
Upgrading my Universe (dropped)

Gabriel Fox, a 19 year old guy was simply chilling in his bedroom watching his favorite TV-show when a gigantic building fell from the sky. In his last act of good-will, he died protecting an old man from the explosion. After his death, the former God helped him by reincarnating him with his own little universe. Follow Gabriel along as he increases and upgrades his tiny universe by travelling to several fictional worlds and living a relaxing life. . . . . . . Update schedule: When I feel like writing, I will. There will be at least 1 chapter per week though. . . . . . . . . I am not the owner of this picture. If you're the artist responsible and want me to remove it, there's no problem. I do not own anything on this fanfiction besides the MC.

Lazy_Runner · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Ch 1 - Heroic Act

Today was a beautiful day in California. It was friday and the sun was at its peak, making anyone that stepped on the road barefooted burn their feet in seconds. Waiting for the traffic light to turn green was a young man with a backpack on his back and headphones on his ears.

This young man was Gabriel Fox, a 19 year old male with a tall and well built body. His hair was naturally messy and white ever since his birth, making anyone that looked at him think it was tinted. His eyes were of a light blue color resembling the clear skies, and his eyebrows were white & arched. Most people would describe his face as 'Godlike' or 'Perfect' due to his characteristics.

[A/N: think of gojo satoru. he's his doppelganger.]

He was returning home from a friend's house right now. He had spent the night there since he wasn't studying anywhere at the moment.

'Why doesn't this fucking light turn green already...' He wondered as he listened to music.

Due to the beautiful day today, the heat was almost unbearable. After just a minute waiting for the light, Gabriel was already sweating.

Fortunately, the light turned green seconds after he had that thought, making him wonder if he had the superpower to turn lights green whenever he wanted or something...

Walking across the street and heading home, Gabriel was vibbing to his Rap playlist. He was listening "Mockingbird" from Eminem at the moment.

After about 10 more minutes of walking, he arrived at his home. He lived with his aunt and her husband since both of his parents had died when their plane to Japan crashed. They were heading to Japan for a conference that both of them wanted to attend but the weather conditions were misjudged, leading to everyone on the plane dying as it fell in the middle of the ocean.

Gabriel was 5 at the time of the accident, and ever since then he has lived with his aunt and her husband, Anna Fox Bell & Mathew Bell. Unfortunately, his aunt was infertile so she couldn't have any children of her own, but just when she and her husband were thinking of adopting, Gabriel's father and mother suffered the accident.

Anna is one of Gabriel's father's 3 sisters, and the only one who had the condition to raise Gabriel. Ever since Gabriel was 5, his aunt has treated him as her own son and so did her husband. To them, Gabriel was the child that they could never have naturally.

Entering his aunt's suburban house, he saw Mathew sitting on the couch working on his laptop and he went there to greet him while removing his headphones.

"I'm home, uncle Mat." Gabriel said while patting Mathew's bald head.

Turning his head, Matthew saw his beloved son, "Oh, Gabe. How did things go at Pedro's house?"

Pedro was Gabriel's best friend and the one whose house he was in. They knew each other ever since they were 8 years old. They studied at the same middle school, and later at the same high school, so they always remained in touch.

"Same old, just played some video-games and ordered some pizza. Anyway, where Aunt Anna?" Gabriel asked.

"That's the dream! Your aunt should be in the kitchen cooking us a meal." His uncle replied while turning his attention to his laptop again.

Going to the kitchen, Gabriel saw his aunt there and decided to scare her a little bit.

Slowly and quietly walking up to the focused Anna, Gabriel approached her left ear.


"AHHHHHH" His aunt jumped back in fright.

Gabriel was laughing his ass off as his aunt's reaction, but his fun was short-lived seeing as his aunt slapped him in the head.

"You little demon! Come here and give me a hug!" His aunt said while changing moods in an instant.

After hugging his aunt and talking to her for a bit, Gabriel went upstairs to his room.

Opening the door, he was greeted with the usual sight of his room. On the right corner of the room was his twin sized bed and besides it was a small white bedside table with a lamp on top and his Macbook. On Gabriel's left was a writing desk with a PC below it and a monitor with a gaming keyboard and mouse on top and on the top-right corner of the desk was a photo of little Gabriel with his parents, his mother having the same white hair and light blue eyes as him, while his father had light blonde hair and dark blue eyes. There were lots of books and comic books on desks and bookshelves around the room. Gabriel was a big comic book lover and read Marvel and DC comics ever since he was young.

Throwing his backpack on his bed, Gabriel went to his desk and sat on his DXRacer Master chair. His aunt and Mathew were filthy rich so if Gabriel asked them to buy something, they would buy the best.

But, even though they were rich, Gabriel didn't like asking for them to buy something for him. They had done so much for him already and he didn't want to take advantage of their kindness. He only asked them to buy something for him when he really needed it, and even then he didn't feel comfortable to let them pay for everything so he always tried to pay some part, but they always refused.

Gabriel turned his beast of a PC on and decided to kill some time watching some Netflix.

Watching his favorite show, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, for some time, he suddenly heard an explosion outside.


