
Uppercut part 1:Under city

In this world everyone posses a core. A core can grant one many abilities. One must train their core for the ability they desire. The power to control fire, time control even abilities as simple as making the best cup of coffee. Jack otherwise known as uppercut Jack knows nothing about his past life. A man known as Fighter tells him he knows of his past. In exchange for his memories he must train and represent Fighter in a tournament,to decide who is the strongest.

Zippy292 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 29- Battle for Itduah part 2

"My little Sierra ever since you were a little girl you've always had a kind heart.

The moment you came into this world I could feel your potential, your natural talent, even your father was a little scared of how powerful you might become.

Still, it filled us with much pride to have a daughter like you.

I'm leaving this note behind because the path I'm going to walk will lead down a road you won't be able to follow.

I will have to kill people who are of my blood and to do something like that you must be willing to put aside all other feelings.

Kill the part of you that cares for them.

Sometimes to reach the goals and dreams you've been longing for.

You have to do the most unthinkable.

I hope one day you can understand and we get to see each other once more.

Hopefully, you'll have a boyfriend by then, you never were very social.

I love you my dear Sierra and I am sorry."

Sierra looked up towards the sky as she thought back to the note her mother had left her.

"Momma when you left behind that note I hated it.

I hated that you left without saying goodbye face to face.

I thought it was stupid that you said you would be fighting and killing people to who you were related to.

I see now that this world we live in will sometimes make us fight the people we love.

I'm still not sure if I can kill Envy, but I'll protect the loved ones I have now.

Hopefully one day we can reconcile.

Until that day I'll keep on charging ahead."

Sierra lowered her head and looked at Envy and Lady Moon.

"You know, Envy, you once told me that to get what you want, you have to be willing to kill anything in your way.

Even if that thing is family you need the killer instinct to do what needs to be done.

Then the day when Luna died I felt so alone.

Until one day this dumb, reckless, wonderful guy came into life.

Showed me it's okay to let my walls down.

There's still so much I haven't told him about myself and the things I've done.

I hope he still looks at me the same.

The look of someone worth being loved.

I'm not like you and mother. I can't kill that part of me.

However, that doesn't mean I won't stop you here and now."

Envy chuckled and laughed.

"Lady Moon, we best stop her here before she calls it."

She immediately charged Sierra. Lady Moon followed her lead.

Sierra raised her hand to the sky and exhaled.

"Weapon from age's past, born from the heart of a star and the blade of death himself.

Under the cloak of darkness from the ashes of war, I call upon you once more.

Arise and slay my enemies."

Envy and Lady moon were about to swing down at her until she muttered the words.


Bursting down from the sky a bright violet light came crashing down onto the battlefield.

Pushing both Envy and Lady Moon back.

As a black blade with a cross in the middle of the guard, that was colored violet.

A small chain was attached to the end.

The blade was 3 feet wide and 7 feet long.

Sierra's blonde hair blew through the air.

As her eyes glowed violet and she was surrounded by an amethyst aura.

As she swung the blade around and took her stance.

She was holding it with both hands in front of her, with her feet squared.

Lady moon watched in horror.

"Impossible that can't be Excalibur.

That blade belongs to my family!

This is nothing like the legends.

The look, and feel of this aura it's all wrong.

The legends my father told me couldn't have been a lie!

No way is that blade Excalibur."

Lady Moon crossed her swords and unleashed another one of her attacks.

Sierra took a deep breath and raised Excalibur above her head.

She swung the blade down and appeared behind Lady Moon.

Suddenly cuts appeared all over Lady Moon's body and her sword had been completely shattered to pieces.

She fell to the ground completely unconscious.

"Don't believe everything you hear.

Besides, someone like you could never wield a weapon like this."

Envy clapped and cheered and praised Sierra.

"Well done sis you showed her.

Truly someone only as legendary as you could wield such a legendary weapon, I'm so proud of you sis.

You didn't even take off your limiters, hold on so wait that means you didn't even use the blade's full power.

Truly magnificent, I'm so proud to be your sister.

Gosh, I could geek out for hours about this."

Sierra pointed Excalibur at Envy and asked.

"You weren't fighting seriously earlier,

I could tell you were holding back.

What are you really after Envy?

I know you wouldn't do all this without a reason, you must have something to gain from all this."

