
Urban Peerless Expert

"Just leave, boy. I have arranged a marriage for you, and she's a stunning beauty. Consider yourself lucky!" With his master fleeing with the money, Lin Chen, filled with sorrow and anger, left the mountain to find his fiancée. However, on the way, he was abducted by a beautiful woman who forced him to pose as her fake boyfriend. The most important thing was, this woman looked exactly like his fiancée.

Eight Disasters · Urban
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1966 Chs

Chapter 4: Beauty, have you taken a liking to me? _1

Translator: 549690339 Editor: webnoveltest13

After bidding farewell to Gu Hongtao, Gu Yuexi and Lin Chen left the inpatient department.

Gu Yuexi stopped in her tracks, staring at Lin Chen, and asked fiercely, "Did you do it on purpose? I'm grateful to you for saving my grandpa, but don't get any ideas about me, I don't like you!"

Gu Yuexi spoke bluntly, but Lin Chen wasn't angry. He chuckled and handed her the bank card: "Acupuncture works fast and has better effects. If you don't want it, you can take the money back and come up with a reason, then I'll disappear from the human world, is that okay?"

Gu Yuexi looked surprised, "Five hundred thousand, can you really let go of it?"

Lin Chen laughed, "Haven't I already earned fifty thousand from you? Let's consider the treatment as a complimentary service."

Gu Yuexi hesitated for a moment, didn't take the card, and took out her mobile phone instead: "Keep the money, just help me with my grandpa's treatment. Let's exchange contact information."


After exchanging contact information, Lin Chen didn't linger any longer. He left the hospital and took a taxi to his fiancée's residential area.

No. 69 Longteng Road.


Lin Chen walked to the entrance of the residential area and was stopped by a security guard with a salute.

High-end villa community, no entry without invitation!

Lin Chen wasn't angry either. He took out his phone and dialed the number his master had left, but nobody picked up the call after it went through.

Lin Chen was dumbfounded for a moment.

What should he do?

After hesitating for a while, Lin Chen decided to wait a bit since he had already come here.

Lin Chen sent a text message to that number.

"Hello, I am Lin Chen. I'm here to visit at the command of my master. I am now waiting at the gate."

After sending the message, Lin Chen squatted down on the steps beside the gate without any dignity and lit a cigarette.

Halfway through his cigarette, a white BMW X7 slid over from the street and stopped in front of Lin Chen, waiting for the barrier to rise.

Driving was a beautiful woman in a blue short-sleeved collarless blazer with a delicate face. Her glance swept over Lin Chen who was squatting and smoking beside her, her eyes were cold.

Gu Yuexi?

Lin Chen's eyes widened, and he stood up immediately, looking at her in surprise, "No way, are you stalking me? Are you not done trying to frame me and now you're clinging to me?"

"Do we know each other?"

The beautiful woman furrowed her brows, staring at Lin Chen, showing both confusion and caution.

"Pretending not to know? Isn't that a bit too much?"

Lin Chen looked at the familiar face, took two steps closer, bent down, and lowered his voice a bit, "Let's be reasonable, even if I saw your chest before..."

"It was unintentional, and it was to save you anyway. You don't have to be grateful, but why are you clinging to me? I told you, I have a fiancée already..."


Before Lin Chen could finish, the beautiful woman's face changed dramatically. She coldly threw the two words at him, then stepped on the gas, and the car shot out from beside Lin Chen, rushing through the rising barrier and into the community.

Lin Chen's face was full of astonishment, a pervert?

She called me a pervert?

Watching the back of the white BMW X7, Lin Chen suddenly realized his mistake.

Gu Yuexi drove a Porsche Macan, while this woman drove a BMW X7; Gu Yuexi wore a suspender skirt, while this woman wore a professional suit. Gu Yuexi was quirky, proud but not cold, while this woman had a powerful aura and cold eyes, like an iceberg; Gu Yuexi had burgundy hair, while this woman had black hair...

Darn, he really mistook the person!

He just spoke to a stranger, a woman he didn't know, about seeing her chest. Any woman would be angry and upset about that, no wonder she called him a pervert!

He truly deserved it...

But this woman really looked too much like Gu Yuexi.

He had just parted ways with Gu Yuexi, and suddenly saw her appear in front of him, his brain naturally didn't react fast enough...

This misunderstanding, it's too embarrassing!

Lin Chen's heart was extremely embarrassed, and his face was somewhat awkward. He even felt that the security guard in the distance was looking at him with contempt.

Forget it, let's leave, leave!

