
Valour's Heart

Scar, an outlaw for treason, is unable to die. Life would have been incredibly lonely if it wasn't for her wolf friend Rebel, as well as the people she meets during her life. But even so, her past repeatedly comes back to haunt her and makes her face the problems she was trying desperately to avoid.

ushiosnow · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Scar the Undead pt 7

After leaving Diamond Kingdom, the three of them started heading west in uncomfortable silence. The sun began to rise over them showing them the beginning of a new day.

"So, how long are you gonna follow us for?" Scar asked breaking the silence.

"Until you tell us where we're going." He said playfully glanced back at him then looked ahead again.

"West." She said frankly not stopping or looking back at him.

"That's not exactly what I meant," he said then thought about it for a moment. "Wait we're going to Clover Kingdom?" He asked a little surprised.

"Is that a problem?" She asked still not looking at him.

"No, not at all... I'm just a little surprised," he said awkwardly. "Don't people over there hate you? For, you know, murdering their future queen." He asked uncomfortably.

"I didn't murder her, and she wouldn't have been a queen at all if she didn't marry." Scar declared.

"Yeah, I guess. But I doubt people would believe that you were completely innocent." He said. Scar stopped and glared at him silently. "I mean, I'm not saying that I don't believe you." He said rushed and on guard. Scar resumed walking after a few seconds.

"Yeah, but there's something we need to find." Rebel said.

"Something valuable?" He asked curiously.

"Don't think about it. It's nothing of value to you." Rebel said as they continued through the forest. They made it to the kingdom and were just outside the borders.

"We're here for information." She said walking on ahead, she then stopped beside a poster that was stuck to the wall. It was a picture of her underneath the word 'wanted' in bold letters. She stared at it for a second then ripped it off the wall scrunching it up and stuffing it into her pocket then walked straight ahead. Slain and Rebel follow behind her but find it almost impossible to keep up with so many people around.

"Where is she going?" Slain asked looking to his side where Rebel was supposed to be, trying to squeeze his way through the crowds. He expected Rebel to be there, however, he didn't see his companion next to him. He panicked looking around him thinking he just overlooked the wolf, however, he definitely didn't see a wolf around him. He looked ahead but unfortunately lost track of Scar."Oops..."

"Ok, just stay quiet and don't make eye contact once inside, got I-" Scar said then realised she was talking to herself when she didn't see Slain nor Rebel near her. In a fit of panic, she looked around everywhere jumping up to see over the heads of the crowd, however, she still couldn't find them.

Anger and worry immediately flooded over her as she entered the sea of people again to search for her lost companions. She began her search trying to avoid making contact with as many people as hiding her face with her hood in the process. She then noticed the streets being dispersed as dignified and intimidating people on horses came riding by wearing armour with the royal crest on them.

Scar immediately took shelter near a crack in the wall where there were only shadows lurking. She looked at the soldiers riding by and they looked at the civilians with suspicion. One by one the soldiers rode up to individual houses inviting themselves in. Some went into stores and left the people outside anxiously waiting for them to return. What's going on? What's happened to this place? She thought just as two soldiers were walking past her hiding spot talking about rumours and their work.

"He isn't hiding in any of these houses. Why can't the king see that and just leave it to outside forces to look for him?" One of them complained yawning from the days work.

"You better not let the king hear that." The man next to him said sternly. They continued walking completely oblivious to Scar watching them. She then heard a clanking sound in the other direction which instantly made her back closer into the shadows and peer at what made the sound. What she saw was three soldiers cornering a child by the wall, blocking the mother's way to him.

"He doesn't know what he's saying. He's just a child." The mother pleaded desperately, tears streaming down her face. The kid on the other hand stood up straight with fiery eyes staring up at the soldiers not showing any fear or doubt in his eyes. He had a few scratches on him and didn't wear the best clothes.

"Hey, kid! So you're saying there's a talking wolf around here?" The soldier said holding his sword towards the kid's chest. The soldier then burst out laughing encouraging others to do the same. The boy didn't flinch but looked at his mother for a split second, then at the people around not doing anything.

"It's true! I saw it with my own eyes!" He exclaimed earning a slap from the soldier.

"Enough of your crazy talk or we'll get a professional to look at your brain." He declared. The mother was still being held back and the boy, now with a red cheek looked up with the same expression as before not giving into pain. His eyes locked with Scars and he immediately opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

"There's something there!" The child shouted pointing at Scars hiding spot making her jump back in surprise as she saw more people looking over her way.