
The father and daughter

A girl was running while supporting her father. He was pale, very pale. It seemed like he was on the verge of death. Several cultivators were chasing and cursing at them.

"Traitors!! You wouldn't think we wouldn't notice that you were among the ones who got hurt in blood energy extraction."

The girl shouted at them back. "My dad isn't one of them. He isn't the kind of man who would associate with evil!"

"So explain us why blood energy got out of him that moment!"

She kept silent and continued running. They were too numerous and her dad was really a big burden on her speed.

She was a White Robe cultivator(2-lvl-4) that got chosen to fight in the war against the evil blood sect. She is 16 this year. A normal person of her age should have a cultivation of (1-lvl-9) so she could be called a cultivation genius.

She came from her a poor family and her only relative is her dad who was in the Military, a Warrior(3-lvl-2). His rank was quite good because he could lead fifty men. A Warrior(0-lv-...) is a normal soldier, (1-lvl...) could lead 5 men, (2-lvl-...) 10 men , (3-lvl-...) 50 men, (4-lvl-...) 100 men and so on.

During the blood extraction performed by the sect leader, her dad was among the ones that got extracted. Amazingly, he didn't die but got weakened greatly. He was immediately considered as a traitor and got attacked. She went to his rescue and fled.

Not matter how many healing spell she cast on him, he couldn't recover. She was slowly reaching her limit but her purchasers were still on her tail.

She had to do something and fast. She grit her teeth and took out a necklace. It was a gift from her master to protect her in the war.

<<Extreme Light Radiance Necklace: Shoots out a bright white light that blinds and stuns under (5-lvl...)>>

She threw it behind her and ran at full speed without looking back. If she did she would be amazed of the effects of the necklace. The cultivators behind her had a cultivation level not higher than (2-lv-...) and the blind and stun effect was for (5-lvl-...). They were blinded...literally blind.

They were screaming in pain and rubbing their eyes.

"I can't see!!!"

"What's happening!!!"

"It hurts!!...My eyes!!!"

She finally got tired and searched for a place nearby to rest. She found a cave and headed towards it.

"Don't worry dad it'll be alright. This could only be just a misunderstanding. For the moment we will just try to survive."

The cave was dark...very dark. It's end couldn't even be seen. She was scared to get spotted if she stayed too near from the entrance and it became colder so she continued walking.

She channeled the little remaining white energy in her and summoned the most basic spell:White light.

A small sphere floated in front of her and she continued forward, while carrying her dad. She knew not how long she walked but felt it should be safe, she put down her dad and sat down.

He appeared to be in great pain. He was frowning and was panting. She already stopped casting healing spells for she knew it was useless, just a waste of white energy. All she could do was support him morally and mentally.

She took his hand and grabbed it.

"We WILL make it. After I recover some energy, we'll head southwards and heal yo-"

She let go off her father's hand and stood up. She heard footsteps deep in the cave.

'Someone's already in the cave! Should I stay or should I go? No...I can't risk it. It might be a demonic animal. I have to move'

She hurriedly carried her dad and run out of the cave. Strangely, the footsteps couldn't be heard anymore. That didn't matter to her because she definitively knew someone or something was in the cave.

Still, curiosity still hit her and took a look behind and saw nothing. When she turned back she was immediately stunned; a tall bare-chested muscular but lean man was starring at her with his blood red eyes. Her white light sphere made his silver hair beard shine more. The tattoos on his arms added a dangerous feeling to his elegant looks.

She didn't have time to sweet talk him because the way he looked at her wasn't friendly at all. His expression was rather cold and indifferent. His look didn't have any enmity, lust or anger; it was just like how a shepherd would look at his sheep and wonders which one would be dinner.

She didn't have any white energy left so she slowly put her hand on her waist to take her short sword. A hand immediately obstructed her hand from the handle. It was her father's hand.

"Kate...stop...(cough)(cough)...I will talk to him." It was the first time he has spoken to her since the start of the war. She always trusted him so she let go off him and helped him stand up.

The man was still there. He didn't even move an inch, just there...staring at the two duo. The dad weakly stood up and bowed to the man.

"O respected Noble Vampire...please have mercy on us(cough)...we would do anything for you if you let us be"

The man looked at the father seemingly in lack of blood energy. He would never have moved his head if not for the way he called him.

<<Vampire(Noble):A dark blood being in human form. Master of blood and darkness. Feeds and gets stronger from blood. Unlike normal Vampires, Noble ones and its subjects aren't affected by sunlight.>>

'So I am a Vampire Noble'. He suddenly had an interest on the father. He then asked him a question.

"Ahoana no nahafantaranao ny tenako?"

Strangely, he understood what they were saying but didn't know their language. He only knew Vampiric language.

The father was immediately confused. He didn't understand a thing of what he told earlier.

He did have a forbidden spell that could transfer knowledge but had some drawbacks. 'Why not use it...the drawbacks aren't that bad.'

He extended his hand and chanted but nothing happened. The father disappointedly retracted his hand because he just remembered that all he blood energy was forcefully extracted.

The vampire looked at him and when he heard his chant, more information popped in his head.

<<Mind Transfer Link: forbidden evil blood spell that causes a soul damage to the caster. It could transfer limited information from mind to mind.>>

The vampire thought. 'If he can use blood energy than is he also a blood related being like me?'