A portal opened behind her

"Sorry, my dear sister.

I wish I could tell you, but I'm afraid that you'll have to wait.

I love you sis, please do take care of yourself."

Envy winked and walked into the portal.

A second sheath appeared on Sierra's back that she used to put Excalibur in.

She turned back towards the island and was about to head back to the battle.

When a giant aura erupted, it was a silver aura the aura was monstrous.

"What on earth is that?"

Jack came running in from the trees and stopped behind Sierra.

"Sierra are you okay?"

"Jack, what is that?"

Jack looked up at the aura and got a nervous look on his face.

"Looks like he's letting loose."

~7 minutes ago.~

Downercut stood in the middle of the battlefield.

Thomas and his animal forces were in front of him.

They were surrounded by hundreds of gunmen.

Gerrit and the others were behind.

"I'll take every last of these a*shole myself."

Cero grabbed Downercut's shoulder and looked him in the eyes.

"Are you serious? There's no way you can take them all by yourself."

Gerrit walked towards them and stood next to Downercut.

"Where's Jack?"

"Hmph, Uppercut headed into the forest to find his lady friend.

You guys get to the coliseum and help your friend Syra."

"Are you sure about this?"

"You would only be getting in my way.

Hurry up and get out of here."

One of the gunmen started to pull down on his trigger.

Downercut looked at him with red glowing eyes.

The man felt a huge amount of killer intent.

All he could see were giant red eyes looking down at him.

The very weight of the killer intent made the man drop his gun and threw up.

Downercut closed his eyes and looked away.

"Hurry up and get out here.

I don't need any of you getting in my way."

Gerrit nodded and walked back over to the others.

Cero clenched his fist in frustration.

"Don't die until I can beat you."

Cero followed Gerrit and Downercut chuckled to himself.

"Not likely."

Gerrit put his hand out.

"Everyone grab on."

The group all grabbed Gerrit.

They all glowed orange before disappearing and a bullet taking their place.

"Wait come back you murderer, I haven't avenged my mother yet."

Downercut pointed at William and said.

"You're fighting me, rich boy."

Downercut opened his eyes and smiled.

He cracked his knuckles and then his neck.

Thomas laughed and walked towards Downercut.

"You fool, if you and your friends teamed up you might've stood a chance.

Now it's just you against us."

Downercut let out a huge smile.

"It would seem I'm being underestimated.

Hmph, no matter."

Downercut disappeared from Thomas's sight.

Thomas looked all around but couldn't see him.

When he felt Downercut's presence behind him.

"We'll fix that soon enough."

Thomas turned around and punched Downercut.

Downercut moved his head out of the way and grabbed his arm.

"So tell me why did you pick a Jaguar of all animals to transform into?

There are plenty of other more powerful animals out there so why this one?"

Downercut let go of his hand, Thomas quickly leapt back and took his stance.

Thomas was a trained fighter spending many of his days fighting in underground fights.

With each fight, his instinct grew.

He could sense how strong an opponent was just by standing in the same room as him.

Only Clockwork gave off a presence of one he didn't want to fight.

However, when he came face to face with Downercut he thought.

"Can this guy control his presence at will?

I can't get a read on him."

Thomas gulped and started to get nervous.

Downercut turned around and started to walk towards him.

"We'll tell me your answer?"

Thomas scoffed and backed up a bit.

"Because I'm gonna be the king of beasts."

Downercut stopped walking and started to laugh.

Suddenly the giant spider charged at Downercut and bite down on his right shoulder.

Thomas laughed and dropped his stance.

"You fool, you shouldn't have dropped your guard.

Now spider's venom will fill you up and kill you."

Downercut raised his right arm and wrapped it around the neck.

Downercut bite down and tore off the left side of the spider's face.

He spat out the piece he bit off and dropped the spider corpse.

"Geez, that thing was disgusting."

Thomas watched in complete horror and shock.

"That's i-impossible.

Her venom should have killed you, or at least immobilized you."

Thomas reached in his back pocket and pulled out a dagger with LongShots venom in it.

"If I can hit him with this we'll have practically won the fight."

Downercut walked up to Thomas and stood right in front of him.

Thomas gulped as Downercut looked down at him.

Downercut ripped off his shirt and pointed to his heart.

