

In the vast expanse of Astromeda's solar system, Meet Ben Ryder, a brilliant inventor struggling to make a modest living. His life takes a harrowing turn when an infamous terrorist escapes from the most secure prison. The fugitive, known as Korbin, is a man at war with himself. An ex-pilot who's cursed with formidable powers by a dark star. Suffering from a dissociative identity disorder, he yearns to cure himself and break free from his sinister alter ego, Xor'en, who strives to reshape the universe by corrupting worlds and turning species into malevolence. As chaos looms on the horizon, Ben assembles a ragtag crew, each with their own extraordinary abilities and cutting-edge gadgets. Driven by their personal motives to stop the reign of terror. Yet, they are not the sole seekers of the cosmic terrorist. Bounty hunters, military juggernauts, and desperate forces all converge on this interstellar battlefield. Pursuing a colossal bounty, offered to those who dare to confront and put an end to Korbin. Ben and his team will make high-stakes decisions, navigate treacherous cosmic terrains, and battle to protect many worlds from the overwhelming might of the universe-altering foe. Can Ben and his crew counter Korbin's malevolent quest, or will the universe be forever consumed by darkness? [NEW CHAPTERS EVERY SATURDAY]

Jarielara · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

Perilous Pursuit

Within a relentless blizzard, where the bitter wind howls like a chorus of ghosts, battering against anything that stands in its path and carrying a biting cold that seems to penetrate every layer of clothing.

Two figures dressed in heavy winter gear trudge through, their shapes almost indiscernible in the driving snow.

Flurries of snow swirl around them, their vision obscured even with goggles by the whiteout conditions.

It's as if they're walking through a never-ending expanse of white, the ground beneath their feet barely visible under the thick blanket of snow. Every step is a struggle, threatening to engulf them.

"Ben, I can barely feel my toes anymore," the figure walking behind mutters through a mask.

It's difficult to hear anything besides the sound of the gusts of wind raging around them. A harsh reminder of the unforgiving nature of this frozen planet, Glacius.

"Keep moving. There has to be something close!" Ben replies, his voice muffled by his thick scarf as they stumble through the snow.

Despite the freezing temperature, there's no turning back now, so they press on until Ben notices something protruding from the ground at a close distance ahead.

He reaches and stops to brush away some snow, his eyes getting brighter after the metal hull of a spaceship is revealed.

"Kazwell, look at this," he calls out to his friend. Kazwell hurries over and helps clear more snow away from the revealed hatch.

Ben draws an extendable crowbar from his toolkit's backpack and manages to pry it open against the freezing wind, revealing the airlock inside.

"Looks like this is our only option," Kazwell says, motioning to the airlock.

"Definitely," Ben says, nodding. "Let's see if we can get it open."

They turn on their flashlights and get inside before closing the hatch. Ben digs through the backpack, searching for the right tools.

After a moment, He finds what they need: a laser cutter and a hydraulic jack.

They work in silence, the sound of the blizzard muffled by the hull of the ship. Finally, the inner door hisses open, revealing darkness onward.

"Alright, let's warm up," Kazwell says, stepping inside first.

As Ben puts away the tools and follows him inside the ship, they're greeted by a wave of warm and musty air.

The interior is dark, with only a hint of light filtering through the frosted windows.

Within the confines of the abandoned ship, the air grew warmer, shielding them from the bitter cold that raged outside.

Ben slowly sweeps his flashlight across the room, illuminating the outlines of rusted machinery and tattered furniture.

The walls are lined with old pipes and wires, some of them hanging loose from the ceiling.

Kazwell cleans the snow off his mask's lenses. "Smells like oil all over the place."

"Looks like it's been abandoned for a while." Ben lowers his scarf, revealing his strong jawline and no facial hair.

They both cautiously walk forward and discover the cramped cockpit.

Kazwell brushes his fingers over the dust-covered buttons, searching for a light switch until he finally finds it, lighting up the cockpit and small living area with low-powered dim lights.

The ship's interior is surprisingly clean, with no sign of debris or clutter. The dashboard is lit up with various readouts and screens, all displaying a series of error messages.

Ben's gloved hand reaches up and slowly pulls off his goggles.

His medium-length brown hair falls messily around his face, framing his chiseled features. The low light in the cockpit accentuates the hazel color of his eyes, which shines with determination.

As he removes his heavy winter coat, the snow that has accumulated on it falls to the ground, revealing a practical yet stylish outfit.

He wears a fitted black thermal turtleneck that clings to his well-built physique, providing an extra layer of warmth against the biting cold.

The fabric stretches comfortably with his movements, allowing him the freedom he needs during their treks.

"Looks like this ship has seen better days," Ben mutters as he puts the coat on the dash and makes himself comfortable in the pilot's seat.

"At least it's still pretty good to give us shelter from the storm," Kazwell says as he takes his hood off, then reaching up to undo the clasps of his headgear to unveil his face with Asian features.

