached to the box and began to spin the box at a clockwise manner. Slowly spinning and gradually attaining super speed.

The maid accompanying us in the carriage had a concerned expression and asked the princess, "Please stop spinning that, Master. Vampires are known to be immortal beings and they can curse you right down to your deathbed" in a worrisome voice. She really had deep concern for this young lady.

The little girl (hunter) decreased the spinning motion and says, "As if, this guy wouldn't even hurt a human."

("Damn you LITTLE GIRL!! Talking as if you know me. Let's see about tha--woo") said by the vampire.

The girl continues to spin the box, increasing the force.

("Aaaahh!!!") I feel like I will throw up my brunch (breakfast and lunch) anytime now.

"Please stop that, you're hurting him, Master" said by the maid as she held tightly on the box, halting the spinning motion.

"What's this?" The little girl(hunter) stared at the maid.

(*trying hard not to puke)I'm glad it stopped.

"Are you resisting your own Master?" said by the little girl (hunter) as she tightens her grip on the string of the box.

"No, that's not it. I'm just worried about your own safety, Master." The maid held the box with both hands.

"What if the curse takes effect and hurts you. That's all." said worryingly by the maid.

She looked at the box held by the maid. The little girl (hunter) said nonchalantly, "Fine then. Take care of it." The little girl loosens her grip on the string of the box.

"Also, buy these ingredients in the marketplace." added by the little girl (hunter) as she hands over a piece of paper, within the contents of the list is the ingredients for dinner.

"Yes, Gladly, Master" replied by the maid as she accepts the list.

("Thank you very much, lady that I don't know. I am deeply grateful to you. When I get out of this box, I'll give you one of my books from my golden collection.") tears dropping in his face said by the vampire.


Noises coming from the vendors fetching for customers, adventurers entering and going out of a tavern, little kids running and playing along the side of the road, bringing In the lively atmosphere of the busy marketplace.

She (the maid) and I had a great time walking around and browsing over the merchandise at each stands. We bought a bulb of garlic, wood plates for a dog house and clothing for going out to the beach. The list given by the little girl (hunter) are cleared off one by one as we bought the ingredients and we took time to ourselves and bought wonderful for each other. We walked out of the marketplace, holding hands and on a beach. On the sea side, the afternoon Sun departs from the sky. We kissed as the sun sets covering the sky with a serene light.

(That would've happened if I weren't trapped in the first place. Aaaahh!!!)

The sealed vampire moved about inside the box causing it to rattle on and on until the maid noticed.

"I'm sorry, Vampire-san Please, just wait until we get to the palace" said by the maid, reassuring his pleasant trip.

("What is this pain I'm feeling" "It feels like…") The vampire felt a certain emotion stirring up inside him at the words told by the maid.

The box became silent and the Maid continued to seek out the ingredients in the list.

An amount of time has passed. It's closer to the time where the sun should be setting.

Most of the ingredients are already bought except for the last ingredient on the list.

Garlic bulb was written at the end of the list. The weakness of vampires isn't crossed out.

The maid looks around, but most of the stores are putting in their products inside their crates. The maid has already gone in most of the stalls beforehand. But where would she buy garlic.

Then, the box swings on one points as if it is aiming to a direction.

"Vampire-san, you can smell garlic?" the maid asks and in her thoughts run ("I thought vampires are weak to garlic.")

The box bounces up and down, nodding in agreement with the first question by the maid.

With the vampire sealed in a box, he directed the maid to the store. They were so close. It was time for the store to close when they got there. They bought the garlic from the store and went their way out of the marketplace.

As we approach the outskirts of the market. The silence on the way home made the walk unbearable, a little too peaceful. I think I should start talking about her heroic act of saving me from the little girl(hunter).

The maid broke the silence by initiating the conversation, "You could hear me, Vampire-san?"

The box bounces up and down non-verbally saying yes to the maid. I could hear earlier. But my sense of smell and sight were blocked. But due to the little girl (hunter)'s magic being out of reach. The constriction spell weakened although I am still contracted to her.

"I thought vampires don't like the smell of garlic" the maid asked the question that she had before.

The box stays silent as the vampire has no way to communicate clear words to the maid.

"It's hard to talk to you like this, Vampire-san." the maid said with glowing smile.

("Oohh. The radiating sun is so warm and beaming with godly light. This is bad. I might convert to a human for the purpose of marrying her.")

("Curse you, Little Girl! I would have enjoyed chatting with this gentle maid if you haven't sealed me")

On our way to the road leading to the palace, a lot of people walked alongside us. To be honest, by a lot I mean about thousands. It seems there is a festival being held currently. I could spot small lanterns on a mountain. And there path coincides with ours. If we keep this up, we might arrive by night time.

The maid thought of the same since she started asking people for alternative paths. One informant and into another kid on the street, we stepped on an alleyway and from what I can see there are parts of a noble house sticking from the side of a mountain.

We are on the right path, hopefully. I don't know my own way home since I was blocked from sensing inside the box aside from the sight of my mother acting like a victim of some sort of revenge plot.

The maid walking with a smile carried my sealed self along with the ingredients she bought. A big and heavy built guy passes by, walking to the crowds I assume or just walking out of a tavern. When suddenly, a slim guy blocks our path and says, "Give us all your goods if you don't want to die" as he brought out a sharp knife. The slim man presented the weapon in his hand in the manners of a thug.

The maid became frightened of the thought of losing her own life as expressed by her face. She held on the ingredients she bought. The eyes of the slim man became attracted with the figure of the maid. Staring wildly in response of the maid she turned around not wanting the attention being directed towards her.

We can make a run for it if we go back to the crowds. We should have enough time to call for the guards to beat this guy's arse. But I remember the guy that just went past us earlier, a few minutes ago. Let me take a guess, the guy that just went pass will also block our way.

"Where do you think you're going?" the big and heavy built guy stood there, with his trusty knife. Oh why wouldn't you be not holding a knife, every thug has one.

Source is from a book I read in the past. Okay, enough about that recollection of clichés in novels. We are surrounded on both paths, the way back to the crowds and the shortcut to the mountain where the little girl (hunter)'s palace is (I assume it is hers)

I dearly hope and pray even though it affects my health if I pray to the gods, that the little girl (hunter) should have set me free earlier. If I'm not released by then, I don't know if I'll ever hold myself back from hurting a human.

End of Chapter 1: The Hunter Arrives

This is an old chapter by the way. I'll be back to edit this stuff.

Update: Finally done with the update also I forgot one part that needs revising. I control save...

Fudge I thought this is MS Word.

Any articles that could help is greatly appeciated. Although I am guessing there are articles that I might have missed in the forums. Good day godspeed have a coffee.

mousekuncreators' thoughts
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