"Go ahead, you'll need all the advantages you can get."

Thomas stood there stunned, not sure what to do.

Downercut started to tap his chest.

"Come on, you won't get a chance like this again."

Thomas grunted and stabbed Downercut right in the heart with the dagger.

Thomas breathed heavily as Downercut grabbed his wrist.

Thomas looked up and saw Downercut grinning down at him.

"Was that it?"

Downercut let go of Thomas.

Thomas let go and jumped back.

"Open fire, take him down, use everything you've got!"

Every last one of Thomas's men fired every round they had at Downercut.

They shot over a hundred rockets at him.

Tossed more than a dozen grenades from each man.

William summoned a giant smoke hammer and slammed it down.

The area where Downercut was standing was completely covered in smoke.

Thomas didn't drop his stance, he didn't even blink.

"Did we get h-"

Downercut zoomed past Thomas and punched a man, sending him flying across the island.

All the other soldiers looked in horror as Downercut stood up and looked over his shoulder.

With his eyes glowing a dark red.

"Once you step on the field of battle you must be ready for two things.

To take a life and for death.

It looks like most of you were only ready for the first thing.

So this second part is gonna suck for most of you."

One of the men pointed his gun at Downercut and screamed.

Without even a moment's hesitation kicked the man into a building.

Downercut started running all over the battlefield completely annihilating them.

Thomas watched in horror, his animal's subordinates rushed in to fight.

While William tried to knock Thomas out of his daze.

"Hey snap out of it, he's killing all our guys we gotta stop him."

"I don't understand, why does nothing work?

How is he so strong?"

The rhino charged at Downercut full-on charge.

Downercut leaned back and headbutted the rhino head-on.

Knocking its horn completely off.

The rhino screamed in pain and held himself where his horn fell off.

Downercut raised his arm and slammed him down onto the ground.


The snake the size of a dog leaped at Downercut and tried to bite him in the face.

Downercut grabbed its fangs, ripped them out, and stabbed it in the eyes.

The giant hawk flew down and tried to grab him with his talons.

Downercut leapt up and grabbed the hawk by his throat.

The two crashed down onto the ground and Downercut broke its wings.

Last but certainly not least in Downercut eyes was the gorilla.

The gorilla took one look at Downercut, turned around, and started to run.

Downercut laughed and turned towards Thomas and Williams.

William kept trying to snap Thomas out of it.

When he felt a huge presence behind him.

William turned around and saw a huge silver aura with two red monstrous eyes.

"You all, we're gonna end up being second fiddle to me.

Do you wanna know why?

You were all trying to be king of the beast, you were trying to be the big bad monster."

Downercut stood in front of them with his huge aura looking down on them.

"You thought the battlefield was your home.

I was born for this, I love every second of the fight and the thrill of it.

You're a pretender, I'm the king of the beast."

Downercut let his aura down and stood 1 foot away from them.

"I hope I got the message across.

You two aren't even worth fighting, get out of my sight."

Downercut crossed his arms as Thomas looked down at the ground.

William grunted and started to pull out more cigarettes.

"You think we'll just give up j-"

Without even noticing Downercut swiped William's cigarettes away and crushed them.

"Give up no use in throwing your life away.

You're not meant for the battlefield, best you stick to something else."

Downercut threw the cigarettes to the side.

As William grunted and put his fist up.

"I can't give up not until I kill that man who killed my mother.

I won't rest till he's dead."

"Whose fault was that?

Your weakness is what let your mother die."

Downercut turned around and walked towards him.

"What would you know?

You're just a mindless beast whose fighting cause he enjoys.

What would you know about fighting for a loved one?"

Downercut grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him up to eye level.

"So what, yeah I love the fight.

I was born for it.

I know what I'm here for, what are you here for?

Far as I can tell you don't even enjoy fighting.

Someone like you who is always pitying himself could never beat nor kill Drake."

Downercut let go of him and William fell to his feet.

"Until you understand the meaning of battle, you don't deserve to stand here now, get out of my sight."

Downercut turned around and started to walk away.

When Thomas asked him.

"Are you the one Volkan made?

The ultimate being he spent his life working on.

Your energy it's a mix of a core user, a hunter, and something more monstrous."

Downercut waved as he continued to walk towards the stadium.

