
Urban Lord VS fantasy world

a young man suffers a heart attack while closing his shop he thought it was his end only to find himself in another world between shock and fear he slowly start exploring and interacting with the new world

Noble_Devil · Fantasy
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4 Chs

a bad day

inside a small grocery store behind the counter stand's a man named Aslan despite looking in his mid thirties he is only 23 old the depression and several health problem made every day feel dull and dry causing his will to live to weaken day after day like a mall flame Infront a cold gust of wind

nevertheless although he feels alone and useless and his suicidal thoughts starts covering him in shadows blocking the light of hopes and any optimistic thoughts in any bright future Aslan always pull's through after a night of silent tears

people often judges Aslan as lazy and unproductive without considering his circumstances Aslan wasn't this way always he was once a top of his class cheerful and energetic spends most of his time outside playing with his friends but his life took a shift when he broke his knee helping his aunt bringing groceries up the stairs causing him to be separated from his usual life style and it was hard for a young kid to get used to although he healed a few months later he gained weight and struggled to lose it specifically after contracting a lung disease who almost took his life after recovering he was still overweight and weak although he was tal and big he was like a hollow tree bark

people assume he is strong and have expectations of him but he can't overcome his illness and new health issues like poor eyesight diabetes and kidney failure

his self esteem started taking blow after low from losing races against fat girls to the bullying in the school and in the streets bullying was not new to Aslan but he never was defenseless he actually used to protect his friends from bullies maybe because of that a lot of them took this chance to take their revenge but what heart him the most is the betrayal of his friends who stayed idle after some bullies jumped him some of them even enjoying the show he knew that they didn't help him because they can't but because in their eyes he wasn't their friend

after that he wasted all what left of his childhood closing in himself causing both his mental and physical health to deteriorate to the point he started considering suicide but he find his life line in his religious beliefs and his parents who didn't give up on him

Aslan struggled untill he found a stable life for himself he chose to open a grocery store to interact with people and Improve his social skills but his fragile mentality struggled to adapt to the various challenges this seemingly easy job to do witch is true if you're only running people grocery and getting paid but there is a lot of challenges that come with it like thieves and scammers and seeing people struggling in the current economy even he himself find it hard to keep his business open while paying his dept

His life was average and dull but as long that he is no longer a burden on his parents Aslan is happy although the bad people the racist and entitled prick's he comes across every day he always fells joy interacting with many of his clientes like a small little girl who calls him uncle many of his peers might be offended if someone reffed to them in such manner but that Biggs warmth and a smile to Aslan face she reminds him of his nephews who he loves too much he always dreamed about forming his own family and raising his kids but the hardships and financial struggles made him feel that his humble dream will stay a fantasy in his head

Aslan started his day expecting a normal calm day with kids going back to school but his hopes were crushed after group of kids stormed his store to buy some candy and snacks he recognized one of them while the rest were not familiar to him he knew that one kid because he visits his aunt who lives nearby every weekend with his mother puzzled and confused Aslan asked :" why are you here don't you have school today?"

"we do but we here to attend the funeral"


this news made him shocked

" yes my little cousin died "

"huh whitch cousin??" Aslan asked with hope that it's not who he think it is

"the one who lives here that little girl with glasses"

Aslan was out of words it was the girl that calls him uncle he didn't expect this shocking news he remembers the last time he saw her she was smiling she didn't look sick after calming down he learned more shocking news she was crushed to death under a truck while her father was buying some food supplies while traveling she left the car while trying to cross the street she walked behind a truck and because of here small stature the driver did notice her until she was crushed to death

Aslan couldn't imagine the pain of losing a child in such way although he faced many hardship he knew it won't come close to the pain her parents must be going through he remembers so he quickly closed his shop and went to the funeral although he doesn't knew what to say he entered the gloomy house he didn't even have to ask the relatives guided him to a room where he a found the father crushed and crying he looked like he aged many years

after struggling to form some comforting words out he left the funeral he didn't see the mother but he heard she attempted suicide she was far more worse than the father

while walking back to his shop Aslan felt pain in his chest his steps started slowing down until he fell to the ground in a tight small ally so no one noticed Aslan struggling to stand up but he barely could move his limbs he started craling trying to get out of the ally but after crossing a small distance his started losing the felling of his limbs he began felling cold and his vision is getting foggy and blurry

finally he stopped moving he knew it was his end he closed his eyes and accepted his fate

Aslan died after living what he considered a useless life full of regret he knew that he was gifted but unfortunately his environment and circumstances didn't let him knew what he could reach his last thought was what could happen if I didn't give up what if I didn't shut myself in could I make my dreams become true ?

while Aslan conscience was fading away he sadenlly opened his eyes after felling pain in his head it felt like his head was struck by something he ears were ringing but he slowly started to get his senses back he started hearing what it seems to be a strange woman standing next to him complaining and scolding him while holding a broom in her hand

"Aslan how long are you going to stay in your room your peers are training and some started working go out and ask your father to give you an assignment "