His skin speaks of sun-kissed adventures from worlds afar. His light brown eyes projecting confidence.

His face is framed by a neat yet slightly tousled ponytail that falls gracefully down his back. With loose strands of hair that fit his forehead and sideburns, lending him a relaxed and effortlessly cool appearance.

"So much for a new hyperdrive." Ben comments.

Kazwell stares at him. "Buddy, you basically asked for it. You have an outdated ship and travel every day across planets in it."

"It does the job, also, I always keep the repairs up to date." Ben straightens his posture, feeling the difference in his loosened muscles. 

"Well, something gets fixed, then something else breaks right after. I think you're better off selling B.O.B. and getting a new one." Kazwell mentions.

"It's my first and only ship. There's a thing called 'sentimental value', you should try it."

Kazwell chuckles and removes his thick winter coat, revealing the outfit he wears underneath. "I do have sentimental value." 

He sports a fitted black thermal base layer that clings to his frame, providing both insulation and flexibility. The fabric hugs his body, accentuating his lean and athletic build.

"You have an arsenal in your room and never use the same weapon more than once." Ben's gaze immediately darts to the dual weapons holstered on the back of Kazwell's waist.

A mixture of disbelief and exasperation fills his voice as he blurts out, "Kazwell, don't tell me those are new."

Kazwell follows Ben's gaze and grins, "You bet they are," he replies, his voice filled with excitement.

Kazwell unclips one of the holsters and slowly draws out an energy blaster, with its sleek black and silver frames adorned by intricate golden engravings. 

"Fresh off the shelves, my friend. These beauties are called 'The Aurora Blades' and were released just yesterday." He twirls them expertly in his hands to present them, the weight and balance of the guns evident in his movements. 

The polished surfaces catch the light, pointing their craftsmanship and the aura of power they exude.

"Dual semi-automatic pistols. They pack a punch, perfect for when things get a little too hot to handle, you get me?"

Ben lets out a sigh, his frustration tempered with a hint of amusement. "Kazwell, dude, you already have a whole collection in your room. Why do you keep buying?" He says, shaking his head.

Kazwell holsters the gun back into its rightful place, securing it with a practiced motion. "Well, you know me, I got priorities."

"Bro, we've been over this, You're my roommate. You know we got shit to pay, and I thought we agreed to save up for important things like ship repairs and supplies."

Kazwell shrugs, "I know, but come on now, these ain't only for show. Besides, I think these are the ones that truly fit my style. The best thing I can afford is safety for us while exploring the uncharted." He says, patting the holsters with pride.

Ben rolls his eyes, unable to completely stifle a grin. Despite his frustration, he appreciates Kazwell's enthusiasm and unwavering spirit.

"Kazwell, I get it, but you've been a bounty hunter for five months and still haven't used any of your weapons," he replies, his tone tinged with resignation. "We can't afford to be reckless with our finances."

Kazwell adopts a mock-serious expression. "Alright, alright," he concedes, his voice dripping with playful exaggeration. "I promise, no more impulsive weapon purchases. Our unwanted expenses come first."

Ben raises an eyebrow, a mixture of skepticism and amusement on his face. "Kazwell..." He warns, with a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Kazwell's smile fades while his eyes sparkle with mischief. "Easy boy, you have my word."

He takes a seat in the co-pilot's chair, making himself comfortable as he rests his feet on the dashboard. "No more splurging on fancy weaponry. I'll be the model of financial responsibility."

Ben stretches. "Sometimes, you're annoying."

"I appreciate the compliment." With a relaxed posture, Kazwell leans back slightly, crosses his arms over his chest, and rests his eyes.

Ben can't help but shake his head, a fond smile on his face. He knows that with Kazwell by his side, his days will be anything but ordinary.

But despite their differences, Ben knows he can always count on Kazwell because they have moments of lighthearted camaraderie since childhood.

Their banter serves as a reminder of the strong bond they share.

As they settle inside the abandoned ship, the storm outside rages on. The howling wind and snow obscures the world beyond the frosted windows, cocooning them in an eerie, isolated silence.

Ben glances at Kazwell and mutters, "I wonder what happened here. No one ever flies to Glacius."

"Bad pilot, maybe." Kazwell says while making himself at home.

"Nah, it can't be that," Ben replies, his voice carrying uncertainty.

He started massaging his own shoulders, the gentle pressure providing some relief from the tension that had built up during their walk through the snowstorm. "Not even the worst pilot could crash here."

Kazwell watched his friend's efforts and shrugs. "Maybe this pilot had a death wish."

Ben tries to push away the unease that seems to cling to the ship's atmosphere. "Weird place to choose for a final flight, don't you think? No corpse around either."

Before Kazwell could respond, the holo-link device on Ben's wrist flickers to life, projecting a translucent, blue-tinted holographic screen in front of him. It's displaying an incoming call from someone named "Kody."

