
Unwanted: The tale of Emma Parker

She is unwanted by her mate. She is unwanted by her race. She is unwanted by the world. Her mate hates her for who she is. Werewolves hates her for what she will become. The world hates her for what she will do. Who is she? She is Emma Parker, an ordinary 18year old nerd and she-wolf. Atleast that's what she thought

marveya · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter 1



It was finally here

I am finally going to be 18 and I'm finally going to meet my mate.

I prayed fervently to the moon goddess that my Luna would be sexy and beautiful because a handsome soon-to-be alpha like me deserved a partner equally beautiful

I have been told too many times that I was superficial and that I always failed to see what lies in the heart but always focused on what I saw on the surface.

What was that saying again.... 'True beauty lies within' or something like that

That's b.s

Let's all be sincere, a lot of people are attracted first by what lies on the surface, what they see, before they care to look at what's within and whether they can accept it.

Setting that aside, I'm looking for my mate

Every werewolf when they turn 18, there is an eighty percent chance that they would likely meet their mate, and this is because during this period, a werewolf pheromone becomes extremely fragrant which enables them to locate their mates quickly.

Pheromones are scents, unique to each werewolf. Apart from the extreme attraction a werewolf will feel when they meet their mate, pheromones also enables werewolves to locate their mates especially now that werewolves live among humans, though humans are not aware as it's a secret the government only know, pheromones also acts as some sort of aphrodisiac which sometimes turns werewolves to sex craved beasts. Werewolves could also smell another pheromones even though they aren't mate, however it would be just like a mere fragrance to them.

Right now, I could not smell any sweet, enthralling fragrance, but rather the putrid smell emitting from hormonal teens sweaty bodies colliding together, sex and vomit.

I was slowly getting pissed, annoyed and disappointed. I was really excited to meet my mate that was the reason I set up this party anyways, to find my mate faster. I also vowed to let go of all my fuck boy ways if I ever meet her today.

Too bad for her, she missed out on a great deal.

However, I've also picked on an info.

Since she was not here, then there is a low chance that she even attended Everton High, which was really, really bad . I don't even want to imagine that she is in another state, country or even perhaps a whole different continent which greatly reduces the probability us even meeting.

That will totally ruin everything I've worked for


'Don't tell me that I'm gonna find my mate when I become an old man. That's kinda depressing to even think of'

While still going through a turmoil I spotted Ryan one of my best friends making out with a girI on a couch

Wait, isn't that the couch father just bought last week.

'No no no no, Ryan better not c*m on that chair or Dad is gonna kill me'

I quickly walked up him and pushed him off the couch " Come on dude, get a room"

Ryan groggily stood up, visibly annoyed "what the f*ck man"

I rolled my eyes "I explicitly said no sex on the couch. I also told you that father is going to kill me if anything happens to this couch"

I flashed an apologetic smile at the girl he was making out with. Father did say I should be a gentleman to pretty girls

She kinda looked familiar though. She also seemed to recognize me

"Hi" She smiled at me" it's me Katherine, we met at the KTV last week , we both did karaoke together"

Ohh,it's her, but if I can recall well, we ended doing things more than Karaoke

" Hi Katherine, nice to see you again" I winked at her earning me a blush from her

Well, I expected her to cause who could resist this handsome face

Ryan quickly grabbed her hands, like he knew where it would probably lead to " you guys can do your happy reunion another time, let's go Katherine "

With large strides, he dragged her along with him.

"Wait Ryan" I called out

" No I'm not doing a threesome with you" He said, not stopping on his track neither sparing me a glance


"Do you know where Mark is? "

"He is probably making out with a random girl" He hurriedly said, already annoyed" Go and fuck some girl. Don't disturb me Mason"

Well that isn't a bad advice



It was Monday morning everyone was talking about my party and I couldn't help but feel some sort of pride

I could say with full chest that I was one of the best party planners out there

"Mason watch this" Ryan said with a creepy smile on his face

He definitely planned something.

I looked up and saw a bucket of water hanging, ready to fall on its unsuspecting victim


The door opener and immediately, the bucket of water splashed on.... Mr James!!!

Oh no, it was the teacher

Everyone who had prepared to burst out in laughter kept shut when they saw Mr James face burning with anger

"who did this?! " He asked angrily

Everyone started pointing at each other as they dare not point at Ryan because if they did, Ryan would make he bullies that poor soul to the point they'll wish that they'd die


What was this sweet scent, this enticing, enthralling...


My wolf growled inside me

I felt my body strongly desiring to move to the direction from which the pheromones was exuding from. However I could only feel the attraction but I couldn't get the direction

Where was she?

"Mason stallion, detention!!! " Mr James voice rang in my ears, breaking me out from fantasy

Hunh, what did I do?



Today was so frustrating.

It was so not my day

First, April Avery frustrating me with her annoying romantic poems , and her begging me for some 'fun time' after school ends. I had to spend the rest of my day avoiding her. Secondly, I was yet to find my mate despite me scenting her pheromone in the morning. Also, why am I in detention?

I know I'm someone who gets detention almost everyday, but I didn't do anything today. I'm an Innocent victim, Ryan is the one who ought to be here, not me.

I'll make him pay for making me take the fall for him



Detention was finally over .

I couldn't wait to get back and beat Ryan up, then probably play games with Mark.

I began walking down the hallway


I felt that attraction again I scanned the area but saw no one. I was surprised

How could my mate be a bunch of lockers.


My eyes quickly darted to where the sound came from

' It must be her'

Taking huge strides, I quickly walked towards the direction of the noise and I saw the one and only Emma Parker come out from the library.

Thump Thump

My heart began to beat rapidly

A deep chocolate scent seeking to draw me in its enticement and drown me in it forever

Mate, My mate

My wolf howled inside of me

I need her by side by my side or else I would die

I need her, I want her, I want to posses her

I immediately snapped back to reality

'I almost lost control of my body. The Mate bond is really strong and terrifying'

I took a look at Emma again, trying to reject the truth

No way, no way can my Luna be some annoying , ugly, shapless nerd.

I could barely even see her eyes through her thick glasses .

This was truly the worst day of my life , my life is officially ruined and what made it more worse was when Emma turned and looked at me..

Damn! she felt the attraction