
V for Vampire

A human reborn as a vampire in the Marvel universe. No Harem (I don't do Harem) I will try to write a somewhat okay story... . The characters I created on my own are the only characters I own. The story was also owned by me. Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/draculonium_20239710605368105 https://www.webnovel.com/book/author-v_20239635805367705

valient_vicky · Anime & Comics
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God: 10

Anna (POV)

Today was my wedding day and my marriage will take place at the same time with my elder sister Rose. My fiancé is 3 years older than me. He never had a proper conversation with me. But I heard he is a good person and a gentleman in character. I am now wearing my favourite white wedding gown with a roses design.

About 1 hour before my marriage father came to my room to see me with Mr. William. My father seems to be crying and trying to say something but he can't. Sigh, I always thought father loved my elder sister Rose more because of her quiet character. I always annoyed him with the question though. But it seems he loved me more than my sister, see he is crying for me thinking of separating from his daughter after marriage.

But what I unexpected most was my father is crying, I only saw him crying when his mother does not allows him to sleep in her room. My father eyes will be red during the wedding. I am even afraid he cries loudly during the wedding. I should warn him to not do so, it will surely make me cry which will destroy my make-up. I don't want to look ugly during the wedding. Suddenly, Mr. William who was behind my father worrying about my crying father came forward something, but I don't think I heard it right. I can see everyone in the room are also surprised to hear his word including my father. But I wanted to ask my father regarding this, but I saw my father smiling like an idiot. What is with my father, he came only to start crying and now he started laughing even after hearing Mr. Williams's words. Is my father crazy or I became crazy? Maybe all the pressure in the wedding is getting me and made this dream. Then, I slapped myself on other hand only to realize it is not a dream from the pain I felt. How can it be true?

*Flashback - 5 minutes before*

Williams came forward and said "Anna you will be marrying Victor instead of Richard, while Richard Ritchson seems to run away from his home last night with his lover, and his family members still haven't found him. So, Victor will be marrying you. He will take good care of you more than anyone can. He cares for his family than anything. He accepted this marriage with you. Are you okay with these changes?"


Anna who was still wondering whether it is dreamy or reality, nodded her head unknowingly.

Charles and William who saw this were happy and went outside the room smiling. Charles asked William "Did you asked Victor?"

William – No.

Charles – But you said Victor accepted this marriage with my daughter.

William – He will. Because he never or ever said no to what I asked him to do.

Charles – Do you think he will accept this idea?

William – He will understand.

Charles can only nod his head while walking towards Victor with William. He can only expect Victor to accept this Williams decision.

Victor and Meng Tian who saw Charles and William coming towards them with a serious face, they asked about what happened.

Charles told that "William told to Anna when I hesitated".

William who looked towards Victor said "You are marrying Anna today"

Victor said "Okay"

William and Charles were happy.

Victor (POV)

Feeling something was wrong and repeated the William words again in my mind. I felt shocked. He is going to marry Anna. What? When did they come to their decision? Why me? I don't know anything about marriage relationships. I asked William "Am I going to marry Anna?"

A/N: No one knows though at first.

Meng Tian (POV)

Now Meng Tian also felt shocked by these sudden things happening here. Victor marriage? Is it even possible? In my entire life, Victor is the only one who got thousands of marriage proposals in his life and rejected them without thinking about it. William and I even once tried to make him get married but it failed though. Even my son failed in it. Will he marry Anna?

William – Yes, I promised Charles you will marry Anna today.

Victor – Then, okay.

William, Meng Tian and Charles felt shocked for not getting any resistance from Victor side as they expected a normal child would do.

Seeing the surprised look in Charles and Meng Tian he had on his face, William said.

William – Cough! Cough! Then start preparing for the wedding. Anna is already prepared.

Victor – Okay.

Victor snapped his finger and clothes changed to the dress of the groom of the 2000s instead of the old fashion of the 1800s. I don't want my wedding photos with those 1800s suit and the wedding is once in a lifetime celebration. I should also enjoy myself.

A/N: Snapping can also be used this way. Okay.

Victor suit has black trouser and a black overcoat. It looked like a tuxedo, but modern like in 2000s. The accessories like black tie, black vest, white handkerchief and white shirt.

Charles, William and Meng Tian who saw that were surprised. They also found the new suit seems to have a great new design they haven't seen anywhere. William asked where did you get this design and this seems to be good.

Victor – I designed on my own. (In mind: I found it on silver search.)

Williams – I think Trident can open a new business in formal dress with this kind of designs. So, leave all the design you created on my desks later.

Victor – Okay.

While William, Charles, Meng Tian were walking together.

Meng Tian – Don't you think he accepted everything easily.

William – Yes, I also expected some resistance but he took it easily.

Charles - Maybe he wanted to marry early. Now he got the chance he accepted it.

Meng Tian and William – No, never.

Meng Tian – Do you think he never had marriage proposals? He had more thousands and he never thought about it before rejecting it before.

William – Yes, but he accepted it without a thought.

Charles – Maybe my daughter Anna is charming enough for him to accept this marriage easily.

Meng Tian and William – That may be the reason.

Meng Tian – I think it is also because of William's decision. He always followed his decisions.

They smiled among themselves for getting all the heavy burden from their mind. This new spread and Mary also heard it. First, she was shocked and worried for her daughter's future life. But when the second news came, she was happy that she couldn't control it laughed it loud. While Rose was also happy for her sister.



A/N: I had a lot of plans for his wife and everything, but I had to change it to make the following chapters not boring. I still not good at romance scenes, just adjust it for now. See you later.

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