
Unyielding Demon Soul(Dropped)

The soul is the only connection to heaven, heaven is truly transcendent of all things. An insignificant cultivator in the eyes of heaven becomes an eyesore before becoming a sworn enemy. A man of righteous descent turned unrighteous by society perseveres through countless lifetimes. The story of a demon with limitless ambition, unwavering determination and perseverance topped off with a constant air of boundless tranquillity and wisdom. In a mystical world with boundless heights and infinite prospects. A demon, unwavering in the face of death and unyielding in the pursuit of heaven pursues the highest peak of heaven and earth with an unyielding demonic soul. ———————————————————————— Chapter Length: Anywhere from 800 words to 1.5K Discord Server: WIP

DraconicDemon · Eastern
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37 Chs


I have begun serialisation on my next novel: Imperial God Mechanic. I wish that you can take the time out of your day to go check it out.