
Valis Of The Forgotten

In a world ruled by power and fear, a little boy from the outskirts is thrown into the world of the supernatural. Struggling against a fate predetermined by does higher than him. He is forced to transverse the world of the ruins to survive and strive among does who wish for nothing but their own power. But power isn’t all that is needed.... Fighting against fate and his oppressors, Kassius finds himself at the brick of madness and despair. * * * * * Participating in the [WSA 2024] Support this work by donating power stones and voting I'll try my best to update 3 chapter/week

Lazy_Advert · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Advocate of strength

The slight feeling of dread overcame Kassius as he stared at his opponent standing a few feet away from him. The unspoken tension slowly rose between them as they both anticipated each other's move.

The long sword that rested by Kassius's left hand was slowly drawn pointing at A'urora, without warning the foreboding silence was broken as Kassius thrusted forward with incredible speed.


His attack was stopped by the great sword that was held flat in front of A'urora providing cover from his thrust.

With great strength and precision, she swung the flat side of her great sword trying to push Kassius away but using the momentum he reverse gripped his long sword striking her.

A'urora's muscles tightened as she struck the ground, swinging debris at her opponent. The force of the swing pushed Kassius back in retreat.

Seeing the opportunity presenting itself with her opponent distracted A'urora pushes her feet against the Earth launching herself towards Kassius bringing down the devastating force she wielded in an attempt to end his life.

Reacting on instinct, Kassius strengthened his arms using his long sword to block the attack. Unfortunately, the devastating force behind it smashed him into the earth.


Unwilling to give her opponent a chance to recover, her great sword descended again although this time it met nothing but the earth as Kassius rolled over to the side avoiding the attack, twisting his body, he reached for his dagger wrapped around his knees, propelling it in-between her eyes.

Letting go of her sword she swiftly evaded but was met with a peculiar situation of the right side of her great sword slamming into her

She was flung away disoriented, when the large object flashed through the air dissecting her, grounding herself using her hands to hold on to her great sword propelled at great speeds she stopped the momentum.

Appearing like a ghost, Kassius came in from her blind side as the silver light reflecting from his sword alerted her, in an act of reflex she swung her sword to meet his causing a great shockwave to resonate round the field.

'Argggghhh, she's like a beast'

The power struggle didn't last long she overwhelmed Kassius pushing him with a great force causing him to be tossed across the ground several times.

Appearing suddenly by his hurdling body with the intent to kill, she smashed his body into the ground with her legs.

Stunned, his vision got blurred unable to dodge as another powerful kick came in making him cough up blood. Holding up her great sword she was planning to finish him off, life flashing through his eyes all he could rely on was his Agros.

Gathering up his ammas he unleashed a propulsion force knocking her sword backward losing her balance.

A'urora stumbled backwards making an opening for Kassius, taking this opportunity he hurried himself backwards. Trying to recover Kassius got a hold of his long sword trying to plan a form of attack.

Holding up his sword, A'urora sent another wave of bloodlust which demoralized him. Shaking the dreaded feeling off, Kassius charged towards her. With elegance A'urora swerved around Kassius's sword and knocked him over with the flat side of her sword.

Making a quick recovery Kassius gathered up the attraction and propulsion force around his hands planning to launch the attack he used on his brother. A'urora seeing him muster something up went in for the attack.

Before she could get to him, she sensed something incoming raising up her sword trying to block it unable to react quick enough she got blasted away to the end of the field getting her sword flung into the air away from her.

'Shit I didn't charge it up enough.' Kassius thought in a feat of distress.

Unable to get her sword back Kassius saw this as an opportunity controlling rubble in the surrounding, propelled several towards her.

Dodging effortlessly A'urora swerved around the flying debris inching closer and closer to Kassius, trying to muster up another attack to close the distance between them.

Kassius allowed her to come a little bit closer, which would be his undoing. A'urora shot a tiny needle-like beam of light which hit him directly in his shoulder cutting his attack short. The she-devil not relenting, continued with the barrage of light beams bringing him to his knees bloody.

A'urora charged up her ammas and shooting another beam of light, seeing this Kassius raised rocks for defense. As the beam came showering down on him, he piled up the rocks together as fast as he could to form a covering to block the attack.

The light beam smashed through the layers of rocks one after the other causing dust to pile up on the field, A'urora unable to see anything, stood there anticipating an attack. Then out of the dust cloud came a dagger shooting out at a high speed.

Dodging the dagger, A'urora shot another barrage of light beams into the dust clouds. Ignoring all beams impaling him he pushed forward, picking up his long sword he swung with his full force at point blank.

'Shit, it hurts'

Right before his attack could connect a beam of light struck his back, knocking him over. Kicking his stomach, he was tossed several feet back.

Standing back up he was met with several light beams coming at him. Using his sword, he began trying to deflect the attacks but the beams swerved round transversing into different directions around his sword and impaled him.

Unknown to Kassius, A'urora could redirect her beams now he was repeatedly being impaled. His attention now totally on how he can avoid the attacks he couldn't notice A'urora's silent stride until it was too late.

Trying to shift his weight to adapt to his present condition Kassius turned his body in a peculiar manner trying to swing his sword at A'urora.

He missed getting hit in his abdomen with a powerful jab. Without a moment to waste Kassius's head was grabbed and drilled firmly into the earth.

Picking up the dagger Kassius had with him A'urora picked him up and stabbed him in his guts extending her light beams from the dagger causing a hole to appear in his stomach.

* * * *

The dust cloud cleared as the situation was revealed to the class, kassius was on his knees with a hole in stomach while A'urora stood over him as the judge.

His beaten and battered body laid motionless as blood flowed from all over, kassius vision was crimson having overused his agros.

The taste of iron filled his mouth coughing violently, as the darkness gradually grew closer. But even with all odds against him the blazing flames that radiated from the depths within his gaze proved unyielding.

A'urora raised her sword aiming to pass judgment, but was delayed by the announcement of the instructor who choose to end the spar.

"A'urora, you've won the fight. There's no need to go any further"

Eruen looked over to the kneeling kassius instructing him to head to the infirmary. Although Kassius was exhausted and beaten he dragged himself outside of the training grounds.

Walking through the hall, Kassius's eyes blurred before passing out at the feet of a blue haired girl.