
CH-28 A Request to Remove Forehead Protectors

I express my gratitude to Jacarya Robinson, Paolo Garcia, and MW for their support and becoming a patron on Patreon.

You can read 10 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.


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Fuso then looked towards Sakumo and the rest of the group, his gaze determined, and spoke with conviction, "Okay, we shall indeed participate in the upcoming Chunin Exam. However, before we proceed, we must finalize our selection of candidates. I kindly request all of you to be patient as we work towards this crucial decision."

Sakumo, acknowledging the importance of the matter, responded, "Yes, we understand the need to finalize the candidates promptly. I urge you to accomplish this task by tomorrow, as we are scheduled to depart for Konoha. The Chunin Exam is a mere four days away, leaving us no choice but to depart tomorrow."

Assuring his team, Fuso stated confidently, "Do not worry. By tomorrow, we will diligently select all the candidates and be fully prepared to depart at a moment's notice." Fuso then shifted his focus towards Matsuda and directed him, "Matsuda, I entrust you with the responsibility of showcasing the wonders of the Uzumaki village to our esteemed guests."

Matsuda, assuming his role with enthusiasm, replied, "Yes, please follow me."

Sakumo nodded in approval, acknowledging Matsuda's offer, and added, "Please lead the way."

With their objectives set, Sakumo, accompanied by Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade, gracefully exited the meeting room, their minds filled with anticipation and determination.

Shortly after their departure, Matsuda redirected his attention towards Sakumo and the others, his voice firm yet respectful, as he made his request, "I kindly request that you remove the ninja forehead protectors, my honored guests."

Jiraiya, perplexed by the request, interjected, "But why? The forehead protectors proudly symbolize our identity as esteemed members of the prestigious Konoha village. We wear them with pride and honor."

Matsuda, his gaze unwavering, explained his reasoning, "I understand the significance your village places on the forehead protectors. However, the very reason I request their removal is because they identify you as members of the Konoha village. I must be honest with you; the people of the Uzumaki village hold no respect for your village. Instead, they feel a sense of disgust. If you wish to freely explore the Uzumaki village without encountering disdain on the faces of its inhabitants, I advise you to remove your forehead protectors."

"They still hate us this much?" said Jiraiya.

Matsuda spoke up, his voice tinged with bitterness. "The attacks from other major villages were not a surprise to us. We knew that they feared our sealing ability and our enemies, especially because we are allies with Konoha village. If we had chosen to sell the sealing techniques and send ninja to their village to become jinchuriki, they wouldn't view us as enemies. But the cruel irony is that Konoha village, whom we believed to be our ally, betrayed us. It hurt the most. What do you think? We could have achieved this level of prosperity before; it's not that we couldn't have. However, because we treated Konoha as our ally, we refrained from selling many explosive tags to other villages and fulfilled our obligations as allies. Yet, Konoha abandoned us without a second thought. If it hadn't been for Elder Kagutsuchi, we would have perished. So, this deep-rooted hatred cannot be resolved so easily," he explained, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and sorrow.

After Matsuda's passionate words, a heavy silence fell over the group.

Sakumo spoke up, his voice filled with understanding. "We comprehend your point, and I must admit that I cannot change the past. However, we are sorry; we cannot remove our Ninja forehead protectors. They are an integral part of our identity. Instead of evading the hate, it's better for us to confront it," he stated, offering a sincere smile.

"As you wish," Matsuda replied. With that, he took them all on a tour of the village, showing them its various aspects. As Matsuda had predicted, upon seeing the Konoha forehead protectors worn by their visitors, the locals couldn't hide their disdain. Nevertheless, they maintained a basic level of decorum.


At that moment, Mitsuo found himself engrossed in fishing by the peaceful seashore. Suddenly, his tranquil state was interrupted by a familiar voice calling out, "Small grandpa, there you are! I've been searching for you everywhere."

Mitsuo's face twitched, a mixture of annoyance and affection. He couldn't help but respond, "Kushina, my dear, how many times must I kindly ask you not to refer to me as 'small grandpa'? Alas, my words seem to fall on deaf ears."

"And I've told you many times that since you're weaker than Grandpa, you're small grandpa," retorted Kushina, hanging around Mitsuo's neck with a playful smile.

"So, what is it that brings you here, my dear small granddaughter?" Mitsuo asked warmly, a smile gracing his face.

Kushina responded with excitement, "Oh, you won't believe it! A ninja team from Konoha arrived today, extending an invitation to our Uzumaki village to participate in the Chunin exam. And guess what? Grandpa has graciously agreed to let the younger generation take part in it! He specifically asked me to deliver the news that you will be the leading representative from our Uzumaki village."

Mitsuo's smile widened as he replied, "Well, if Uncle has given his approval, then there's no problem at all. In fact, he even granted me permission to meet my elder sister by sending me to Konoha. I couldn't be happier!"

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)

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