"F*ck if I know.

If you ever want to know how much potential you have, find me."

Sasha landed on Downercut shoulder and rubbed his head.

"Look at you being a big softy."

"Hmph, aren't you supposed to be guarding the docks?"

"Don't worry the docks are safe.

Nothing Tucker and I couldn't handle."

Downercut headed towards the stadium.

Gerrit and the group all teleported in.

Ready to fight Vimpart, Clockwork's most dangerous subordinate.

His right hand, the strongest of the UnderCity.

They all took their stances and got ready for what most likely going to be their most dangerous fight.

They looked over and saw Vimpart pouring Fighter some tea.

Gerrit stood up straight and pointed his gun at her.

"Oi Fighter what's going on here?"

"Hm uuum we're having tea duh.

Are you blind we're having tea.

Do you think we would just sit here and eat muffins all day?

I mean I do have plenty of flavors.

I have chocolate chip, apple cinnamon, blueberry, and coffee although I hear coffee stunts your growth not really one hundred on that.

I also have banana, lemon, and cranberry."

"Enough about muffins."

"Your right is probably bad for my cholesterol."

"What is she doing here?"

Gerrit said, walking up and pointing at her.

"Oooh, you mean Vimpart.

Yeah, she works for me."

"What? Since when?"

"Let's see, today is Tuesday so I'm gonna go with the whole time."

"You didn't think to tell us?

We thought you were in danger and we could sense Syra was in distress."

"Oh that we gave her some wasabi and she couldn't handle it.

Girl can't handle her hot food."

Dani walked over to a kneeling Syra who was coughing and drinking milk.

"There, there it'll be alright."

Syra turned towards Fighter and flipped him off.

Vimpart started to cut fruit and put it on the table.

Jack, Sierra, and Tucker all came to the stadium and saw what was going on.

"Um, what's going on?

Isn't she like our enemy, why is she making Fighter food?"

Jack asked as Gerrit just rubbed the back of his head.

"Don't worry about it.

We just have to worry about Clockwork now.

He's the last member left and he's currently on that Zeppelin.

With all his guys defeated he'll most likely come down himself.

The only one here with any means of stopping him is you, Jack."

Jack nodded and looked up.

"I know but my family is on to that thing too.

Sierra, Gerrit I need you two to find them and get them out of there while I deal with Clockwork."

Sierra nodded as did Gerrit.

The rest of the group told Jack good luck.

Jack gave them thumbs and stood next to Gerrit.

"So how are we getting up there?"

Gerrit pointed his gun at the Zeppelin and fired a shot.

"Put your hands on my shoulder and get ready."

Sierra and Jack put their hands on his shoulders.

Gerrit closed his eyes and focused on sensing the bullet.

Sierra's eyes widened as she recognized the ability.

The group vanished leaving a bullet behind.

The group appeared somewhere in the zeppelin.

Gerrit pulled a bullet out of his pocket and dropped it.

"Jack, you head forward, take a right and go up the stairs. Clockwork should be behind a big door."

Jack saluted Gerrit and kissed Sierra.

"I'm off you two be careful."

Sierra rubbed his cheek and smiled.

"You're one to talk. I'm pretty sure you have the more dangerous mission."

Jack chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

"I guess I do but still good luck."

Jack turned around and ran towards Clockwork.

He gave Sierra and Gerrit a thumbs as he did.

Jack ran through the empty zeppelin until he reached a giant door.

Jack put his hands on the door.

He took a deep breath before pushing the doors open and walking inside.

Jack walked inside.

The room was giant and was half the length of a football field and as wide as one.

It was dimly lit. Clockwork sat in a chair with one leg over the other.

His hands folded and the orb in front of him.

Strapped to a machine waiting to be used.

Jack stopped walking and stood twenty feet away from Clockwork.

Clockwork looked down at him as he always did.

"I must admit I am surprised at how much you've grown.

Perhaps I should've taken you under my wing.

Seems my wife saw something in you that I didn't.

Alas, there is no time for regret."

"Why do all of this Clockwork?

I know the choice of being Soul's next host wasn't your decision."

Clockwork laughed and stood to his feet.

"Is that what she told you, trying to make you believe there was a light inside of me.

No this was my choice.

The world we live in is a cruel one.

