
Mission #71-A

"Sooo Yoru. How'd you get so sneaky? Is it the hair? Its probably the hair."

Yoru smirked while stating proudly "Not quite, although looking this good does help with a lot of things."

"Heh, that second part is debatable. We are gonna need to be as sneaky as we can on this I guess" Clove mused, rather to herself than her fellow passengers.

Yoru waved his hand dissmissively, "Rather its you I'm concerned about. Can you manage to keep it quiet? Are we going to talk about how badly you messed up the mission involving ZETA division?"

Offended, Clove's eyes narrowed slightly before coming in with a challenging reply, "Hey give me a break, it was my first mission after all. Your first probably went way worse than mine did."

Yoru pulled his hands out of his pockets and gestured a large X with both arms before turning his complaints now to the other agent sitting next to him: Deadlock.

"Rather annoying that. Why on earth do I have to clear this place out again? Was the first two times not enough for these people?"

Deadlock began to speak, her stoic tone calling for no interruption while she talked. "I am also baffled by their attatchment to this place; perhaps we should leave them a parting gift this time, given the chance they return."

The commandeering aura emitted from their Norweigen friend caused the incoming jibe from Clove to die on her lips, unspoken. Her face soured at the missed opportunity, clearly irritated by the ever growing smirk resting on Yoru's face when he saw her get shut down by Deadlock's no-nonesense attitude.

For her part, Deadlock glanced at the two before rolling her eyes at the steadily worsening banter being exchanged.

Deciding to take childish revenge, she waited until Deadlock closed her eyes before sticking out her tongue and pulling a face at him. The look of disgust she was sent in return clearly dictated what Yoru thought of this petty retailiation.

Not long after the latest exchange a deep male voice sounded through the speakers situated above them.

"Ready up, ETA 5 minutes from target location."

"You heard the big man, lets get ready to roll!" said Clove.

With this, the three agents began to reach underneath their seats for the suitcases that sat there. These matte black containers encased the weaponry they would use while undergoing the operation.

"Oh-my-god this is so COOL! Nobody said I would be getting a free Phantom for this mission!" Clove began cheering as she held up the factory new; semi automatic, silenced rifle like a trophy. The dim lightning within the cargo hold seemingly being absorbed into its black surface. "Its so... Shiny! No that isn't the right word, its-" Clove's raptured speech was cut off by Deadlock yet again as she added another piece of information neglected by the immortal agent due to her keen interest in the newest toy she had been given.

"It comes with an extra two magazines so be sure to take those with you, wherever you can fit them."

That last part was said while Deadlock eyed Clove's rather unprofessional attire, taking in the colorful tights and lack of spacious pockets big to hold the spare magazines.

Compared to her heavy duty cargos and large jacket which could contain all of her utility and spare ammo, Clove's wardrobe seemed sparse in comparison when it came to tactical advantages.

"Bah it'l be alright, I've got this to keep my stuff in." Clove said, then craning her neck behind her and pulling a small grey box in front of her. The small straps on the sides coupled with the pink stickers on its surface reavealed it to be an improvised backpack made from an empty ammo crate.

This made Deadlock sigh audibly while muttering a complaint under her breath, "Typical Radiant: not an ounce of sense in them. How are you supposed to reload quickly when the mag is on your back?"

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you." Yoru said while smiling, clearly having heard every single word that had just come out of her mouth.

"Nothing. Don't go stirring up trouble for no reason."

"Wouldn't dream of it" the snarky reply came quick, along with Yoru raising his hands towards her in a mock surrender.

Another sigh escaped her lips as she readied the Phantom, grasping it loosley with both hands.

The chopper began to descend, the wind from its rotors blowing the leaves of the palm trees that stood near the entrance of the complex. Brimstone's voice echoed through the speakers yet again.

"Landing now, and remember: try to keep this quiet. We need this information on the escaped radivore to further our investigation."

At the mention of the escaped radivore Deadlock's prosthetic hand squeezed her rifle tighter, the memories of her encounter with the gigantic bear that took her arm still fresh in her mind. The idea of actively looking for a radivore and not killing it on sight was making her uncomfortable. One of them had crippled her, killing the entire team she was sent with and nearly killing her as well. It was due to sheer luck that she hadn't passed away during the retake of Site Svalbard.

