
Ch-79 Kagutsuchi injured.

Kagutsuchi felt perplexed by Yoshishiki's behavior even after being struck by his attack. Instead of being angered, Yoshishiki was smiling. However, Kagutsuchi's expression suddenly changed when he noticed that the wound on Yoshishiki's body was vanishing. But what truly caused his expression to change was the sight of blood dripping from Yoshishiki's clothing.

"It appears your ability is to reflect the injuries you receive back onto your opponent," Kagutsuchi remarked calmly.

"Take him seriously; he possesses regenerative abilities," Hanashiki advised.

"Understood!" Yoshishiki replied, swinging his sword vertically, unleashing a large yellow slash that headed straight for Kagutsuchi.

Kagutsuchi easily deflected Yoshishiki's attack with a swing of his sword. He then utilized Shunpo to appear in front of Yoshishiki and attempted to decapitate him with a single strike. However, Yoshishiki, an experienced sword user with incredible reflexes and speed, parried Kagutsuchi's attack, resulting in the creation of a massive crater where their blades collided.

Both Kagutsuchi and Yoshishiki continued their intense sword fight, leaving nothing but destruction in their wake.

"Your strength is impressive for an old man," Yoshishiki remarked while clashing swords with Kagutsuchi.

"You haven't witnessed the full extent of my power yet," Kagutsuchi responded. He seized an opportunity and slashed at Yoshishiki's chest again. His blade easily cut through the right side of Yoshishiki's chest, causing him to bleed. However, just as before, Yoshishiki's wound was once again transferred to Kagutsuchi.

"It's futile; no matter how many times you wound me, nothing will happen to me," Yoshishiki declared.

"You're correct, even though nothing will harm you directly, transferring your injuries consumes Chakra. The more significant the injury you endure, the more Chakra you expend to transfer it to me. That means I simply need to inflict severe injuries on you repeatedly until your Chakra is depleted, and you can't fight," Kagutsuchi explained while healing the injury he received from Yoshishiki.

"You're quite adept at analyzing my ability and identifying its weaknesses. However, you also need Chakra to heal the wounds I inflict upon you. Can you really compare to me in terms of Chakra?" Yoshishiki countered.

"There is a distinction. I typically don't rely on Chakra when I fight, so even if you surpass me in terms of Chakra, your Chakra consumption is far greater compared to mine," Kagutsuchi replied.

With that, he grasped his Ryujin Jakka and declared, "Reduce All Creation to Ash". A tremendous amount of fiery Reitsu emanated from Kagutsuchi's body.

"What is this energy? It's definitely not Chakra; it directly affects the soul. Interesting. I'm more and more inclined to capture this person now," remarked Hanashiki.

Kagutsuchi lightly swung his sword, creating a wave of fire that engulfed Yoshishiki directly.

"The temperature of your flames is exceptionally high, I must admit. However, it won't work on me. We've traveled across the universe and encountered stars with even higher temperatures," Yoshishiki boasted.

"I'm aware, but you're not immune to this, are you? You must continually use your Chakra to withstand this level of heat," Kagutsuchi pointed out.

Kagutsuchi encased Yoshishiki within a 'Flame Pillar.' In response, Yoshishiki slashed heavily with his Chakra sword, creating an opening in the flame pillar. But as soon as an opening appeared, Kagutsuchi materialized in front of Yoshishiki and attempted a diagonal slash from his left shoulder to his right waist. At the last moment, Yoshishiki managed to dodge, leaving only a deep diagonal cut on his body, which, as always, was transferred to Kagutsuchi.

"Why didn't you allow yourself to be cut in half this way? Wouldn't I be dead? Or is it that you can't regenerate your body parts, and will you die after my sword strikes?" Kagutsuchi inquired.

Yoshishiki's expression turned solemn because Kagutsuchi was speaking the truth. Small injuries to his soul could be easily healed, but if any body part were severed along with the soul from his body, he wouldn't be able to regenerate it. Moreover, he would be unable to transfer the injuries he received on his soul to Kagutsuchi.

"You've disappointed me, Yoshishiki. Even after fighting him for so long, you haven't managed to inflict any significant damage on your opponent," Hanashiki remarked.

"I'm sorry, Hanashiki-Sama. I have failed to meet your expectations," Yoshishiki replied, lowering his head in shame.

Hanashiki vanished and reappeared in front of Kagutsuchi in an instant, holding a spear made of red lightning. He launched an attack at Kagutsuchi, who used his sword to defend himself. However, as Kagutsuchi's sword made contact with the red lightning spear, it didn't actually touch it but phased through it. Suddenly, the spear materialized and Hanashiki stabbed Kagutsuchi.

"A similar ability to Kamui?" Kagutsuchi pondered.

The impact sent Kagutsuchi flying, and the red lightning spear exploded with a resounding 'BOOM.'

At that moment, high above the battlefield where Kagutsuchi and the two Otsutsuki warriors clashed, a few birds were seen in the sky. However, there was a notable distinction: each of these birds wore a collar with a camera attached to it. Additionally, they carried a small bag on their backs, which transmitted the images of the ongoing battle. These feathered messengers were broadcasting the intense combat to all the major villages, this was created by the scientific department under Orochimaru.

As the villagers and ninja from various regions watched the battle unfold, they were left utterly stunned. What shocked them the most was witnessing Kagutsuchi sustaining injuries, a sight they had never expected to witness and had never witnessed.