
Valentine's Second Chance(Under Rewrite)

Funny Valentine... Lost, he had lost to Johnny Joestar. The one, who The Saint had sided with. He, however didn't exactly die like he should of to the power of infinity... The Saint seems to have sided with Valentine, in a different way. A psuedo system story, Funny Valentine takes the show as the protagonist of this story.

King_Gyro_Zeppeli · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2. The Love of Christ

It was bright, all around it was a beautiful bright white. This was all that could be seen, from every perspective possible, nothing could change this... No one could except for one, The Saint, the man who had given it all, redeemed all, fixed it all... The one who Valentine chased ever so strongly after...

And here Valentine was, this bright white area, a white void, a place of nothingness except for himself.

Valentine didn't speak but he instead thought in his mind.

'Where the Hell, am I? The last thing I remember... That pain, that unending pain, my entire being... ripped to shreds... on every conceivable level... I lost, I lost to Johnny Joestar... America, will fall, and it's all my damn fault!'

Face wreathed in anger, and hate, a need to fix what he has done, the entirety of what made Valentine who he was, boiled in pure rage.

The surroundings hadn't changed, yet the air around Valentine had changed, wind brushing lightly against the back of his neck, underneath his long blonde hair. His coat moving ever so slightly...

A calming feeling spread across Valentine entirely, although that didn't stop his worries completely, he still had his grievances, of his failure.

However words could not describe what Valentine felt, and went through, next... A light, yet comforting voice, not deep, nor high, a voice of care, of love for one's children, a voice of a father... Spoke...

"Valentine you have nothing to fear, not from me. You've done what you thought was right..." Valentine frantically looked every where he possibly could, a light breeze some how flowed behind him every time he turned around to look for who was talking.

"Who's there? If I might so inquire, I feel a bit uneasy about all of this." Valentine although terrified and confused, remained as calm as possible, he knew he had to be calm. His outburst to kill the Joestar, cost him the battle, and his life. Remembering that... He didn't want to answer his own question quite yet.

"I've been called many things, my son. You know me by my true name however, you never used it though..." Valentine, was dreading the answer, any answer, and that one only made his stomach churn even more... Valentine turned around slowly, to see a man that stood a bit shorter than himself.

The man had long dark hair, that although wool like was somewhat straight with curls at some parts at the top and the bottom.

A light amount of facial hair as though he had only shaved a week prior.

Bronze tan skin, signifying himself as a Galilean, neither African, or Caucasian, but Middle Eastern in descent.

Though he was muscled, he was lean, as though he hadn't eaten in a long while.

A crown adorned his head, it was made of thorns, it even had dried blood upon each of it's thorns.

A torn white robe covering his right torso, waist, groin, and left leg.

Holes could be seen in his hands, able to cleanly see everything behind them, holes as well in his feet, fully going through as well too.

Valentine, for the first time, in a long time, broke down dropping to his knees, tears falling down his eyes. He knew very well who stood in front of. His head hung in sadness, long glowing locks of blonde hair covering his face, down past his chest.

"Of course... I know you... Lord." Valentine said this with no hesitation, but with the voice of a man who was near breaking.

However even with all the deeds he has done, a hand reached for him. "I know you feel guilt... Even though you did it all to protect others, you still feel guilt... You aren't lost, many forget that I tend to be kinder than they think..."

The Lord pulled Valentine up without any effort and asked him to take a seat, a seat in the clearing that was just made. It was just like Valentine's old home as a child.

"I thought this might make you feel happier... Your life as a child was sad, but it also had... Happy moments for you... Being with your Father most of all..." The Lord sat down on a chair that was made of wood, and had red leather for cushioning, The Lord so too beckoned Valentine to sit down in a chair near him.

Valentine did so and sat next to The Lord.

"Why? Why would you forgive me... The things I've do-" Before Valentine could finish he was interrupted. "I might not agree with... But all have sinned, others forget not all Sin is always equal... Some circumstances... Change that... I love all regardless of their sins... I still wish for everyone to be better, you tried to live like me, but fell short... Everyone does, all you can do is get up and try again."