Think about it, I was once hunted because I was related to a man that everyone feared.

Because of my name, people sought me and my family to be killed.

You are hunted due to some knowledge you possess but do not know of.

Don't you see boy, the world leaders are corrupt.

Each is in it for their interest not for the sake of the people they are meant to protect.

There are countless threats out there, each trying to gain the upper hand on the other.

You and I can change it all.

We've both faced despair so I know you understand me, in fact now that I think about it perhaps only you can.

Clockwork reached his hand out.

Jack looked down at his hand and back up at Clockwork.

"Yeah, I understand you Clockwork.

My whole life I've wanted nothing more than to understand who I am.

Why do people like Kuro want this information I have but can't remember?

My friends got hurt and my family was taken, hostage.

Yeah, we've both looked into the face of despair.

I almost let it swallow me up.

The difference between us is when we both looked in the face of despair you blinked.

You can't save humanity if you can't understand what it means to be human."

Jack took his stance and Clockwork put his hand down.

"So that is your answer boy?"

"Yeah, I'm putting my faith in humanity."

Clockwork let out a breath as his eyes turned black.

"So be it."

Jack's left eye turned red and a fire pattern appeared on his right arm.

His entire body was then surrounded by a red aura.

Black tentacles came out from Clockwork's shadow and pointed toward Jack.

Jack took a deep breath and tightened his stance.

Clockwork tentacles thrusted forward at Jack.

Jack jumped into the air and onto the ceiling.

Jack jumped down from the ceiling and kicked down at Clockwork.

Clockwork blocked it with a tentacle.

Another tentacle came from the side to stab Jack.

Jack backflipped and landed 15 feet away from Clockwork.

5 more tentacles were thrust toward Jack.

Jack rolled left out of the way.

Jack started to think of strategy while dodging Clockwork's attacks.

"Clockwork has both long and close-range attacks.

He has a strong defense that will be hard to get through.

Unlike last time I can keep up and see his attacks.

His aura is filled with negative energy which means positive energy is the best counter.

I have to find a solid opening to get in close and use blue fist."

Jack jumped up towards the ceiling.

Clockwork thrust more tentacles at him.

Jack leaned backward and backflipped away from them.

The tentacles hit the roof and spread out into more tentacles.

20 small tentacles came thrusting down at Jack.

Jack spun around them and landed on his feet.

Clockwork summoned his tentacles back and pointed them towards Jack.

As he too began to concoct a plan.

"He's gotten so much stronger in these last few months.

I guess I should ramp up my speed and change up my attacks."

Clockwork sent tentacles to the left and right.

The rest straight at Jack.

Jack ran straight forward and jumped over them.

A tentacle grew out of one Jack had jumped over and grabbed Jack's leg.

The tentacle smashed Jack around the airship.

It dragged Jack over to Clockwork.

Clockwork grabbed Jack by the throat.

"It's over."

Clockwork attempted to take Jack's soul.

Suddenly Jack faded away, the floor turned into bluegrass and Clockwork was in a blue forest.

He looked around and saw a man in a robe with blue hair.

"This is your only warning.

Try that again and we will tear you apart Soul."

Soul came out of Clockwork and took his appearance.

"Always warning me huh master."

Blue snapped his fingers and suddenly Clockwork was back to reality.

Jack kicked Clockwork in the chin and punched him in the face.

Clockwork's gripped loosen log enough for Jack to him off kick and catch his breath.

Clockwork held onto his forehead and stumbled a bit.

"Soul, what just happened?"

Soul began to talk in Clockwork's head.

"Hehe, Johnny boy don't try to take his soul.

It's under protection from beings much more powerful than us.

We'll have to kill him the old-fashioned way."

Clockwork stood up and rubbed his chin.

"Very well."

Clockwork summoned more tentacles from his shadow and Jack took his stance.

"Don't know what happened but I need a plan fast."

Jack looked around and saw the pipes.

"That's it if I can limit his vision I can find an opening."

Jack rushed towards Clockwork.

Clockwork thrusted his tentacles at Jack.

Jack jumped to the left and punched a pipe open.

Causing steam to come out.

"I need more steam."

More tentacles came from behind and launched toward Jack.

Jack ran up the wall and punched the pipes on the ceiling.

The room was being covered in steam.

