
Valkron's Vampire God

Hinata Fujuzuki,a middle age japanese man who through some misfortune had an untimely and suffocating death. But at the end of his life, a voice, that of artificial intelligence gave him a promise. The promise of compensation for his gruesome death, compensation through reincarnation. Now reborn in a new world, he is accompanied by a system, THE VALKRON SYSTEM. One of the many systems created by the universe itself, tasked with guiding chosen candidates in their journey to becoming Gods for specific worlds. Now Dubbed Ruthven Highlord, he sets out on his thrilling and slightly long adventure to becoming one of the many Evil Gods the universe has yet to see. [Extra Tags: R18+, Harem, Twisted Mc, Overpowered MC, Reincarnation, Demons, Angeles, Elves, Vampire Mc, Kingdom Building, Conqueror, System, Multi-Personality, Psychopath, Mature Content, , Intelligent Mc, Handsome ML, Villain, Anti-Hero.]

Azurian_Element · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Second Chance [2]-An Unfortunate Death

[Location: The First Village]

"Huh, what's this?" Ruthven asked.

He tried to touch the system panel that had shown up before him, but as soon as his hand reached it, the experience of 54 deaths came flooding back.

Screaming was soon heard throughout the entire village as Ruthven held his head in pain and fell to the ground " Make it stop!! Make it stop!!" These were the only words that he was capable of saying.

His mind was being attacked by the pain of the 54 deaths he had experienced, and each death was slowly eating away at his mental state to the point where he would soon pass out.


Sometime later Ruthven came through to find out that he was in an odd position.

His arms were spread out and his legs were crossed together, He had been tied up on a wooden cross.

With a crooked voice tired from all the screaming, Ruthven asked. "What's.... going .....on?"

A while later when Ruthven had almost fully woken up, He slowly began to analyze the situation as he looked left and right, only to see unfamiliar structures everywhere.

"What is this place, How did I get here?" He inwardly spoke to himself as he tried to recall his memories. That's when the 54 deaths came back to his mind.

it was weird considering that, when he was in the grasslands, these feelings of fear and pain didn't affect him but guess that was not the case here.

While screaming his lungs out, Ruthven tried to get free from his bindings on the wooden cross, and soon villagers began to gather as they heard His screams.

"*#*#*#*#" They spoke a strange language as they were observing him."Huh, what are you saying!?" Ruthven openly asked as he soon realized that they were all wearing the same clothes as the old lady.

"Are these people In some kind of cult?" He inwardly spoke to himself as someone who seemed to be their leader came forward.

He was an old man who had a bent back and a bold head

"*#*#*#*" The old man also spoke the strange language, but the way he held himself proved that he was informing the Villagers of something.

"Huh, what is this old man saying"Were the thoughts of Ruthven who saw the old man's back?

" *#*#*#*#*#" The old man continued in his what seemed speech, and as the conversation between the Villagers and their leader continued, They began to nod their heads in agreement with something.

That's when Ruthven faintly realized the situation he was in." You're kidding me right?" Ruthven thought as he realized he was being showcased like a new animal at the zoo.

"Hey, can't you see am human!? Take me off from here!" Ruthven said aloud as he yelled at the Villagers, but this only made things worse as the expressions of the villagers started to be filled with fear.

"Huh, what's with those looks," Ruthven asked, but the villagers only backed away in fear of him.

The old man began to walk forward as he raised his finger and spoke once more..." %^¥€¢" the old man had said something but Ruthven couldn't understand till a spark of fire came out of the man's finger.

"Magic" Was the only explanation Ruthven could come up with as he saw this.

"Hey what are you going to do with that," Ruthven asked the old man, but his words couldn't go through.

The old man got closer and closer to Ruthven, and finally, When the old man had reached Him, he bent down as if he was going to light something.

That's when Ruthven took notice of the pile of wood that was below him. Ruthven now truly understood the situation he was in.

He was going to get burned."No, No! wait stop please stop!" Ruthven begged and begged, but his cries never got through to the point where Fire Started to engulf his entire body.

The villagers coldly observed as Ruthven was burned alive, some even had smiles on their faces as he did so.

Ruthven screamed till the moment when his last breath escaped from his mouth.


[Notice] The host has died before the completion of The Tutorial Quest]

[Calculating appropriate actions to be taken]


[Calculation Complete]

[Notice] Due to the death of the host before the Quest was completed, This shall be deemed as an automatic Quest FAILURE]

[Quest Penalty shall be distributed momentarily]

<Beginning Revival>


<Revival Complete>

[The host shall now experience the Deaths of all the targets alive]

Ruthven was revived in the middle of the dark forest, and As he saw the Notice board he began to scream in agony as worms started eating away at his flesh. Coming out from his legs, hands, and eyes even his mouth was filled.

This was a slow and painful death.

< Deaths [1/54]

<Beginning Revival>

He revived again, but the last Death was too much for him as he couldn't move or speak. This was a short-term mental breakdown.

Soon the second penalty began and all of his bones started to break into millions of pieces, This was the cause of his mass Internal bleeding.

Ruthven's body slowly expanded as the blood in his body began to expand till the moment he exploded

< Deaths [2/54]

<Beginning Revival>

Another revival was in order, Ruthven slowly began to gain his will from the pain of having needles poked through his heart.

One by one they went through his heart slowly killing him.

< Deaths [3/54]

<Beginning Revival>



< Deaths [32/54]>

Soon an hour passed and Ruthven had experienced over 30 deaths. He had now completely gained his will from the different kinds of deaths he experienced.

His mind still tried to resist but his body no longer resisted as he was slowly crashed into a red ball.

< Deaths [33/54]>

The cycle of deaths would continue till all that could be seen from where Ruthven had died was the blood that could now be called a blood pool.



< Deaths [54/54]>

[The Quest Penalty has been received successfully]

[Commencing Transfer To Safe zone]


[Transfer Complete]

[{Tutorial Quest} Shall begin again in 24 hours]

Ruthven was laying below the ancient tree as he slowly closed his eyes and let the cold breeze brush off him.

"Again?.... am gonna have to go through that again" Thoughts of what he would experience Started to Clog his brain.

"If only the villagers die then... Then I will be freed" His mind started to get darker and darker as he started to fear Death more than anything.

"Yes if the villagers had just disappeared then I wouldn't have died" He sounded like a crazed person as he said those.

"How should they disappear, " He thought as if he had completely forgotten about the voice in his head, but the voice hadn't forgotten about him.

[[(Sigh) You've disappointed me once again, Ruth.]]