
Valkron's Vampire God

Hinata Fujuzuki,a middle age japanese man who through some misfortune had an untimely and suffocating death. But at the end of his life, a voice, that of artificial intelligence gave him a promise. The promise of compensation for his gruesome death, compensation through reincarnation. Now reborn in a new world, he is accompanied by a system, THE VALKRON SYSTEM. One of the many systems created by the universe itself, tasked with guiding chosen candidates in their journey to becoming Gods for specific worlds. Now Dubbed Ruthven Highlord, he sets out on his thrilling and slightly long adventure to becoming one of the many Evil Gods the universe has yet to see. [Extra Tags: R18+, Harem, Twisted Mc, Overpowered MC, Reincarnation, Demons, Angeles, Elves, Vampire Mc, Kingdom Building, Conqueror, System, Multi-Personality, Psychopath, Mature Content, , Intelligent Mc, Handsome ML, Villain, Anti-Hero.]

Azurian_Element · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Great War[1]-Arrival

For years, Ruthven had stood still like a sculpture, not moving an inch.

But as time continued to pass, his body began to experience changes.

The changes started small, for example, his aura seemed different, and his skin got clearer, but...

As time went on, the changes got bigger.

His height began to increase, his face got paler, his teeth sharper, his ears longer and his hair started to have silver strands in it as it grew longer.

In his somewhat metamorphosis, His business suit, the only clothes he had were torn to shreds, leaving him in his dark black tarted pants.

With the empty shell of Ruthven continuing to change, A decade passed just like that, and movement was since from his sculpture-like body.

His hands which were the first to move began to twist and turn in unimaginable ways before reverting to normal, and soon his entire body was moving, and just like his hands, his body twisted and turned before returning to normal.

Soon, his eyes opened, in a new Cyan Blue color.

And with a loud yawn, Ruthven stood up and stretched his body as if he had just woken up from a nice nap, his bones cracking in the process.

Loud cracks echoed in the grasslands, and the person who seemed to be the source of it all was at a loss for words.

"This must be the work of the system," Ruthven said, his voice calm, with an enchanting tone as he referred to his new body.

[Affirmative] The system sounded, responding to its host's words.

"Is that so?" After a conflicted look on his face, Ruthven smiled and continued, "Guess I should be thank you then."

[ ....Your Welcome] The system itself was surprised, but after moments of seemingly being lost in its thoughts, a ding was heard.

<[Notice] The evolution of the special trait [Fake Persona] into the unique trait [True Persona] was a success>

[The system Congratulates you on your success, Would the host like to see his status?]

Ruthven went silent for a while before he could respond with a yes to the system's question.

[Confirmed] The system said as if there was excitement behind its words.

[Opening Status]


Name: Ruthven ( First progenitor)

Level: 4 (330/753)

Race: Unknown

Age: 1015

Status: Incomprehensible

Occupation: Blood God ( Candidate)

Health: [600/600]

Strength: 74 (+4)*Random stat

Dexterity: 54

Vitality: ????????(+6)*Random stat

Mana: 108


After carefully observing his stats, Ruthven couldn't help but freeze in shock, everything was normal, yes everything except for his age, last he remembered he was only 25 years old, but now...

"System, how long was the evolution!?" He quickly asked, determined to get answers.

<The evolution took a decade to be fully completed>

Hearing the system's response, Ruthven's brows crunched together, and his confusion skyrocketed.

How in the hell is he over a thousand years old if the evolution only took around ten years, was there a mistake I'm the system's information?

No, that would be impossible, right?

"System, how old am I?" He asked, even if it was a strange question to the system, he still had to know.

<... The host is 1015 years old.>The system slowly responded, confused.

"How's that possible? The evolution only took a decade, so I should be around 35 years old, and yet here you are saying am over a thousand."

<[Notice] Due to interference from the (Old Gods) The host was once stuck in a white void...>The system explained, but just before it could finish, Ruthven interrupted.

"Am guessing time flows differently there," Ruthven said with a heaved sigh.


Ruthven after digesting news such as those, Finally had Time to breathe, but just as he was about to look for the Ancient tree trying to lay down, He took notice of the now-changed grasslands...

Though, It would have been more accurate to call them, Bloodlands.

Blood red skies, and under them, the ground that was now filled with cracks and the once beautiful green grass was now in dark red.

Some of the cracks even had red liquid flowing in them. And as for the once beautiful Ancient tree, it was nothing but an old trunk with no leaves.

But the most eye-catching thing Ruthven saw, was the seven moons placed in the sky.

Each moon was different in both color and size, though, the most special thing about them was how every of them reminded him of his seven brothers.

Another sigh left Ruthven's mouth, He soon turned to look at the system ready to ask it a question, but...

[Requesting Confirmation to Start Bonus Quest]

He was met with a golden system panel.

"Right off the bat, huh?" Ruthven couldn't help but smile, even if the grasslands had now changed, that didn't mean the system had changed as well...

And this, for some reason, brought him more Relief than anything.

"Request Accepted!" He said as the once honest smile on his face turned into a sinister one.


[Beginning Transfer]

This time instead of being engulfed by holy light, Ruthven was engulfed In a more sinister red light.

Seconds later he disappeared.


[Transfer was Successful]

Standing in a desert-like location, Ruthven found himself surrounded by thousands of humans, and soon a war drum sounded and armies began charging at each other.

There were two sides in this what seemed war.

One army wore red animal skins that looked Barbaric in every way and held clubs as their weapons, The best way to describe them was Barbarians.

While the other side of the war wore brown animal leather, their clothing was slightly more advanced than the other side even though their weapons differed, as their side had stoned weapons (Stone axes, Stone Clubs, and Stone-like knives).

Ruthven stood in the middle of the war that had just started, and neither of the two armies paid attention to him who was wearing strange clothes and had messy hair.

Ruthven in the situation he was in didn't even feel a hint of fear, Instead, he was excited.

He was now about to test the effects of the evolution firsthand, and the two armies couldn't have been more perfect testing dummies.

Ruthven slowly closed his hand and quickly opened it again, He was stretching his body while he observed the dummies to his left and his right.

Remembering How the village massacre worked, Ruthven looked at the sky...

And there it was, The quest panel, floating atop the battlefield, but this time it had differed a little as it had a golden glow to it.

[Notice] The First Great War:The North had waged a war against the South, and as the war progressed the South began to be pushed back. That was when the East thought of the war as a chance to destroy the North, their lifelong enemies.

[The East now Joined hands with the South, and The battle against The North began.

[The South and East overwhelmed the Battlefield as the battle started to head North, and In the struggles of the North, The West Felt that it was wrong of the East and South to gang up on The North as they also joined and sided with the North.

All of the sides were now equal as this was the first Great War thaSplitlthasplittd in 2.]

[Quest: You Are To Massacre Half of the soldiers that are currently on the battlefield.]

[Reward Upon Completion: (1) A weapon shall be Forged By the blood of those who have died.

(2). The Skill Blood Mana shall be available.

(3). You Shall Move Closer to Tutorial Completion.]

Penalty upon Failing to Complete The Quest: Experience The Death of every Soldier on the field.

Chances left before Complete Failure. - [3]>

[Quest shall begin in><5><4]

The two armies moved closer to Ruthven who was at the center of it all.


Ruthven Showed excitement on his face.


The air would get colder as the soldiers moved on Ruthven.


"Let's begin the massacre!" Ruthven shouted, Loud enough that all who heard him mistook his shout for roars.


[The Quest has begun]

[The system wishes you luck]

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