
Unwavering Hope 2: Life-Altering Events

Five years after the fairytale double wedding, the gang reunites as Vincent freeloads along with Sarah, Aiden, Olivia, and Samar who all live in Aiden's mansion with Mavis and Pauline as their neighbors with their respective spouses who are away in Phoenix most of the times. But the fairytale marriages aren't as dreamy as they thought it would be.

Olivia_Madhavan · Realistic
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15 Chs

An Atypical American Household

As I was confused about the entire situation between Olivia and Samar, I stood there contemplating the possible things that could have happened between them. The best one I could come up with was that Olivia didn't have the guts to tell Samar that she had to go for the conference so she guaranteed her attendance without telling him. Okay, but why is Samar making such a big deal about a conference? I mean, as a professor, I thought that he might understand that every once in awhile, doctors have to attend to these things; that's a part of the job. Maybe it's just him being a child.

Suddenly, I heard some weird noises behind me. And I have no idea how to describe them to you. Let's just say that it was the sound of two people groaning in pleasure. I whirled around to see Sarah and Aiden making out first thing in the morning! Okay, not that I'm being a kid here, but it is indeed awkward for me to see my two best friends doing this and also the fact that my husband's not around.

But before I could say anything, Olivia emerged from out of her room and groaned, "Ugh! Guys, get a room, or please stop this; it's disgusting." She stole the words right out of my mouth. I mean, come on. My husband is a nomad, Olivia is having a fight with hers, can't you guys at least show some consideration?

"What? Can't a perfectly rational guy kiss his sexy wife good morning?" Aiden pulled away and countered on the both of us.

"Whatever. Just don't do it in front of me, okay?" Olivia responded and headed towards the kitchen to make her daily coffee. All I can say from this behavior of hers is that what argument she and Samar must have had is not a trivial one. I mean, anyone can notice that when they see that the two of them can't even talk to one another and ask someone else to deliver messages between them.

I walked up to Sarah and Aiden who at least stopped making out but were talking sweetly towards one another which made me want to turn in the opposite direction, but I needed to ask them this question. "Guys, you all live in the same place, right? Did something happen between Olivia and Samar?"

They looked at each other as if I asked something that they haven't even heard of; a totally confused glance exchange. Sarah responded, "No. I mean, I have seen them acting perfectly normal. Olivia has her night shifts at the hospital and passes out in the morning whereas Samar has his job at the university and does the same at night. Maybe because of their contrasting schedules, they don't get to talk as much. There isn't anything to be alarmed about."

Aiden added, "Yeah, and besides, Samar, Vincent, and I go drinking every weekend. If there were problems, I'm pretty sure that Samar might have blurted it out when he was drunk so, I kinda agree with Sarah here."

At that moment, I was so angry at these two idiots, who are obviously blinded by their own love. They all live together in the same house, and they still don't know about their situation? Maybe, Olivia and Samar tried to keep it under the wraps in front of them but how can I see it and they don't? It's so evident; like a book, I can read their expressions on their face and note down what's different. I couldn't help myself but shout, "YOU GUYS NEED TO OPEN YOUR EYES FOR GOD'S SAKE! OLIVIA IS GOING TO VIETNAM FOR MONTHS AND SAMAR IS UPSET ABOUT IT! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT!? ARE YOU BLIND OR WHAT!?"

Everyone in the room went silent. Dead silent. I had my first outburst ever since my husband left for Phoenix. I felt that my marriage was bound to break at some point, considering that it's long distance. Even though he reassured me that we could make this work, I still can't believe him. Yes, I love him and want to be with him, but some things just can't be helped. It's our jobs that are keeping us apart. I just hope he or I don't just move beyond our marriage because I don't think I can face that. So, whenever I see my friends around me having a fight, I can't really take it. Because whatever little hope I have inside me, it's only because of them. The four of them. They are my only source of hope. I don't want my hope for my marriage to waver even one bit, so I stuck myself to these guys and never found anyone else in my workplace or anywhere else to hang out with. I am not going to lie, I did feel once or twice that I want to meet new people and make more friends. But I'm scared. If I meet more people then does that mean my bond with these guys are over? Am I going to get thrown on the ground by the world with no one to pick me up when I fall?

Olivia snapped me out of my thoughts by asking me with an expressionless face, "How did you know, Mavis?"

"Samar asked me to deliver a message to you regarding this. Even I just found out this morning." I replied as I composed myself from my emotional outburst.

"Well, what did he say?" Olivia turned around and asked with her arms folded in anticipation. But her body gesture suggested that she didn't really care about what she had to say. She was more angry than eager to know the answer because she might already know what he had to say.

"He said that you can go to Vietnam or hell; he couldn't care less," I replied.

"Wait what? You're going to Vietnam and you guys had a fight on it? When were you gonna tell us?" Aiden questioned in curiosity.

"A week from now, probably in a letter that I would leave on the kitchen table," Olivia answered with an expressionless face yet again.

"Really, Olivia? After all these years, when you say that you're not gonna be around, all you can do is leave us a note?!" Sarah yelled with her hands on her hips.

"Guys, it's not a big deal. Aiden's gonna have his shoot for Vogue tomorrow. You have an important meeting. Mavis and Pauline have their firms to take care of since the workload is increasing. Samar doesn't care and has his professor job. And Vincent... well I don't know."

Vincent appeared out of the bathroom and said, "Samar has another job. To babysit my daughter. He said that since the semester has ended, he has to mark his papers at home, so I asked him if he could look after Alice."

Olivia whirled around and asked, "Why did you ask Samar to babysit Alice? Can't you do it?"

Vincent put on a vicious smile and said, "KE 6 to Seoul and VN 409 to Ho Chi Minh; business class, isn't it?"

Olivia's eyes widened with surprise as she screamed, "WHAT THE HELL!? YOU SAW MY TICKET!?"

Vincent answered, still maintaining the calm smile, "Whoa whoa whoa sweetie. When I was booking my flight to Vietnam for monitoring the Trung Nguyen business, the website wouldn't give me my seat because it said that doctors from Kindred are traveling all the way to Ho Chi Minh for an International conference. So any idiot would connect the dots."

Olivia's eyes widened even more. She now knew what was coming ahead of her. The person she hated the most in the world. The person who she couldn't stand ever since her first project with him since high school. That very same man who was standing before her ten years later. She yelled, "I HAVE TO TRAVEL WITH THIS MORON NOW?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!???!!"