
Ch-21 The First: Killing Stroke

I express my gratitude to Atticus Chea, Dario Cameruccio, Erik Hernandez, Scorpio and Yaya Franklin for their support and becoming a patron on Patreon.

You can read 5 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.


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Mito was in a dire situation, as she tried to move from her spot. However, the heat emanating from the pillars of flame was overwhelming, causing her to feel unbearable. The fire's intensity was consuming her chakra at an alarming rate, leaving her with limited options. In a last-ditch effort, she mustered her strength and channeled her power to unleash the multiple tail beast bomb once again. The powerful attack was aimed at the fiery columns, but to her dismay, as the bomb drew closer, the pillars vanished into thin air. It was as if the flames had disintegrated them into nothingness, leaving Mito in utter disbelief.

Determined not to give up, Mito summoned her Adamantine chains, which were covered with all nine tails of the Nine Tails. She controlled the tails with great precision and attacked the fire pillars with all her might, hoping to defeat them. However, her efforts proved to be ineffective against the intense flames. The Adamantine chains could not penetrate the pillars, leaving Mito feeling helpless and uncertain about what to do next.

Mito was struggling to withstand the heat and flames, while Kagutsuchi stood seemingly unfazed amidst the inferno. The scene appeared almost surreal, as though it was all an illusion. However, it was far from that. The reality was that Kagutsuchi was indeed standing amidst the flames, but they posed no threat to him. After all, he possessed Ryuujin Jakka, a powerful weapon that made the fire seem like nothing more than a mere nuisance.

As Kagutsuchi clutched his formidable Ryuujin Jakka with a steady hand, he disappeared from his previous spot in a split second. Then, he materialized behind the Nine-Tailed Beast with a grace that belied his immense power. The suddenness of his movement was almost startling, but his calm demeanor remained unchanged.

"The First: Killing Stroke"

The Nine-Tailed Beast's translucent golden chakra body was sliced in two by Kagutsuchi's powerful Ryuujin Jakka. A deafening roar reverberated throughout the area as the beast's body was split apart. The once radiant and imposing figure of the Nine-Tailed Beast was now reduced to a fading shimmer of golden light that slowly dissipated into the air.

As the nine tails vanished, Mito emerged from within its form and plummeted to the ground, feeling humiliated by her defeat. The impact of her fall was jarring, and she struggled to regain her composure. Her breaths came in ragged gasps as she tried to process what had just happened. Despite the overwhelming sense of defeat, she refused to give up.

With a wave of his hand, Kagutsuchi dispelled the fiery pillars that had surrounded both himself and Mito. The flames dissipated into thin air, leaving behind a trail of smoke and ash.

Upon seeing the sudden disappearance of the flames, Mito attempted to rise to her feet. However, she found herself unable to do so and slumped back to the ground, feeling defeated and hopeless. "Why did you dispel the fire?" she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just let me die," she added, her words heavy with despair. The defeat she felt was overwhelming, and she could not fathom the idea of continuing the battle any longer.

"You are someone who can abandon your own family, but I am not like you," Kagutsuchi spoke as he approached Mito, standing directly in front of her. "I cannot bring myself to kill my own niece with my own hands," he continued, his voice firm and resolute. "All I wanted was to punish you and the village of Konoha for their betrayal, nothing more," he added, his gaze steady and unwavering. Despite the animosity between them, Kagutsuchi's words conveyed a sense of compassion and understanding that Mito had not expected. She remained silent, unsure of how to respond to his unexpected show of mercy.

Kagutsuchi sheathed his Ryuujin Jakka, and as he did, the sword transformed into a simple-looking crutch. He then adjusted his clothing, donning a black kosode that covered his upper body, and a white haori that billowed in the wind as it reappeared over his shoulder. The transformation of his weapon, coupled with his change in appearance, created an atmosphere of calm and tranquility.

Mito was utterly shocked by what she had just witnessed. Kagutsuchi appeared completely unscathed, as if he had not been in a fierce battle moments ago. His clothing was immaculate, without a single tear or blemish, and there was no sign of injury or fatigue on his face. Mito couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief and amazement at his resilience. She had been fighting tooth and nail to survive, but here was Kagutsuchi, seemingly unharmed. It was a testament to his strength and power, and Mito couldn't help but feel a sense of both admiration and fear towards him.

Uzumaki Kagutsuchi spoke in a firm and unwavering tone, "If my intention was to kill you, I would have done so without hesitation. I could have easily cut both you and the Nine Tails in half." His words were laced with a sense of finality that left Mito feeling unnerved. Kagutsuchi then approached her and gently touched her forehead with the tip of his crutch. He closed his eyes, and a sudden surge of energy emanated from the crutch, enveloping Mito in a bright light. The energy dissipated as quickly as it had appeared, leaving Mito feeling disoriented and confused. She could not comprehend what had just happened, and the sense of unease within her only continued to grow.

Mito's confusion and unease were evident in her voice as she asked Kagutsuchi, "What did you just do?" Her gaze was fixed on him, searching for any hint of an answer in his expression. She couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed, that some part of her had been altered in some way that she couldn't quite grasp.

Kagutsuchi's response was direct and to the point. "I have placed a seal on your soul. You will never be able to share any knowledge of sealing techniques with others, nor will you be able to use these techniques for others. If you attempt to do so, your soul will be consumed by flames." His words hung heavy in the air, leaving Mito feeling a sense of shock and despair. The art of sealing was one of her greatest reliance that even if she lost and Kagutsuchi removes the barrier from the village she can restore it with due time but now it's impossible.

Mito's head drooped in defeat as she whispered softly, "Is it not possible to forgive Konoha and let bygones be bygones?" Her heart was heavy with sorrow, and she struggled to accept the weight of Kagutsuchi's actions. The thought of being unable to use the sealing techniques that had defined her for so long was almost too much to bear. But even more than that, the idea that she could never share her knowledge with anyone else felt like a crushing blow. It was as if her entire identity had been taken away from her in a single moment.

(A/N: If you like the story vote power stones.)

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