
Chapter 2 Are you my father?_1

Translator: 549690339

When Shen Zhou reached the door of the operating room, his demeanor had changed dramatically.

Where dragons lay hidden and tigers crouched, a peak loomed profound and deep!

He said indifferently, "The people inside can't treat Doudou, but I can. Let me in."

Chang Gang and Du Li turned their heads to look at him, their eyebrows tightly knit, their faces filled with incredulity.

Du Li asked coldly, "Who are you?"

Beside them, a nurse snorted, "His name is Shen Zhou, just graduated a year ago, a clueless duck. He can treat the little girl? Is he out of his mind?"

Xue Lizhou grabbed Shen Zhou's collar, "Kid, if those doctors inside can't cure my niece, her life is at stake! Do you want to be buried with her?"

Shen Zhou caught his wrist and gave it a slight squeeze.

Xue Lizhou was taken aback.

He practiced martial arts too and was strong, but the moment Shen Zhou squeezed, his arm went limp, and his grip loosened involuntarily.

Shen Zhou pushed him away and straightened his collar, "The only one who can save Doudou now is me."


Chang Gang declared coldly, "So full of yourself, showing off isn't done this way. Only Director Guo can save Doudou!"

As his words fell, the door of the operating room opened.

Guo Dezhi came out with his hands covered in blood, a look of panic and unease on his face.

Xue Lizhou immediately grabbed his arm tightly, causing him to cry out in pain.

"Did you save my niece?"

Guo Dezhi's face was the picture of doom, "Xue... Young Master Xue, it's not that I didn't try my best, there was nothing I could do. The little darling was hit so hard by falling debris from high altitude, her central nervous system was severely damaged!"

"Now... she has suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, leading to severe brain death, really... beyond saving!"

Xue Lizhou stood frozen, "It can't be like this. It was me who took the little darling out, and because of that, she got hit by something falling from a building. If I can't save her, my sister will kill me!"

His aura filled with deadly intent, "Before my sister kills me, I'll finish you off first!"

A slap fiercely descended towards Guo Dezhi.

With a scream, he fell to the ground, spitting out two teeth.

Although Shen Zhou felt it was well-deserved, he didn't linger and quickly walked into the emergency room.

On the operating table, Doudou's eyes were tightly shut, her face pale and her head bloody.

Shen Zhou hurried over, his right hand squeezing slightly, and Earth Needle appeared.

He gently adjusted Doudou's little head, looked at her in her comatose state, and smiled gently.

"Don't worry, Doudou. I will save you."

Suddenly, his heart stirred!

The feeling of blood connection became even stronger.

It was as if a thousand years of familial affection had suddenly descended upon this life!

But even after Shen Zhou had broken the seal and recovered his memories, he couldn't understand—

In over five thousand years—

Grandfather, when did we have descendants?

Regardless, he must save the little darling!

Outside, people rushed in.

Guo Dezhi yelled, "Shen Zhou, what are you doing? Get out! The little darling had such a tragic death, and you're still troubling her? She's not a medical research subject!"

Du Li also shouted sternly, "Shen Zhou, let go immediately. Please show some respect for the little life that's just passed away!"

Chang Gang roared even louder, "I'm firing you right now!"

Xue Lizhou took big strides over, his rage pouring out onto Shen Zhou, "Fired? Is it that easy? My niece died so young, and you're still moving her head around?"

"I will blow your head off!"

A punch aimed at his head!

Shen Zhou dodged swiftly, leaving the punch to hit nothing.

He turned and grabbed the fist, twisting it fiercely.

Xue Lizhou cried out in pain, his body tilting to one side.

He yelled, "You're about to break my arm, let go, or I'll tear you to pieces!"

Shen Zhou said coldly, "Doudou can still be saved, but if you keep delaying, she'll be beyond help. I'm saving her, do you understand?"

After speaking, he pushed forcefully.

Xue Lizhou fell to the ground with a thud.

He immediately sprang up, turning to look at Dean Chang.

"Dean Chang, what the hell is this guy? He keeps saying he can save my niece, didn't you say she's already dead?"

Several deans hurried over to check and knew at a glance that the little darling was beyond help.

Chang Gang shook his head with a bitter expression, "She's indeed dead."

"No, she's not. I can bring her back to life!"

Shen Zhou spoke with conviction, pointing to the door, "Get out!"

He burst forth with an immense aura, stunning everyone.

Guo Dezhi blurted out, "You're nuts, Young Master Xue, don't believe him!"

Suddenly, he cried out in pain and was thrown out.

It was a kick from Xue Lizhou.

"Earlier everyone said you could save my niece, but now you've killed her, and still you talk nonsense?!"

He suddenly turned, glaring fiercely at Shen Zhou, "Kid, I'm giving you a chance. If you save her, name your price; if you fail, I'll see your head roll!"

Shen Zhou said plainly, "I consider remuneration as worthless as dog excrement. I just want to save a life. No more nonsense, please leave!"

Xue Lizhou gave him a hard look and ushered everyone out, including himself.

He closed the door.

Shen Zhou took a deep breath and, without hesitation, operated both Heaven Needle and Earth Needle.

His hands moved swiftly, the needles transforming into strands of spiritual light, continuously piercing Doudou's head as if embroidering.

About twenty minutes later, Shen Zhou's face was ashen, and he began sweating profusely.

Having just broken the seal and regained his Divine Skills, his energy was limited and he had overexerted himself.

But as he saw the little girl gradually improving, he smiled.

With the last of his strength, he retrieved the Heaven Needle and Earth Needle and staggered out of the room.

Doudou's eyelids twitched slightly, and with a soft murmur, she asked, "Dad... Daddy, are you... are you my daddy?"

A tear slipped from the corner of her eye.

Everyone was still waiting outside.

Xue Lizhou, without so much as looking at Shen Zhou, dashed back in.

Guo Dezhi mocked, "What ability do you have to heal? Just wait for Young Master Xue to tear you apart, you idiot."

Chang Gang said gravely, "Shen Zhou, you are fired, a reckless fool!"

The others chimed in with their blames.

Shen Zhou didn't bother to argue.

Xue Lizhou suddenly rushed out like a whirlwind!