
Dancing With Lucifer

Adorned in a regal red full skirt and blouse with dark tones, the Demon Queen walked out of her room. Her flat abdomen, collar bone, arms, and neckline were a fair contrast to the dark tones of her dress.

The raven black hair was half tied in a bun; her bangs curling along her jawline.

Lith's jaw threatened to drop after looking at his lover. It was captivating to see Lucifer so dressed up, and if gaze could devour, Lith would've eaten her up thrice in two seconds with no bones left!

Lucifer, enjoying the attention, had the corner of her lips curved up.

Lith whistled in glee and spun his finger, gesturing to Lucifer to do a spin.

She obliged and her skirt flowed like a top, revealing her smooth ankles and bright red heels.

Lith's whistle dramatically slowed down as he saw her ankles—his gaze affixed on them.

Squinting his eyes, Lith hopped into a squat and slightly lifted Lucifer's skirt up.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

"What the—"

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