
Chapter 15

When Janus was eight years old, a few of his classmates in his school said that Janus Fleigh is a smart person. When the teacher asked them why, the boy sitting next to him said that his mother told him before that if a person is quiet, he is a smart person. When that same boy discovered that Janus is good at playing strategic video games, he quickly told his classmates about it and said he was right about his theory that Janus is a hidden genius. Janus did not know where did that theory came from, but he did say anything.

Why? Because he just simply does not care about them. Also, Janus kind of liked their special treatment as if he was a superstar or something at that time while being surrounded by a group of rowdy children who kept on praising him. Somehow, the idea of being a hidden genius is stuck in his head until he became an adult.

But right now, Janus regretted believing that lie up until now. Hidden genius? Fucker. He is lowkey panicking here without any reason at all. Experiencing this shit in a game and real life is two different things, okay? He is very sure what will happen next will be another episode for his stupid choices and dumb experiences in life.

"We have to get out here now."

"A-Ah? But why?"

Janus couldn't care less if the big guy is still half-asleep or confused. They have to get out of there as soon as possible. In one single pull, Goliah is now standing on his feet. His mind did not process yet what happened and how did a frail-looking young man like Janus can pull a heavy man like him with no difficulty at all.

Ignoring Goliah's dumbfounded expression on his face, Janus pulled a thick branch and grabbed Goliah's torn clothes. He will just provide him better clothes later. In just a few seconds, Janus tied the torn clothes at the branch.

"Do you have any oil with you?" Janus asked as he turned his head to his still dumbfounded friend.

"Yeah? Oil? Ah! Yes, oil. What a minute."

Goliah searched the items inside his bag for a few seconds. He pulled a small bottle from one of his bag's pockets and showed it to Janus.

"This is an oil I got from a golden cactus plant weeks ago. That cactus was filled with greasy liquid so I took a chance to get a few drops of it—Hey! What are you doing?!"

While Goliah is proudly explaining his experiences to Janus on how he got that precious-looking liquid, Janus did not hesitate to pour it on the torch he is making. After that, he threw the empty bottle in Goliah's direction before dipping the torch he made on the bonfire.

"I will replace your precious oil later. But for now, we should go and leave this place."

Without waiting for his response, Janus runs in the opposite direction while pulling Goliah's arm. The big guy tries to resist but he cannot remove Janus's hand on his arm. He also tries to shake his arm but Janus's grip on him is too strong. Now that Goliah is totally awake and aware of his surroundings, he cannot help but feel surprised and cheated. How come a frail-looking and easy to defeat a young man like Janus can bring his whole weight without wasting a drop of sweat on his face?

Janus obviously did not know what are the thoughts running inside his huge friend's head. He is busy looking for a place where he can bring his friend into safety. Although his friend looks like a muscular sumo wrestler, he can easily tell that Goliah is not really good at fighting. Who knows what will happen to Goliah if he will let him meet those thieves that are running in their direction.


[What is it, Janus?]

'Can you tell me a safe place where can I bring this big guy with me?'

[Data Searching...]

Janus is a simple person. But that was already in the past since he is now possessing Meluna's body. Still, Janus wants to believe that he is still a normal person. Although he is now in a body of a powerful Valkyrie, he is still that Janus Fleigh who is jobless, spends all of his time playing video games and living his life like a hermit crab. And not to mention, a slightly dumb potato.

[There is a safe place 800 kilometers away from here.]

Janus stopped walking and he feels Goliah bumped against his back. Still, he remained rooted on his spot and a frown is decorating his face. Goliah is now really wondering how can Janus do it? Goliah, who is twice the size of Janus, did not even make a single move from his place when he bumps into him.

'800 kilometers? This place has a lot of rooms—'

[Warning! Warning! Ferbeluz is approaching in 10... 9... 8...]

Ferbeluz? Isn't the two-headed lion from earlier? And what's with that countdown? Is that two-headed furball is really approaching us...

"No fucking shit, Sherlock!" Janus exclaimed before turning around and pulled Goliah on the back of his pants. The poor man was caught off guard and cannot do anything but follow Janus while walking backward since he is gripping the back of Goliah's pants with much strength. He is afraid that Janus will rip his pants into pieces if he tries to go in the opposite direction.

"AI001, tell me that you are just fooling around! As in right now!" Janus said in a loud voice.

"Kid, calm down and let go of my pants!"

[7... 6.... 5... 4...]

"Fuck it. I am losing it now. And no one gave me a manual on how to do these shits!" Janus mumbled to himself but loud enough for Goliah to hear him clearly.

"Kid, let's just stay calm! We can fix whatever is your problem right now!"

[3... 2.... 1...]

Before Janus can curse again, they heard loud footsteps and a pair of loud growling sounds behind them.