
Vampire's Twilight

After his wife is brutally murdered by a vampire, Vex's life turns completely upside down. While he is overwhelmed by the grief and thoughts of revenge, Arken suddenly appears. A narcissistic, power-hungry and completely crazy vampire. To get his lover back from the dead, he needs Vex's blood... After the ritual, Vex awakens as a vampire and finds himself in a world that was actually doomed 400 years ago.

Nachtregen · Horror
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23 Chs

Chapter 11 - Night and Rain [4/5]

Everything was full of blood. In the candlelight, the red drops sparkled like rubies. Thick streaks led directly to him, under his bare feet and further into the hallway. Vex was gasping for air.

"Leysha," he pushed out breathlessly. "Leysha!Panic seized him and dispelled the fog of drowsiness. He had to find her.

Maybe she was injured under the rubble. Vex threw himself on the mess and pushed the shelf off him, swept the table again and threw the chairs aside. He climbed barefoot into shards, feeling stinging pain, but he didn't care. What in the world had happened here?

He shaved his hair in despair. Again and again he cried out for her, even when his hope of finding her somewhere else in the house had long since died. Leysha was gone. There was only a huge pool of blood left.

A thousand times he cursed the strong sleeping pills of Doctor Lutz. Had someone broken in and he hadn't heard it in his deep sleep? That was the only explanation he found. The blood trail led to the front door and across the threshold. Why would Leysha have dragged herself outside? Unless… no. Vex didn't even want to think about that. Instead, he grabbed the next best pair of trousers, a dry cloak, and his short sword, slipped into his boots, and rushed to the door.

Whoever kidnapped his beloved Leysha, Vex would find him. And then he would regret it bitterly. He ran out of the house. The pouring rain had subsided. There was only a drizzle, but the fading thunderstorm only noticed Vex at the edge.

He feverishly searched the ground for any trace, a clue that had not been destroyed by water and mud. A few steps further he found it. Dark spots lifted off from the rest of the ground, running in the mud. His hand clung tightly to the handle of his sword as he followed them. If he only ran fast enough, he could catch up with the kidnapper. Leysha still had to be alive, Vex was sure of that. What reason should someone have to put a body through to drag the night?

No, not a body. It just couldn't be. Someone had kidnapped her. It was just so much blood. So much blood. The trail led out of the village. Vex gasped, a stab twitching through his side, as if someone was repeatedly ramming a knife between his ribs. Only his determination to find Leysha drove him further. He couldn't give up! She had to be here somewhere.

In the last few days he had not noticed anyone suspicious, no strangers had entered Kors. Vex would have noticed that, with the few people living in the village. He followed the path between the fields to an apple grove. Again and again he lost track to find the next spatter of blood.

When Vex reached the gnarled fruit trees that stretched their bare branches into the wind, he allowed himself to take a short breather. That could not be possible! The blood trail continued and no one could be seen in front of him. Had he slept after the cry for so long before he had finally awakened? How could the kidnapper, despite his burden, have had so much head start? And then there was all that blood … way too much blood. He struggled with the panic, which boiled up again. How could a single person lose so much blood?

Later, he could still think about it. Now he had to hurry. He ran again, between the apple trees to the level below the partial wall at the foot of which Kors was located. The blood trail actually led to the rock that rose darkly above the valley. The steep climb led to Klang, the next village.

Unbelieving, he looked up at the steep steps that had been carved into the stone generations ago. The kidnapper had carried Leysha up there? Vex wouldn't have believed it if the blood hadn't been so clearly marked. Vex came from Klang, knew every single one of the inhabitants there – why would the kidnapper with Leysha dare the arduous ascent to get into this secluded village?

He swallowed and grabbed his sword even harder. This bastard, whoever he was, had to have bear powers. However, Vex was not deterred by this.

Ironing his teeth, he made his ascent, taking two steps at once. He slipped several times and almost fell down the stairs, which would have meant his death at height. To his right was the abyss, which grew deeper and deeper as he ascended. Leysha was his one and only, he had to find her. She had to be alive. It had to be, no, it couldn't be any other way!

An infinity later he finally reached the end of the stone staircase. The trail led straight on to Klang. However, the blood trail took a different path. With squinted eyebrows, he looked along the narrow ridge. It was located between the cliff ledge and the huge rock that was perched on it. Vaguely, Vex recalled that as a child, his parents had taught him never to enter – not that he intended to. The lead was far too narrow to pass it carefree. But the trail of drops of blood led right there.

With a trembling hand, Vex groped for the rock face. His fingers clasped to the cold stone as he slowly put his first foot on the ridge. Although his second hand would have been helpful in this climbing action, he did not dare to put the sword away. The weight of the gun in his hand gave him a sense of security. He pushed himself further to the side, careful not to look down at all.

Vex looked up at the sky, letting the raindrops fall in his face. It took a felt eternity for him to finally reach the end of the ridge. There was a lead there, but it was empty. He looked around with a beating heart, making sure that nothing and no one was there except him and a few dry grasses.