

Darker yet ever darker. Within a realm of nothing, where everything resides, and yet none of it does, a lone soul rests. Like a dim candle in a room with no light. A soul, devoid of personality, identity, and memories. And yet a being beyond the comprehension of such a soul watches. For this soul shall be the first canvas upon which The Order shall be drawn.

"Awaken", The being says, "These shall be the orders you shall fulfill", the being commands.

The soul grows bright, like a star within a void. The being commands again, "You shall become the moniker for which chaos shall present itself. To become a being who exists to fulfill HIS will", The soul erupts into a myriad of colors, like paint thrown onto a white canvas.

Once again for the final time it commands, "Go. Go and upheave the worlds of those that watch. Show them the punishment for their transgressions. Show them what it means to be weak". The soul brightens as if a star has exploded into an excellent rainbow. And then it is suddenly gone, like a snuffed candle.

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