
Uzumaki Tales : Song of the Mockingbird

"Weak !! YOU ARE WEAK !!! Your brethen dies in droves and you cower behind a barrier ?!! How the mighty have fallen. The last heir to Uzushiogakure." The Raikage spat on the floor, near the dead body of my father. All around me, I see dead bodies of my familly. My brothers, my sisters, my uncles and aunt's, grandpa's and ma's. All just DEAD. And surrounding me, standing over their corpses, the invader. "The Barrier can even protect the boy from my Dust Release. How interesting. Let's pilage what we can and-" Abruptly interrupted, Onoki looked up to see a cloud of gaz quickly escaping the dead bodies of every Uzumaki. "I curse you Kages of the world, Kiri, Kumo and Iwa shall all perish during your lives. Your dream of prosperity shall disapear in the dust you like so much, Onoki. And my soul willl be looking from beyond the veil." With solemnity unbefitting a four year old, I took a fallen kunai and cut myself. Using my blood as ink I draw one of the variant of the Shiki Fûjin on my palm and flared my chakra. Then immense pain assaulted me as my very Soul was extracted. In exchage, the gazes around started chasing and killing every Shinobi I considered an enemy. And in the brief instant before I lost my soul, where I saw the 4 of the Seven Sword of the Mist die, I smiled, content with the outcome. ***** The cover isn't mine. If you are the owner and don't want that I use the image, tell me, I shall change cover.

Valien · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

A New Home

Fortunately, Sashida had passed out during the fight as I wouldn't know how to explain what I did next. I took every eye I could find that wasn't damaged and put them in my Storage seal. Sashida on my back I started running out of the Valley of Hell and went towards the small village of Bakorio. I knew that Sashida lived there with her parents. I needed to rejoin with them and find supports. I wasn't strong enough and I wanted allies. But more importantly I needed people I could call familly. After spending two years alone in the wilderness only talking to clones of myself, I found that I wasn't as sharp as I used to be. I mean, I'm supposed to be an adult in the body of a six years old and these days I found that I didn't think before acting. Stupidest thing to do in the Naruto verse. And it wasn't only a question of how sharp I was, it was also a way for me to not descend into madness. It is easy for the human mind to lose itself without any help from other human mind.

On the way to the village, Sashida stirred, and her eyes grew wide before she started crying.

"Ashura...sob, Shinichi died... and all those people too." 

"Yes, they died... we narrowly escaped an harrowing death, Sashida. We are extremely lucky, you know." I responded soothingly.

"But why ? Why would he do that ? Why would he try to kill us and then kill his village? Why did he kill Shinichi ?" She asked, grief in her voice.

"Ahhh...For the same reason those bandits kidnapped you. We are Uzumaki. Right now we are weak and easy picking. Powerfull people wants to use us for their benefits. That's why I'm growing as strong as I can. To protect other Uzumaki from bad people. 

And the reason why En Shiroda killed Shinichi and his clansmen seems to be because of internal politics. You'll understand when you are older."I responded, trying to instill caution in her. 

"Now tell me if you recognise our surroundings, it would help leading the way to your parents." I quickly added, changing the subject.


6 Hours later and we found ourselves in the small village of Bakorio. Full of greenery, it was quaint but beautifull. Flower bed went around the differents houses. Alley ranged with trees gave a protected and lovely atmosphere to the small town. The people where easy going as they talked with their neighboors. 

I spawned two Shadow Clones and sent them around the village in search of the small farm owned by the Tutsuri familly. They first used an Henge to make them look like regular civilian before going around asking question. Fortunately for me, this village was a coastal one, so there were regular new faces around, trying to trade with the local. I wouldn't want to raise question.

I suddenly stopped as I received infromations from one of my Shadow clones. I directed myself to the west and Sashida who had since the start of our travel, considerably calmed herself.

"I found your home, let's go." I said with a small smile of relief.

We ran our way there, still hiden behind our henges, when we saw a black straight haired woman and a man with brown one. Both turned towards us and I saw them put their gard up opon seeing us. I quickly dispelled our henges, before their eyes widened in relief, tears threatening to spill over. They rushed to their daughter and soon the familly was weeping together, in shared traumatic relief.

I just stood there quietly, a bit embarrassed but mostly happy for them.

Some minutes passed and they calmed themselves, before Sashida made introduction for us.

"Mom, Dad, this here is Ashura Uzumaki, Clan leader of the Uzumaki clan." She said. And I could see the eyes of her parents grow wide in astonishment, even though they saw my hair and eyes. "He was the one who saved me from the bandits, three days ago." Astonished, they had their jaw hanging open.

Witnessing the silence that just wouldn't stop, I sighed.

"I propose we continue this conversation inside, It isn't one we should have outside." They nodded and dumbly lead us in the farm house. There, We sat in the kitchen and I explained everything. What happened 2 years prior, the fall of Uzushio. How I found myself in the land of Hot Spring, How I found their daughter and Shinichi. How I saved them and decided to bring them back to their parents. 

Afterwards I proposed that Sashida was sent to bed as she had a long and tired journey. And when I was sure she didn't hear I explained what happened in the Chinoike clan compound. 

"You must understand, that won't be the only time it happens. Yes, this time it was mostly my fault. Had I just dropped Shinichi on the doorstep and left with Sashida, it wouldn't have devolved in the eradication of the Chinoike clan, but What you must understand is that, your Henge is obvious for anyone who is a little bit trained in Chakra Sensing. Soon people will realise that you are hiding your features, then they will see the red hair, the violet eyes, thay will see the times you settled here, and come to the conclusion that you are an Uzumaki. While you don't really interest regular civilian, what you should be afraid of are the villages. Great or not, the villages will come for you. You are of a pure bloodlines, and you are female, they will use you as a breeding machine to spawn more Uzumaki loyal to their village. Then when you have fulfilled your mission they will kill you and use your daughter in the same way." I said coldly, as disgust for their method showed on my face. 

After the tales I had told them, it was already night and they were tired and almost unresponsive. But they persevered as they knew that what I was saying was important for their survival.

"Mikasa, Batsu, what I'm proposing you is protection and teachings. I can help you protect your familly Batsu and help with your farm, I have some ideas that would help sell your marchandise easily. And I can help improve your strenght, Mikasa, yours and Sashida, if you are willing." I said honestly.

"2 Questions comes to my mind." Batsu says, after a second pondering. " Why do you want to help us ? And what do you want in exchange ?"

"Hahaha, very simple, really. My goal is to reunite the Uzumaki under a banner and make them more feared than the 5 great villages together. It doesn't mean I want only fighters, It means I wnat competent people. And for that I need supports and allies. I want to protect you because you are a Uzumaki Familly, even though you hide behind the name Tutsuri. And I want you to let me build a hidden retreat on your property. I also want you to provide for me in terms of food and necessities. So really, the answer is Familly and Support." I said looking straight into his eyes.

He slowly extended his hand.

"Good. It seems like we have an arrangement. We should deal with the details tomorow. For now let's retire for the night and sleep on it."He said.

I took his hand and shook it. Then I rose up from my sitting position before being led by Mikasa towards the bedroom and just as I hit the pillow, I fell asleep.