Too embarrassing!Just as Lin Chen was about to run away, his phone rang. It was the missed call he had made earlier.

"Hello, is this Xiao Lin? I'm Chu Baisen. I was tending to my vegetable garden and didn't have my mobile phone with me. Are you still at the entrance?"

After answering the phone call, the security guard made a simple identity registration and let Lin Chen in, but his gaze remained somewhat peculiar.

Lin Chen entered the residential compound, found villa A-16, and saw an energetic old man standing at the entrance, with a warm smile directed at him.

"Xiao Lin, right? Come in, I've been waiting for you for a while."

Chu Baisen's voice was loud and enthusiastic, directly pulling Lin Chen inside and making his nervous heart relax a bit.

That's fine!

There's no sign of the lofty arrogance of a wealthy family. Otherwise, Lin Chen would really want to turn around and run away.

"Grandpa Chu."

Chu Baisen interrupted, "Just call me Grandpa. You're about to marry Xiao Xue, and we'll be family from then on. Don't be a stranger."

Xiao Xue?

Is this his fiancée's nickname?

Seeing Lin Chen's expression, Chu Baisen was taken aback, "You don't know Xiao Xue's name? Has your master not told you anything?"

Lin Chen awkwardly replied, "He only left a phone number, and didn't mention anything else."

Chu Baisen laughed and scolded, "That guy is really unreliable. Xiao Xue is my granddaughter and your fiancée, her full name is Chu Jiaxue."

Lin Chen didn't know how to respond, so he just smiled and nodded, following Chu Baisen into the house.

Chu Baisen had a maid make tea for Lin Chen, and then they started chatting.

Chu Baisen knew a lot about Lin Chen, and it even seemed like he knew about Lin Chen joining Dark Blade. He was very enthusiastic towards Lin Chen, looking at him as if he were his own grandson, with great affection.

Lin Chen felt helpless. His master had thoroughly sold him out but shared no information about the Chu family, making him feel like a complete outsider.

As they were talking, footsteps came from the staircase.

Chu Baisen looked back and smiled, "Xiao Xue, you're here. Come and meet Lin Chen."

Lin Chen subconsciously looked over, and saw Chu Jiaxue on the stairs, wearing a loose T-shirt and shorts. Their gazes met.

It's her!!!

The beautiful woman who resembled Gu Yuexi that he had just met at the entrance of the compound!

She turned out to be his fiancée Chu Jiaxue!

How could it be such a coincidence?

He hadn't even properly met her yet, and had already left a terrible impression in her heart...

At the same time, Chu Jiaxue also recognized Lin Chen and blurted out, "It's you!"

Lin Chen felt extremely awkward, all he could do was endure the embarrassment and say hello, "Miss Chu, hello..."


Chu Jiaxue's eyes grew colder and more disgusted, and with a cold snort, she turned and went back upstairs!

Chu Baisen's face showed surprise and confusion as he looked at Lin Chen, "Xiao Lin... Do you two know each other?"

Lin Chen awkwardly replied, "We ran into each other at the entrance of the compound earlier, and there was a misunderstanding. I offended Miss Chu."

Chu Baisen suddenly smiled, "Oh, there was a misunderstanding. Well, just clear it up. You're both young, just talk it out. Sit tight, I'll go upstairs and check on her. Young people tend to be impulsive. A few words of persuasion will do the trick."

After Chu Baisen went upstairs, Lin Chen sat on the sofa, feeling awkward.

He had just arrived, and this had already happened. His impression in Chu Jiaxue's heart must be terrible. Would this engagement fall through?

Not long after, Chu Baisen and Chu Jiaxue came downstairs together.

Chu Jiaxue had returned to her cold demeanor like when they first met, sitting next to Chu Baisen and listening to him talk without saying anything or looking at Lin Chen.

Chu Baisen apologized, "Xiao Xue has been independent and cold-hearted since she was young. Please bear with her, Xiao Lin."

Lin Chen hurriedly waved his hands, "No, no, it's all my fault. Miss Chu, I apologize for my rudeness earlier."

Chu Jiaxue didn't want to speak, but under Chu Baisen's gaze, she coldly gave a faint hum, as if accepting Lin Chen's apology.

Chu Baisen laughed, "Now that the misunderstanding is cleared, Xiao Lin, your marriage to Xiao Xue is something your master and I arranged a long time ago. Xiao Xue has been waiting for you for several years. Now that you've finally returned, you're both not young anymore. Don't waste any more time. Go and get your marriage certificate tomorrow..."