"You have made amends with me before your death... Have you forgotten, I am strict in what I expect... But do you forget that I lean more towards forgiveness than I do judgement..." Valentine did remember that though not all would go to Heaven, even if they followed the Lord, that he did lean towards forgiveness more than judgement.

"I... I, just, I can't" Valentine couldn't describe how he felt, how badly his belief in God, and beliefs of how to protect his country no matter the cost... How they both conflicted times in the past, how he had to throw away morals to protect his country and his people.

"You don't have to explain my son... I already know how conflicted you are... There are many things you want to fix... I can tell... If you want we can make a deal..." The Lord looked at Valentine with a sincere smile, one of a father wanting to help his son make amends, to fix something they broke, to teach them a lesson about how to do better.

"I shouldn't be surprised by... How loving you are, I guess... We Humans, just are never able to wrap our minds, around how much of an enigma... You are." Though Valentine was confused he was deeply happy, he felt where all love came from, the man in front of him. No... God, truly wanted to help him.

"There are many things... Many will never understand about me... And that's fine... It's hard to understand how everything works... some things go beyond human comprehension... However... Humanity as a whole is much smarter than it gives itself credit for..." God spoke with a sad tone, knowing well how much of Humanity had doubted and destroyed itself. But it was that way for a reason.

Before Valentine could even speak God spoke. "I'm fine do not worry about me my son... We have something to speak on..."

"That is true my Lord. Though I don't know what exactly you have in mind for someone like me. My strengths don't exactly give way to peace for the most part, unless it's my charisma."

God smiled. "I know that quite well... You would be placed in a new universe... One that would be quite hostile... One that needs the love of a protector... One that can physically do something without taking the agency of others away... You... My son."

"What does that mean, Lord? What would be happening to me... How would this all work out?" Valentine was intrigued by this idea The Lord had given to him as a proposition.

"Very simply... You would be there with the ability to become stronger... To learn more within your ability to handle... And ultimately be able to save this place you will go to." God spoke with a kind voice to Valentine.

"I have nothing to lose by doing this. I only have ought to gain, in many ways, being from you as well too my Lord... I don't rightly believe I can refuse. You have a deal my Lord." Valentine spoke with respect and reverence, a slight smile on his face as he finished speaking.

"Then it's your time to help others once again... My son... Know that I will always love you... As I love everything else I have made... Please be safe..." The Lord finished speaking and took Valentine by the hand, to the front door of the house.

When Valentine walked through the door a bright light enveloped him, and set him upon his new journey.

[Current Belongings]


Silver Presidential Longcoat

Silver Presidential Pants

White Leather Boots

White Sleeveless Men's Dress Blouse

Brown Belt

White Embroidered Gloves



Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Potential Unlocked: 1%

Power: A. godlike, able to destroy entire mountains with a punch

Speed: A. godlike, thousands of times faster than even light can travel

Persistence: A. godlike, able to take hits from Stands just as strong as itself

Range: C. Superhuman, can move two meters away from it's user whil retaining all it's power and has an arm reach of 54 inches.

Development Potential: A. godlike, has much more able to be utilized and explored with it's ability.

Ability: Able to change between dimensions when between two objects and allow neighboring realities and worlds to exist in the same area at the same time.

Physical Stature: Nine feet tall without ears, with ears Eleven feet and three inches.

Physical look: D4C has a humanoid form with large, upright horns that somewhat resemble the ears of a leporid; a masked mandible, and a light body lined by an almost unbroken seam or trim. It's designed after the image of leather being stitched together, like on a baseball. Under its brow, its eyes appear to emote a cold gaze.


Gunmanship: Adept

CQC: Adept

Deception: Expert

Persuasion: Master

Tactics: Master

Strategism: Master

Perception: Expert

Inventiveness: Novice

Espionage: Adept

Medicine: Novice

Craftmanship: Novice

Hunting: Novice

Gathering: Novice

Detection: Adept

Situational Awareness: Expert

Religion: Adept

Swordsmanship: Novice

Bowmanship: Novice

Smithing: Novice

Alchemy: Novice

Shield Expertise: Novice

Science: Adept

Math: Adept

Politics: Savant


1x Colt Walker

1x United States Remmington Bayonet


60x 44. Ball Revolver


Guardian Angel