
Uravelling Plans as Gojo Keiko

Meet Gojo Keiko. She lived a rather ordinary life. She just also happened to know where she got isekaid into. In a world where she knows somewhat about the future, would she be able to change the course of history? Or will the plans of the hidden enemy come to fruition anyway? Find out how Keiko will try to unravel the hidden plots of some sentient brain. •~~~~~~~• MC is not very smart, but somewhat a creative thinker. She only knows of plot upto a certain point, and will guess on what changes she possibly have made. Expect some hard deviations to the plot, but I will try to keep it simple as to not change the story too much. Like Kenjaku's grand plan for example. MC is an OC and future developments of her and her ending are made by me. JJK is not my original creation and is owned be Gege Akutami.

Luke_Devilux · Anime & Comics
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Ch 1: JJK?

Japan is a peaceful country. There is good scenery, delicious food, and enjoyable weather.

But underneath it all, there is a secret society. A society aware of being that existed centuries ago.

Curses. Made from fears and the negative emotions of humanity, curses are born. From a simple ant curse spirit to a volcano curse spirit.

The only way to counter these curse spirits is to use curses against them. Curse techniques that the Jujutsu Society has.

Among the countless Curse Users in Jujutsu Society, there are three clans that are most prominent: the Kamo clan, the Zenin clan, and the Gojo clan. Aside from the Jujutsu higher-ups, the three clans have the greatest influence.

And in one of these clans from the Jujutsu Society, a new baby has just been born.


February 14, 2002

The Gojo Clan is one of the three most prominent clans in Jujutsu society, and they are most known for the clan's inherited techniques, The Limitless and Six Eyes. And 13 years ago, the one who inherited both was born: Satoru Gojo.

As the inheritor of clan techniques, he was given priority over almost everything in the clan as the future clan head.

Be that as it may, a new child is born in the Gojo clan.

Sayori is an ordinary jujutsu sorcerer in the Semi-1st grade with the "Holding Technique." Her position in the clan is one of teaching. She was once a sorcerer of great prestige, even taking on some special-grade curse spirits. One day, she got married to Haruki. They had started as partners in the subjugation of a strong curse spirit; they both just happened to be nearby. Haruki was in love at first sight when he saw her.

"You have the most beautiful eyes," he says, as romantic as he thought it would be. Sayori just thought it was annoying at the time.

"Why don't you take it then?!" was her only reply, and she ran off.

This didn't deter Haruki at all, and he just kept on trying to court her. Sayori isn't much of a romantic, but Haruki was able to make it in the end. Unbeknownst to Sayori, Haruki is from the Gojo clan.

"I thought you already knew?" was his excuse for not telling her.

"You don't look as handsome as a Gojo!" Sayori retorts.

"That's hurtful!"

Haruki's ego got hurt a little, but he thought so as well. The only thing he inherited from the clan was their silver hair. It is common for someone to have close blood ties to the clan.

And just a year ago, they got married, and now they have their own little angel. "Keiko, that will be your name." Sayori, after giving birth, mustered some tired breath before she slept with her child in her arms.


I was reborn.

It was weird at first, or rather, it was disorienting. I had survived a car accident and was sent to the hospital. Only to be awakened to my cousin's mumbling, "You shouldn't be a burden to the living, at least."

'Is that what you should be saying?!' is what I wanted to say, but I couldn't speak, and I couldn't move either. It seems I'm paralyzed. So that was what she meant.

'I wouldn't want to live in these conditions anyway.' Is what I thought, and it seems my prayers were answered later, when my heart stabilized and I died of "shock."

There was only darkness then. I was able to move again, but my body "feels" like it has shrunk.

She has indeed shrunk. She realized later that she is a baby, or rather, an embryo that is still in her "mother's" belly. 'A mother, huh?' She had a mother once; she has perished because of a pandemic along with her father, unluckily just a week before a vaccine was announced. It was a "Divine Comedy." It's like she was being played by all the devils and gods.

Was it punishment for not believing in them? She doesn't know. Rather, since she was reincarnated here without hearing of a wish-granting R.O.B. or a deal-giving devil, she liked to think that she was either right about supernatural things not existing or that she was purposefully being avoided.

'Welp, nothing I can do about that.' She didn't have any regrets. There is no one else to return to. Her death was indeed a finality. A death she can accept.


"Finally, I'm born. Huahuahuahua," she thought.

"It's a girl, Ms. Sayori!" was the first word she heard.

'That was Nihongo!' It was a familiar language to the reincarnate. She was forced to learn it in school, and she continued to remember it because she thought it would be a waste. She enjoyed it to the fullest by listening to Japanese songs (mostly anime op and ep), webnovels, light novels, and untranslated manga.

'To think I'd reincarnate in Japan. Of all places... Maybe if I am dealt with a bad hand, I'll try isekai with truck-kun...' (Her delusion is top-notch.)

Her planned suicide aside, she was surprised by what she was surrounded with. She knows she wasn't in a hospital; there's nothing that indicates it. From the classic Japanese sliding windows and doors to the wooden floor. 'Am I in a poor family?'

"Hm, she has his hair," the reincarnate heard from behind her. Sayori. 'Seems to be my mother... She has purple eyes. Is the only thing amiss with her appearance, she is quite beautiful. I hope I am too.'

"She has your eyes, Ms. Sayori." "That she has."

'Woah, purple eyes!' was the only thing on her mind at the moment.

"What should her name be, Ms. Sayori?" The maid asked. Sayori only looked at the child and said, "Keiko, that will be your name." Sayori then passed out from her tiredness.

The maid then introduced herself to the oddly quiet baby. "You can call me Mieruko; I'll be taking care of you, ok?" 'Why is she talking to a baby? She can't expect me to answer that!' Keiko's brows furrowed, seemingly angry, but it only looked cute to Mieruko.

'But it would seem she's my personal maid, so we're not poor at all!' Keiko was happy. She has always wanted to feel pampered. Things that only happen in her dreams seem to be happening here, so much so that she is doubting if her reincarnation is real at all.

"Hehehe, don't worry. I'll make sure nothing happens to the little Miss Gojo Keiko!" She exclaimed. Seemingly pumping herself up.

'Hmmp, you better... Wait a second. Gojo?' Little Keiko was perplexed. 'Does that mean I'm in Jujutsu Kaisen? In the Gojo clan at that! This... is getting exciting!'

Ch. 1 End


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