A little disoriented from the loud and sudden explosion, Gabriel fell from his chair, hitting the ground head first.

A few seconds later, he managed to get up while still being a little dizzy and ran towards the window to see what was the cause of this explosion.

Outside, on his house's vast backyard, was a gigantic silver truck half-way inside the ground with the other half pointing to the sky. This truck was completely silver all the way from the ceiling to the wheels. Yes, even the wheels were a shiny silver. Judging from how deep it was on the earth, this truck must've fell from at the very least 10 kilometers high.

The misterious truck was in flames and looked liked it had exploded on impact. Falling from that altitude will do that to you...

"HUH?!" Gabriel gasped as he saw the truck.

Still in shock, Gabriel ran downstairs and searched for his aunt and uncle, but couldn't manage to find them.

Believing that they were fine and dandy, Gabriel headed to the backyard so he could get a closer look at what happened.

Approaching the silver truck, Gabriel hurriedly checked to see if anyone was driving it. He wanted to make sure that whoever it was was safe, and also wanted to question him on just how bad of a driver must someone be to accomplish this impossible feat.

Opening the smoking front door while covering his mouth and nose with his left arm, Gabriel was once again surprised. The truck was completely empty. There was not a single sign of a driver. Not even the bloody mess that should've been there if someone fell from 10km in the sky.

As he carefully checked the truck, his eye caught a small shadow a few meters in front of him. It seemed as if this shadow was gradually increasing in size.

Since it was a little over noon, the sun was almost directly on top of him, so he quickly thought that if he was seeing a small shadow in front of him without being connected to anything close, it must be from something in the sky.

Quickly looking up with his right hand covering the sun, he simply saw what seemed to be a building falling from the sky at a high speed.

As his mind blanked out from the insanity that his current situation presented, his body instinctively started running away from the landing spot of the building.

From the brief look that he managed to get of the building, it appeared to be one of those huge, almost skyscraper-like buildings, with sides filled with glass windows and dozens of floors.

Not having the time to think about just what the fuck was happening, he regained control over his body and continued running as fast as he could.

He glanced at the building once again to see how high it was. Since his only source was his quick glance, he roughly estimated that the building would take 2 more minutes until it hit the ground.

Remembering about Anna and Mathew, Gabriel swiftly ran inside the house and started to look around for them.

Due to the sheer size of the building, he imagined that the impact would completely level his entire house and probably the entire estate.

As he searched everywhere, he couldn't find them. No matter how much, not matter where he looked, he simply couldn't find them. It was as if they disappeared.

That was until he went to check the kitchen for the 2nd time, and he found a note near the oven. He must've skipped over it the first time since he was panicking.

Picking up the note in a hurry, he started reading it,

"Sweetie, we're out of onions and cheese, so I'll go with your Uncle Mat to the supermarket. Call me if you need anything. Be back in 20.

Love you,


'Thank God they're not here.' He said in his head and ran outside again.

He now had little over a minute to get away from his big estate, so it was time to Usain Bolt this bitch.

As if his body understood his intentions, adrenaline started pumping through his veins and he began to gain even more speed.

Nearing the huge gate that marked the entrance to the property after about 40 seconds, Gabriel saw the mailman that came to his house almost every day.

He was slowly walking up to the gate after getting out of his bike, and on his hands were a couple of packages he was supposed to deliver.

The mailman's name was Jamie, and he was a kind and honest 60 year old man. Gabriel and Jamie often talked for a few minutes when he visited, so they could be considered buddies.

Anna and Mathew also loved Jamie and had already invited him inside the house a few times due to his good-nature and warm heart.

"MISTER JAMIE! RUN, QUICK!!" Gabriel warned him, shouting.

Looking up from the ground, Jamie saw the young man he talked with almost every day running towards him. It seemed that due to his old age, he still hadn't noticed the building that was falling.

"Oh, Gabriel! It's good to see you." Jamie said with a smile.

'Fuck, I'm not gonna have enough time!' Gabriel thought.

As the clock winded down the seconds, Gabriel reached the gate and hastily opened it. Without even giving Jamie the time to react, Gabriel picked him up with his athletic body and put him on top of the bike he came in.

Gabriel started pushing the bike away from the property, "Mister Jamie, pedal as fast as you can! There's no time to explain!"

"O-Okay...!" Jamie muttered.

Looking back as he pushed Jamie, Gabriel saw that the time had come. The building was only a few dozen meters away from the ground, and when it hit, it was game over.

In his last act of heroism and selflesness, Gabriel tried to shield Jamie from the explosion using his body.


"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed his lungs out as his body was being destroyed from the explosion that happened a couple hundred meters behind him.

Thousands or even millions of tiny glass shards penetrated his back seconds after the building's impact with the ground, only lessening his survival rate from 0% to -100%.

A large shockwave hit both Jamie and Gabriel, which made Jamie fall from his bike and hit the floor, but miraculously, Gabriel was still standing in front of him, ready to be his shield.

The loud sound of the explosion completely ruptured his eardrums. The heat from the impact started to give him 4th degree burns all over his body. Countless glass shards assaulted his still standing body.

