
Chapter 30

Janus, who played the Valkyeria Rozea game for months, definitely knows every corner of Rozea Dungeon like the back of his hand. As a video game player, Janus needs to memorize the map so in case he needs to go back, he will not be lost and spend more time thinking if he gets the right path or not. He does not need to ask his system for help in terms of direction. He can easily go around inside the Rozea Dungeon without getting lost.

That's why he now walking straight on that long corridor where Goliah is following him from behind. The army of slimes is also following them from behind. Janus suddenly feels like the Pied Piper guiding them in the other direction. The differences are he is not using any musical instrument and he is not guiding mischief of rats but an army of slimes.

He honestly does not know what to think about it.

"Janus, not that I am trying to question your decisions now. But where are we going?" Goliah asked.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you, right? We are going to the left-wing of this dungeon."

"But why?"

"We are going to break the wall then and get out this place."

"You will break that wall of that is impossible to... Wait. Sorry, I forgot. If it's you, maybe you can really break that wall."

Janus of course knows about his beefy friend's concern. He is also aware of the indestructible walls in this dungeon. But of course, he is now Meluna. Janus can probably make a massive hole within these walls by just pushing his finger on it.

"Don't worry, my friend. We will see the outside world soon."

Janus reassured his huge friend and showed him a thumbs up. Since the last incident where Janus accidentally imprinted his palm on Goliah's back, he made a mental note not to casually give him friendly pats or smacks. Janus is afraid that he will inflict a worse injury to Goliah if he will not try to be careful next time.

"Does it means there is really no exit in this place?" Janus heard Goliah whispered to himself.

Janus can only let out a quiet sigh because of it. Of course, there is an exit for this place! Janus originally plans to bring Goliah to his grand room where they can find the exit but his nameless system stopped him. The system told him that if Goliah tries to step on that exit, he will die because of pressure that is similar to heavy gravity.

If Janus is still a gamer, he can consider Goliah as an NPC since he does not have any important role in the game. As NPCs of this game, it is obvious that Goliah can never leave the dungeon or even reached the boss stage. Maybe his character is only set to stay on the second floor of this dungeon where the easy monsters are lingering around.

Janus asked his nameless system if it is still possible for him to bring Goliah out of this Rozea Dungeon. After some minutes, Janus received a positive answer from his system. It said that Goliah can still get out of this place as long as he will not use the real exit provided to the winner of Valkyeria Rozea. That answer made Janus choose his plan B which is destroying the walls of this place.

His system also gave him approval for that plan. The reason why the walls around this dungeon are unbreakable because each brick of it has a pinch of his mana. Janus thought it would make sense since Meluna created this place using his place. He even praised himself, who is now Meluna, for being too overpowered to the point it is already unbelievable and like a legend created by ancient people.

After a few more turns, Janus and the rest arrived at a corner that looks like a dead end. According to his system, behind that wall is a dark forest filled with wolves scavenging for food. Janus has no issues with it. He already saw a huge two-headed lion and even patted it on its mane, so why should he become afraid of those wolves?

'Thanks for your guidance, system that does not have a new name yet. I will surely give you a pretty name once we get out of this place.'

[...Alright, Janus.]

Janus smiled contentedly before looking at Goliah.

"Are you ready to say goodbye to this place and see the civilization once again?" Janus asked Goliah with a bright smile.


"Take your time to absorb it, Goliah. I will just say goodbye to my slimy pets." Janus said and Goliah an air pat.

Janus stands up in front of his army of slimes. They are moving their bodies like jiggling gelatins on a plate. Most of them are making small noises. Thankfully, his system is already translating what they are trying to say.

'Glob... Glob... Squish squish... Glob...'

[My lord, what about your pets Lele and Riri?]

"Ah? Lele and Riri?"

'Squish squish... Glob squish glob... Glob glob... Squish glob...'

[Your two-headed pet, my lord. Lele is the left head lion while Riri is the right head lion.]


'Is that their names?'

[Yes, Janus. The dancing slime you had met in your grand room also mentioned it to you earlier.]


"Anyways. My pet will stay here in the dungeon. Bringing him outside is a bit problematic." Janus said which earn a jumping answer from the slimes. He will just assume they are nodding their heads at him.

Then a blue slime that has a bigger size than normal moved forward and stops in front of him.

'Glob squish squish... Glob...'

[Are you going to leave us here, my lord?]

"Well, yes."

When Janus said yes, the yellow and blue slimes suddenly changed their colors into purple.