Yoru looked at her, his expression unreadable. He had noticed the sudden stiffening and darkening expression, thinking back to the file he read on her past once he was informed he was to be going on a mission with her. An ounce of sympathy trickled onto his conscience, a rare occurance for him. He closed one eye and then opened his mouth to speak loudly,

"Well atleast its just a plant this time, I mean how dangerous can a bit of flora be to someone like me?"

Clove then butted her way into the one sided conversation, deciding that now she had finished admiring her new weapon the opinion on her mind HAD to be spoken to her new friends,

"It won't be dangerous to me either, I am immortal after all. And what did you mean by 'this time'? Have you seen this plant before?"

This caused Yoru to facepalm at her apparent stupidity and lack of tact, wondering why the hell she of all people had been placed on a team with someone of his caliber.

Deadlock let out a rare smile at his reaction to Clove's unwanted commentry, now recognising his intent to help her relax with the seemingly arrogant remark.

The chopper landed, its vertical door opening outwards which served as a walkway from hangar to paved stone.

Clove practically lept from her seat and ran out onto solid ground, the Phantom hanging around her neck swinging wildly as she did so.

The other two occupants were more reserved, taking their time to double check their issued weaponry was in working order and that they had everything they would need before following the hyperactive agent out of the chopper.

Clove twirled around to face them, a mysterious edge creeping into her voice as she narrated her take on site Sunset; now seeing it with her own eyes.

"Your party arrives on the doorstep of a sun soaked concrete jungle. The earth is brittle beneath your feet. You venture forth, basked in gold."

"That better not be another D&D reference, I mean seriously how do you manage to come up with so many of these?" Yoru replied, shaking his head in amazement at her talent for making everything somehow link to the board game they all knew she loved.

"You should become a writer instead of an agent" Deadlock chipped in, while taking careful note of the environment surrounding them.

"All in good time friends, I've got eternity ahead of me for that!"

After exchanging in friendly banter a little more, they began to talk strategy.

Deadlock was the first to suggest a sound plan past the quips and wisecracks the two radiants kept sending each other.

"I say we quietly scale our way up to B site, all together before moving our way through mid and then lastly towards A site. Your thoughts?"

Clove voiced her agreement before motioning to the entry nearest B main, "Sounds good pal, shall we go then?"

"Not yet. I have a better plan." said Yoru, countering Deadlock, confident that his was far superior to the already suggested one.

"I'll go first, scout the area with my ultimate and notify you of enemy positioning while you follow up on my intel." He shared, noting the nod and look of recognition he got from Deadlock when he mentioned his ultimate.

Someone had clearly done their research. And clearly, someone handn't, "Your ultimate? What's that then?" Clove asked, causing another facepalm from Yoru and yet another eye roll from Deadlock.

"Listen up, because I'm only going to say it once. My ultimate allows me to jump into a parallel space to ours, completely undetected. While I can't interact with this plane directly I can still observe the regular world."

"Aha, I see. Wait how is this relevant again?"

"..." Yoru sighed, somehow mustering the required willpower needed in order to resist the urge to facepalm for the second time in so many minutes. He then began to enlighten the scottish agent on his intented usage of his ability, talking very slowly and clearly as if he was conversing with someone who was mentally impaired.

"I-am-going-to-tell-you-enemy-positions-as-I-scout-ahead. Is that clear enough for you butterfly girl?"

Clove gave Yoru a judging look, now realising that she should have probably known that already as Deadlock hadn't inquired further.

"I'll take your silence as a yes. Good. Now that little problem is cleared up-"

Yoru stopped speaking abruptly before ripping a small hole in space in front of him with his left hand. He then followed up; using his right to pull a oni mask from the blue void he created and set it on his face, slowly disappearing from view as he did so.

"-I'll handle this."

This was longer than I thought it was going to be, So there will be a part B and possibly a part C too depending on how it goes.

WanderingCriticcreators' thoughts