
Unwavering Hope

The book is about four friends who have graduated from Queen Charlotte Junior High, have taken their seats on a jet and all set to fly and vanquish the hurdles that high school launches at them. Friendship will break, hearts will crack, love will be found, and career decisions will be made. These school years will transform their lives forever.

Olivia_Madhavan · Teen
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50 Chs

Chapter 22.2: The Accident Aftermath

After the accident, Aiden fell into the coma state for three days. Mavis and Pauline spent three days in the hospital waiting for Aiden to recover. After Aiden gained his consciousness, the doctor called Olivia as her number was one of his emergency contacts. Olivia arrived at the hospital as fast as she could. As she stepped into the room in which Aiden was admitted, tears filled in her eyes as she couldn't bear to see him in that state.

Aiden looked at the crying girl with Mavis and Pauline behind her and asked in curiosity, "Guys, where is Sarah? Did you guys get taller or what? You look so grown up!" Olivia stammered, "W---what t--t-tt-- the h--hell h--happened to you?" Aiden replied, " Just some scratches, why do you care so much? I don't really know you." Then suddenly, a doctor came in and said, " Congratulations, you're pregnant! Ms. Lombriz De Ti--" The doctor stopped and stared at the guy on the bed with three girls surrounding him. Right after a long awkward silence, Olivia, Mavis, and Pauline stared and shouted at Aiden, "YOU'RE PREGNANT!!!??" Aiden eyes widened in shock and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL!!! I AM STILL IN MIDDLE SCHOOL AND PLUS I'M A MALE AND NOW I AM PREGNANT?!?! IS THAT WHY I AM IN THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW?!?!"

The doctor responded, " I'm sorry; I entered the wrong room. This news was for Ms. Lombriz de Tierra." As the doctor leaves the room, Pauline yelled, " Lombriz has a kid and is in Oxford?!" After a long awkward silence, another doctor came in the place and said while reading the patient's report, "Don't worry Ms. Britney, You're just having your period right now, you're not miscarriage---" The doctor looks up to see the four people shocked at her statement and saw that it was a guy who was lying on the bed. Aiden shrieked, "WHAT THE FUCK!? FIRST I AM PREGNANT, AND NOW I HAVE PERIOD!! I HAVE SOME SERIOUS QUESTIONS TO ASK MY PARENTS!"She apologized and summoned the required doctor this time.

The doctor called the three girls outside to talk with them; she said, " Your friend is currently facing amnesia due to the recent accident. He is continuously asking for this girl named Sarah and is saying that he is eager to see her. He remembers everything until his middle school years and has forgotten everything that transpired after that. If you want him to get better, you need to get this girl." As the doctor leaves, Olivia yelled, "Sarah is going to ignore us, and she will never believe what just happened. What do we do; hire someone to kidnap her?" Mavis and Pauline exchanged a mischievous glance and said together, "We know the perfect people for the job."

Mavis and Pauline pull off some strings and hire a bunch of "goons" to "kidnap" Sarah to reunite with Aiden after all these years. Who are these people? And how will Olivia feel when she will meet them at a restaurant the next day? Find the answers to these questions in the next chapter which I will be uploading today (since I won't be able to do so tomorrow). But I will get back to updating soon. Sorry for the inconvenience

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