'.....I don't want to die...why did it have to be like this.....mom, dad, it looks like I'll be seeing you soon...'

Half of his body felt numb while the other half screamed in agony. The sharp, burning sensation was all he could focus on. Sweat was pouring from his forehead, evaporating seconds after. With the last bit of his willpower, he gritted his teeth and held his body high in front of Jamie. If he wasn't going to be able to save himself, he would at least try to save him. He was determined to keep going, to simply swallow the pain and hold out as long as he could. But, maybe giving up was the right choice, "always listen to your body" they always said. Finally, his legs gave out from under him and he dropped to the floor. His body completely burned and cut, but on his almost unrecognizable face was a thin smile, a smile of peace.

Thankfully, it appeared that Gabriel's effort to save Jamie were not in vain. As he got up from the floor with a few scratches and bruises on his body, his eyes landed on the young man who saved him.

Spending a couple of minutes thanking him and looking at the aftermath of the explosion, Jamie looked at the sky and spoke.

"Lucas, give Gabriel some gifts please. He deserves it."

If anyone saw this, they would've thought that he was addressing God or something, and they were not wrong...

"C'mon Old Man, why did you have to give me this job?! It's too much work, too much responsability, and too TIRING!" A voice came from the heavens.

With a tick on his forehead, Jamie replied, "C'mon Old Man my ass, you brat! I was tired of being God so you, my direct descendant, took over."

"But what about Jesus? You could've asked him, couldn't you?!" The voice asked.

"He already has too much on his plate, but you only lazed around, so you were chosen! Just do what I said, please! Now tell me, what caused this to happen? First a truck, then a building?!" Jamie asked with his finger pointed at the sky.

*sigh* "Fine, fine. I'll help him. The cause of these accidents was Douglas! He was playing The Sims but grew bored of using a smartphone, so he used a planet instead! Due to a mistake on his part, he placed a truck and a building on Earth, instead of the world he had created for his Sims!"

"Ugh! Douglas, that brat! Make him cut Heaven's billions of grassfields only with a small, rounded scissor! That'll teach him." Jamie facepalmed. [A/N: Grandpa Universe has ended.... i'm depressed.]

With this short conversation over, Jamie sat down next to Gabriel's dead body.

"I'll make sure that you have a peaceful and happy life, Gabriel. Thank you for saving me, even if I didn't need any saving, just the thought counts. I hope you have fun." Jamie said as his body was being revigorated by Lucas.

Jamie, aka God Nº1, was, well, the first God. The Lord. The Miracle Worker. Whatever you call it, Jamie was it. He was the sole being responsible for creating the entire omniverse. He literally created everything there is. Including fictional worlds, such as Marvel and DC.

The universe in which he was currently in, and the Earth that he was living in, were the first ones in existence. You could call it Universe and Earth Prime.

Ever since Humans started to think rationally and imagine things, Jamie created a system that would passively create worlds and universes based on these thoughts. Basically, he didn't have to phisically create the entire Marvel Multiverse because this system automatically created it the moment it was thought up by Stan Lee. It really saved him time.

But, after an insane amount of time being the all-powerful existence he was, he naturally got bored and tired of being the all-mighty and being omnipotent, so he passed his full power down to his second living creation, Lucas, who came after Jesus. After giving him all of his power, Lucas became God Nº2, becoming officially omnipotent and all-powerful.

[A/N: Lucas is an OC and him being the second creation and Jesus being the first is just for the story's sake. I have no idea who was God's first and second creation. Basically everything referring to Jamie or Lucas is not based on the bible or anything, just things I thought up.]

Jamie then descended to his favorite creation, Earth, to live among Humanity. He was fond of them. He wanted to live the rest of his life as a mortal among his favorite creations. Well, even after he gave Lucas his entire power, he remained immortal and a necessary existence, so he was NEVER going to die, no matter what. That's just how things are for the first thing to ever exist in everything.

What people thought to be just a normal, kind mail-man turned out to be the very reason they were alive and had a planet, scratch that, a universe to live in.

It seemed that Gabriel's sacrifice was, in reality, completely in vain! I'm sure he'll be happy to find that out...

[A/N: What's up everyone! I hope you liked the first chapter of the story. I am a very amateur writer and this is my first fic, so there's bound to be mistakes, plotholes, and yadada. Also, english isn't my first language, so if there are any grammar errors or stuff like that, please let me know and I'll fix it ASAP! This story isn't meant to be anything serious or professional, just a fun adventure. I'm trying to write something of the likes of Grandpa Universe in the Multiverse, so for those who've read it, you know what I mean. Also, I know that some of you will ask, "Why didn't Jamie just ask Lucas to revive Gabriel or stop the building from falling from the sky?", and the answer is... for the story to exist! There's no deeper reason behind it really. Of course, Lucas could stop all of that with just a fart, but that's just how things are. I hope you can enjoy this story even with its plotholes that will eventually appear. To end this big note, I will not have a fixed update schedule, I'll write when I feel like it. Sorry if this is a turnoff for some people, which I know it'll be, but oh well. Anyway, thank you for reading, have a good day!]