He noticed that although the father was a blood related being, he doesn't even have an ounce of blood energy in him.

'That might be why his spell failed. Now that I have the chant, I'm able to perform it myself. I have a feeling that these drawbacks won't affect me at all'

He extended his arm and casted the Mind Transfer Link. A blood red string shot out from his palms and landed on the father's head. All informations about language was immediately learnt by him.

When the spell was over, a mysterious force was drilling into his soul. It was quickly easily vanquished by the blood red rune in his mind.

He looked at the father in front of him and repeated his question.

"How do you know I am a Vampire. Are you also one?"

This time, the father clearly understood what he was saying a rapidly replied. "This lowly one know you are a vampire from your red eyes and silver hair. Only Vampire Nobles has silver hair. I am only but a mortal human."

He originally planned to "have a meal" but these blood related beings called humans were kind of useful so he decided to spare them.

"So that's how it is huh... You have done a great deed to me today. What is it do you want and I shall give you?"

The man was about to answer him but was interrupted by his daughter.

"Please heal my father. That is all we want and we will leave you alone!"

"Did I ask your opinion mortal!" He slapped the little girl's face.

During all the escape, Kate has been running without any rest. She became kind of dirty. When he looked at the dirt on his hands from the slap, he started to feel annoyed and disgusted.

"Please forgive her insolence oh mighty lord. If you have we have offended you please vent your anger towards me." The dad went in front of his daughter.

He found the father's character quite pleasant. 'He would be the perfect servant.'

<<Vampire Noble's servant: When some vampiric bloodline is injected from the fangs, a pureblood vampire could be created. Only one servant could be created every (1-lv). Unlimited amount of servants could be created upon consuming a vampire's blood but the servant would become a red vampire. A vampire's servant has its own free will and can rebel any time so choose them carefully.>>

He was amused when he saw the newfound information. He decided that he would transform that man into a vampire and make him his servant.

"You did mention that you were hurt right? It seems like all the blood energy in your body was forcefully taken."

The man replied him: "You are right sir. Do you perhaps know how to heal me?"

"It is impossible to heal you."

The vampire blandly replied him. "But there IS still one solution"

This is the first time he smiled since they first met but his smile wasn't warm at all. He was showing his fangs, like an invitation to hell, a temptation to have...another chance.

The father immediately understood what the vampire's "last solution". He lowered his head and thought for a long time.

"Never! We are already suffering enough here! If we were to be like you things would just worsen!"

Kate glared at him and tried to persuade her dad to refuse.

"With my bloodline injected in you, the tine flame that turned into smoke would turn into an eternal flaming lava."

He turned a deaf ear to her and tempted her dad more. He had a feeling that he would regret not putting that weak little human in his ranks if he didn't recruit him now.

"I...I...accept...do what you have to do." He raised his head and looked in the vampire's red eyes straight on.

He no longer had despair and sorrow in his look, these have all been replaced by a resolute look.

"This is the first time I will look in your eyes and also the last time for you will be my master."

After staring for a while, he bowed his head and awaited his fate.

"Father! No! Stop this madness this moment! Don't you know what all this will bring us!?"

Her eyes got teary as she tried to reason her dad.

"I know what I'm doing honey. Trust me."

Hearing his words, she started to get angry and frustrated.

"That's what you've always been saying these years...and now look at where it lead us! Since the death of mom, you left me all alone in the sect and enlisted into the North's Military. You never returned... "

He tried to avoid her gaze, he tried to ignore her words...but he just couldn't.

"I...I did all of these for you."

"You did all of these for me! After disappearing for I don't know how many years, when we meet again you turned into a blood cultivator! You did all these for me?! I tried to persuade myself that all of this was a misunderstanding, that you were still that loving father from back then."

She lowered her head and started sobbing. "But...all the proof were there. The spell you chanted earlier, your calm in front of a vampire. Stop saying I did this all just for you! Just tell me the truth!"

The vampire got interested in their dispute and played with his beard while watching. "This is getting interesting."

The father didn't want to be hated, he didn't want to be a liar, he also wanted to be loved. He faced his fears and decided to tell the truth.

"The truth is it that you want?...The truth is that I did all this for you"

"I already told you to stop tell-" she was immediately interrupted by her father.

"Back then we lived in the West and you were just a child. Your mother was a powerful cultivator and I just a mortal. She had a lot of enemies among the sect. But when she died,..."

He clenched his fists and hatred and anger surfaced upon him.

"They all took advantage if the situation and attacked us. Your mother was the only power that we could rely on but she's gone. Only the two of us managed to survive. We escaped toward the East in hope of a new life but I discovered that our enemies were everywhere."

"I felt useless, unlike you I had no aptitude in cultivation. I wanted to protect you so I left you in a trusted friend in the East and I enrolled to the North. There, I learnt all kinds of martial arts, killing techniques, body strengthening methods...but you were growing too fast."

He looked at her and bitterly smiled. "You had the same talent as your mother in cultivation, maybe even better. People started to notice you, started to investigate your past and origins. I had to do something...I was too weak to stop all these. My only solution was blood magic to ignite my potential. When I got strong enough, I used my status to protect you in the shadows...that's the trut-"

Kate immediately jumped in his arms and gave him a big long hug.

"It doesn't matter...as long as you're here"