Jack dropped down to the ground and leapt at Clockwork.

He punched at Clockwork but it was blocked by a tentacle.

Jack leaped to the left and onto the wall.

"I need to buy time for the steam to build up."

Jack leapt at Clockwork and punched at him again.

Jack leapt right and then back at Clockwork.

Each blow was different but each time Jack leaped in a different direction.

With each hit, he got faster and the heat of red armor built.

Clockwork kept blocking attacks while the steam builds up.

"What's happening is that his power and speed are growing more rapidly over time."

Soon the whole room was filled with steam and Clockwork couldn't see anything in front of him.

He couldn't see anything but he could see Jack glowing red through the steam.

Clockwork continued to attack Jack through the steam.

Suddenly the light from Jack disappeared.

Clockwork kept his defenses up and prepared himself.

Suddenly he saw a red glow in the top right corner of his eyes.

He grabbed it and pulled it towards him.

However, all he saw was a red glowing hat.


Jack showed up behind Clockwork and punched him in the side.

Clockwork dropped the hat,

Jack quickly grabbed it and put it on.

Jack punched him straight in the chin, dazing him for a few moments.

Jack knew this was his only chance.

He switched from red armor to blue fist.

He pulled his arm back and punched Clockwork in the gut, sending him flying.

Jack hit him so hard it blasted all the steam away clearing the room.

Jack switched back into red armor, zoomed over, and kicked Clockwork into the ground.

Jack picked Clockwork up and unleashed a rush of punches.

Swept kicked Clockwork and as Clockwork was falling towards the ground.

Jack pulled his fist back behind his back.

He focused all his aura into the punch.


Jack uppercutted Clockwork in the side and unleashed a giant explosion in the shape of a star.

Clockwork was sent flying back into the wall with singes all over his body.

Clockwork slowly stood up, blood coming from his head.

Down onto his right eye.


He said as he threw his jacket off, ripped his tie off, and limped over to Jack.

"Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, whhhhy!!

Why do you get to protect them?!

I sacrificed everything to build a world for them?!

Why do you get to be strong, what gives you the right?!

What's the difference between you and me?!

We both want the same thing so why?!"

Clockwork stood in front of Jack and continued to breathe heavily.

He pulled his fist and punched at Jack.

"Tell me why?!"

Jack caught the fist and looked Clockwork in the eyes.

"I wasn't chosen to be strong.

Just because you want to be strong doesn't mean you will be.

Just because you want to protect something doesn't mean you'll always get to.

I've failed many times over.

Nevertheless when everything was lost.

My family helped me have faith in myself again.

So every day I work and I train and I strive to be strong.

Not because it's a want everyone wants to be strong.

I do this because I have to protect myself, and my family and fulfill my promise.

I won't give up, not ever again."

Clockwork pulled his fist back and started to walk backward.

He stopped and started to laugh.

"I understand now Jack.

The power you have is far greater than the one I have.

I don't have much time left until he takes over."

Jack's eyes widened as he started to walk towards Clockwork.

"What are you talking about?"

Clockwork fell to his knees and held his hand up.

"Don't come closer, Jack.

Now that I'm this weakened Soul will take over my body.

He'll have full control and he'll unleash his full power.

I'll be stuck inside him forever.

However, I'll do something I should have done a long time ago.

Fighter told me there was only one to beat Soul and it wasn't my way.

So I'll try yours and put my faith into you Jack."

Jack rushed towards Clockwork, reaching his hand out.

"No, I refuse to let that happen.

Not when you just started calling me Jack.

Not until you apologize to Jessica, to George, and your wife."

Jack kept running towards him reaching his hand out.

Clockwork smiled and put his hand down.

"You truly are a kind boy Jack.

If things were different perhaps I could've been the father you needed.

I'm sorry to leave everything in your hands.

Tell my family I love them more than anything and that I'm sorry."

"You can tell them yourself, you bastard just hold on!"

Jack was a few feet from Clockwork and reached out for him.

Clockwork looked up at him and smiled.

"Good luck Jack."

A black aura covered Clockwork and blew Jack back.

Jack landed on his feet and looked up.

As he started to hear laughing coming from the dark aura.


Looks like it's time to play!"

~To be Continued~

~In Chapter 30 Jack vs Soul~