
Chapter 27

"Anyways, we should set aside our topic about feeding my pets inside this dungeon. We should focus more on how am I going to bring you out of this place as soon as possible."


Aside from bringing Goliah outside of the dungeon, Janus also wants to see the outside world behind these thick walls. Janus is curious what are the things he is going to see in this world. In the Valkyeria Rozea game, Janus only has a glimpse of the outside world when Meletis won the contest and received his reward from King Jeval. That gives him the idea that this world is still in a medieval setting.

"Janus, what are you talking about?"

Janus ignored Goliah's question and continued.

"I am thinking of some ways on how am I going to bring you out of this place. First, I will break the corner of this place and rebuild it again once you are finally outside. Second, maybe I should bring you to a proper exit but I do not want to risk the possibility that people will use that passage to enter the dungeon. Third, maybe through teleportation? I mean, I haven't tried it yet but because I am Janus Fleigh, maybe I can do the impossible possible."

"W-Wait! W-What are you trying t-to say?" Goliah asked. His voice is audibly shaky.

"Did you even listen to my ramblings?" Janus asked with a raised brow. "I said I will bring you out of this place."

"But that is impossible!"

"Yeah? But nothing is impossible for me this time." Janus confidently said. "Have you forgotten already? I am the owner of this place. That means I can bring anyone with me to see the outside world again."

Goliah did not say anything. But it is only because he is starting to feel so overwhelmed once again. The idea of getting out of this dungeon is the only thing he desires for a long time. But as years passed by, Goliah is slowly letting go of his wish to see his family anymore.

When a whole year had passed since Goliah first entered the dungeon, he tried all the things he can think of just to escape the dungeon. A whole year had passed and Goliah did not find anything inside the dungeon aside from the weird and unusual plants and the powerful and troublesome monsters that seems like immortal to him. When he first entered the dungeon, Goliah believed all the stories about the abundant treasures that can be found inside. At that time, he was so desperate to get his family back and thought that his wife and daughter will come back to him if he gets those treasures inside the dungeon.

Goliah tried retracing his steps towards the exit several times but he feels like the more he does it, the places are changing their appearance making him more lost. He also tried destroying the walls but his efforts became futile since the walls around this place are impossible to break. He also tried looking for other possible exits but Goliah always ends up in a more complicated place. No matter what he did in the past just to get out of the dungeon are all failures. Maybe the only way for a person to get out of this place is to fight the stronger monsters at the deepest part of the dungeon and look at the exit there.

Goliah knows that is a suicidal idea. He is just barely surviving every day and he cannot even defeat any monsters. If he tries to enter the deepest part of Rozea Dungeon, Goliah doubts if he can still make it out alive there. Those monsters are so brutal and powerful and in their eyes, he is just their weak prey.

He thought maybe that was his punishment for being greedy. Goliah was blinded by the things he can possibly find inside the dungeon and ignore his safety and the possibility to see his family again. Although his wife and daughter left him, Goliah can still see them if he will visit Baron Melyr's land. But inside the dungeon, he can only stare at the portrait of his family and not forget their faces.

Years had already passed and Goliah is still stuck inside the Rozea Dungeon. Over the years, he already accepted the fact that he will no longer see the outside world especially his family. Goliah already told himself many times that he will die alone and lonely. He knows for a fact that once he died, no one will know or grieve for his death.

But right now, someone is telling him that he can see the outside world once again. Someone is offering him help to meet his family once again. If this happened before, Goliah will just ignore them or treat their words as a joke.

But Janus is different.

In just a short time, Goliah witnessed the things that Janus can possibly do. He can do the things that a normal person cannot achieve. He is also the owner of this scary and mysterious dungeon. Most importantly, Janus might be the most powerful in their whole kingdom.

"A-Are you telling the truth?" Goliah asked in a small voice.

Goliah does not want to put too much expectation from it. He does not want to have hope only to be crushed in the next second. But despite his obvious hesitation, Janus gave him a confident smile.

"Of course, Goliah. You can have my word. I will bring you out of this dungeon with me."

And with that, Goliah cried once again.