Ben taps the device, accepting the call. "Hey, cuz."

Kody appears on the holo-link, He has a boyish charm with bright blue eyes. His youthful and relaxed features are accompanied by a stylish slicked back chestnut hair.

"Oh nice, you guys are still alive!" Kody exclaims, his voice filled with relief.

His outfit was casual and comfortable, perfect for a day spent piloting.

He wears a dark jacket with a few tech-themed patches, a nod to his love for all things related to ships and technology.

There's a sense of confidence about him, especially when he flashes a quick, friendly grin.

It was clear that Kody is not just Ben's cousin but also a trusted companion in their adventures among the stars.

"Got me a bit worried over here at B.O.B. while you guys got caught by the storm, which I told you it was going to."

Ben chuckles, glancing at Kazwell, who raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the conversation. "Hey, Kody. We're fine, just taking shelter in an old wreck. You know how unpredictable Glacius can be."

Kody's expression turns more serious as he leans back on the pilot's chair.

He's in the middle of a video game session, with a bag of snacks within arm's reach.

"Well, glad to hear you're okay," Kody says, his tone softer now, "but the blizzard better not have damaged my ship."

Ben rolls his eyes, a playful grin on his face. "Your ship? Last I checked, it's still mine."

Kody chuckles. "Anyway, Ben, I've been monitoring the hypercore. It keeps showing signs of instability, and it's eating up most of our energy. Flying like this will be challenging."

Ben exchanges a concerned look with Kazwell. "That's not good. As soon the storm is over, we're gonna be on our way to the spaceship factory to find a replacement hypercore."

"You think you'll find a hypercore? The factory has been abandoned for more than a decade."

"Hopefully, I heard a rumor a while back. The factory had to shut down production due to extreme weather anomalies, and some spaceships were left unfinished, so I'm assuming that there's at least one stable hypercore laying around." Ben scratches the back of his head, knowing how bad the circumstances could be if there are no hypercores left.

Kody nods thoughtfully as he pauses his game.

"I've got an idea. I'll fly B.O.B. over to your current location. The core is pretty stable at the moment. You'll have a much easier and faster trip to the factory. It's risky, but it might be our best shot."

Ben hesitates for a moment, torn between the urgency of their mission and the concern for his cousin's safety. Finally, he makes his decision.

"Thanks for the offer, Kody, but stay put for now. We'll manage here and join you as soon as we can. I don't want you risking B.O.B. on this planet."

Kody nods. "Alright then. You know where to find me. Just be careful out there, and keep me posted."

Before the call ended, Kazwell's eyes narrowed as he notices what Kody is munching on.

"Are those my 'Space Chips'?" he asks, his tone carrying a hint of irritation as he sits back down on his seat.

Kody glances at the bag of chips in his hand. "Nah, these are mine... I ate yours a while ago." 

As Kazwell's frustration grows, he opens his mouth, ready to let out a string of choice words at Kody.

However, before he could utter a single curse, Kody swiftly ends the call, leaving Kazwell to fume in silence.

In the meantime, after Kody ended the call with Ben, his thoughts linger on the idea he'd just proposed.

While Ben had initially declined, Kody can't shake the feeling that it was the best course of action. B.O.B, short for "Ben's Old Beauty," is a reliable ship, despite the quirks.

With a more stable hypercore, it could make the trip to the factory faster and safer.

Kody didn't waste any time. He sets down his virtual controller and reaches for the ship's control panel.

His fingers dancing across the holographic interface, inputting commands to power up the ship.

A soft hum emanates from the ship's core as systems come to life. Kody checks the ship's diagnostics, making sure everything was in working order.

He knows the journey to meet Ben and Kazwell can be treacherous, and B.O.B. has to be in better shape.

With a flick of his wrist, Kody engages the ship's antigravity systems, causing B.O.B. to lift gracefully from the snowy surface of Glacius.

The ship hovers a few meters above the ground, its repulsors kicking up a swirl of snow as it gains altitude.

Kody's hands move swiftly over the controls, utilizing holographic buttons and switches.

He initiates a system check on the hypercore, ensuring it's stable enough and ready for the journey ahead.

The core hums with renewed vigor, its energy output steady and reliable, for now.

With a determined expression, Kody adjusts the ship's coordinates to match Ben and Kazwell's last known location.

He inputs the commands to engage the ship's propulsion systems and with a gentle push of the throttle, B.O.B. begins its flight towards their rendezvous point.

The ship moves gracefully through the skies of Glacius, its sleek form glinting in the ambient light.

Inside the cockpit, Kody keeps a watchful eye on the holographic navigation display.

He knows that finding Ben and Kazwell in these weather and ship conditions will be hard, but he's determined to reach them as quickly as possible while B.O.B. soars through the cold, wintry skies.