
Unwilling Protagonist: Trapped In A Game As A Male Lead

After a strange occurrence, Kai finds himself trapped inside a popular game as one of the useless male leads. But there's one problem: he never wanted to be the hero. As Kai struggles to navigate this new reality and figure out how to escape, he soon realizes that his actions may have a bigger impact on the game world than he ever could have imagined. With danger lurking around every corner, Kai must decide whether to embrace his role as the reluctant hero or find a way to break free from the game's grasp. --- 100 PS FOR FAST UPDATES!

Enigma0 · Fantasy
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54 Chs


Today was the day for our departure to the academy.

I got dressed in my new outfit, purchased the day before from that small shop. It consisted of a plain white shirt, black trousers, and a matching blazer adorned with a silver emblem on the chest pocket.

As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I felt presentable enough for the occasion.

I made my way to the hallway and waited for Fiona and Rosalind to join me for our journey to the academy.

Rosalind is already in her final year, had been staying at the mansion for vacation, and was accompanying us back to the academy.

As for Fiona and me, we were both entering the academy for the first time ready to embark on our new academic journey.

Our class allotments would be determined by our written test results. And I recalled from the gameplays that Fiona wasn't placed in the Elite class, where most of the playable male and female leads resided. I assumed she would be in an honors class instead.

"As it happens, if you play with some of the other playable characters, you may find that Caius doesn't even make it into the Elite class," I muttered to myself as I relaxed on the sofa.

Although Caius is still known to be a genius in combat, his academic performance wasn't as strong.

However, if you played as Caius, it was easy to cheat your way into the Elite class by searching for the answers to the exam questions online. Some YTubers even created "How To Get Into An Elite Class" walkthrough tutorials.

I chuckled to myself. "Oh well, I didn't bother with those long videos. I just bought the premium pack and had access to all the questions and answers."

Sure, it was pay-to-win, but who cared? And I had never thought that purchasing that useless premium pack would come in handy now. Although I couldn't recall any of the questions or answers by myself, my Completionist Insight skill made the exam a total cheat.

Playing as Caius, it was crucial to be in the Elite class, as Adeline, who is central to most of his gameplay, was also in that class. The less interaction you had with Adeline, the more challenging it was to save her from the bad ending.

Even though I have no plans to save her, that doesn't mean I should intentionally perform poorly on the exam and end up in a less privileged class, just because I want to avoid her.

"I still need to make a connection with a certain named character so that I can remove my level cap in the future."


As the sound of footsteps echoed through the hall, I was pulled from my thoughts. I turned to see Rosalind and Fiona entering together.

Rosalind, who was in her final year, looked impeccable in her crisp school uniform adorned with a Silver Star emblem on the chest pocket. Her hair was neatly tied up in a bun, and her posture was upright and poised.

On the other hand, Fiona stood out in her elegant and exquisite noble dress that flowed gracefully with every step she took.

Since our uniforms were assigned based on the class we ended up in, seeing Rosalind's uniform confirmed that she was in the Honors class.

While playing the game, I came to the realization that Rosalind and Fiona were not included in the Elite class and were merely non-playable characters with minor roles. They were just extras whose sole purpose seemed to be to constantly criticize and belittle Caius throughout his gameplay.

And after spending a few days with them, I've come to understand why Rosalind and Fiona had such animosity towards Caius in the game. Fiona appeared to be a spoiled brat who envied Caius's talent, and I suspected that once she surpassed him, she would begin to bully him.

Rosalind, on the other hand, seemed to dislike Caius's meek personality and the way he seemed to follow Adeline around like a puppy dog.

As they both entered the hall, Fiona wasted no time in making a snide remark about my clothes. "That outfit suits you perfectly, Caius. Your taste in clothes is just like you - ugly!" she said with a smirk.

Rosalind shot Fiona a disapproving look. "Watch your tongue, Fiona," she scolded before turning to me. "I would have been happy to help you pick out something more appropriate if you had asked, Caius."

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't worry about it, I like what I'm wearing," I replied.

"Don't even think about approaching us while we're at the academy," Fiona warned, her expression contorted in distaste. "I don't want any of my new friends to know that we're related."

"Don't worry, you won't be in the Elite class as me anyway," I retorted with a grin.


"Pftt, hahaha!"

Fiona burst out laughing, while Rosalind simply shook her head. "Just because you ranked in the top 10 in combat during your admission exam doesn't mean you'll definitely be in the Elite class, Caius," Rosalind explained patiently. "Class allocation is based solely on intellectual knowledge."

"Yes, because they don't want muscle heads like you who are just good in combat and can't understand anything to be in the Elite Class," Fiona taunted before continuing.

"As for me, even though my combat scores weren't the best, I've been studying hard for the class allotment examination so I can enter the highly privileged Elite class.

So, It'll be you who ends up in the basic class with the commoners like yourself, because you didn't even prepare for the exam since you were so busy chasing Adeline--"

"Fiona!" Rosalind interrupted with a stern voice.

"I already told you that our status won't matter in the academy, and you can't talk to Caius in that manner. Apologize to him now."

"Tch, I don't want to!" Fiona said, clicking her tongue in annoyance.

Just as Rosalind was about to say something, the Marquis entered the hall with his wives and Charlotte.

"Good morning, Father!" Rosalind and Fiona greeted him, while I gave a polite nod.

Lady Abigail giggled as she saw Fiona's puffed expression and asked, "Did you guys fight again?"

"Humph, it's all because of this stupid Caius!" Fiona said, folding her arms and scowling.

"Dear brother, I like your clothes!" Charlotte said with a smile.

I smiled back at her and waited for the punchline.

"You just look like a peasant—hmm?" Before she could continue her teasing, Lady Elizabeth quickly intervened and placed her hand over Charlotte's mouth, "Charlotte, that's not a nice thing to say."

She turned to me with an apologetic smile, "Please forgive her, Caius. As you already know she doesn't always think before she speaks."

"Don't worry Lady Elizabeth, I don't take her seriously anyway," I reassured her with a smile.

The Marquis then addressed us, "Are you all prepared for your departure?"

"We're all set, Father," Rosalind replied, smiling at him.

"Good," the Marquis said. "And how about you, Caius? Are you ready for your first year at the academy?"

"Yes, Marquis. I am prepared," I replied, trying to keep my tone neutral. He nodded understandingly.

"I have no doubt you'll all excel in your studies, my children," the Marquis said, giving a small smile. "And remember, if you need any help or guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to us."

"Thank you, Father. We will keep that in mind," we replied in unison politely.

"Alright, let's not keep the vehicle waiting any longer. We must bid farewell to our beloved children," the Marquis said, gesturing towards the car waiting outside.

And with that, we exited the mansion, Rosalind and Fiona bid their farewells to their parents with hugs, while the Marquis shook my hand cordially. With a sense of finality, we left the estate behind and climbed into the car.

"Take care, dear ones," Lady Elizabeth said with a warm smile.

"And make us proud." Lady Abigail shouted while waving her hand.

And with that, the car left the Valerian Estate and made its way to the port.