
Unwanted Marriage: Honey, No More Divorce!

After three years of marriage, Wendy Stewart was used to Michael Lucas's sarcastic remarks, his frequent threats about getting divorced, and even his indulgence of a mistress. She thought that she could bear with this her entire life, until she accidentally got pregnant with a child that Michael did not want. Finally despondent, Wendy signed the divorce agreement and left. She thought they could have parted ways forever, but Michael refused to stop looking for her after the divorce. When they met again, she was the world's top designer. Smiling sweetly at her ex-husband, she said, "My dear, we're already divorced." Michael simply stared at her coldly, "Tell me, what will it take for us to reconcile?"

TheHana · Urban
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714 Chs


Wendy did not end up falling like she feared. Instead, Christian grabbed her waist and supported her weight.

The pressure around Wendy's waist left her shocked beyond words.

She was about to express her gratitude, but Christian's voice interjected her before that could happen.

He said, "His temper has always been like that. He treats everyone the same way. Please don't take it to heart," said Christian with a smile, "If you find yourself feeling tired of him someday, you can come to me. I have a much better temper, and I won't get violent with anyone. At least, I would never hit the woman I love."

Christian's words were meant to be provocative.

Indeed, Michael took the bait. His eyes turned bloodshot again as he gazed darkly at the couple. He said, "Wendy, come back here right now! Or are you thinking of getting remarried to Christian instead?"

After regaining her stability, Wendy took two steps forward to put some distance between Christian and herself. The truth was that she felt rather aggrieved. It was Michael who had pushed her away first, and Christian merely caught her.

She thought, what right does Michael have to lose his temper at me? If not for Christian, I might have fallen and something bad might have happened to my baby.

Deep down in her heart, Wendy felt grateful toward Christian for this. But of course, she did not dare to express these thoughts.

" I thought that you were only violent toward me, I didn't expect you to treat your wife the same way," Christian chuckled. Shaking his head, he continued, "You should change your personality. Otherwise, your wife might just grow tired of you and ask for a divorce someday."

"Christian, I'm warning you, don't try to scheme against the Lucas family. As long as I'm around in this family, you have no place here," said Michael.

"Why would you say that? I have never planned on doing anything against the Lucas family. I'm a descendant of this family, just like you are. Of course, I wish nothing but the best for us. On top of that, I've been abroad for so many years. Everyone knows that it was a deliberate choice on my part so I could avoid you, precisely because I don't want to compete with you for any inheritance," said Christian in a calm tone as if nothing unpleasant had taken place earlier.

With these words, Christian turned around to regard Wendy. There was a hint of appreciation in his gaze as he said, "However, I noticed that you don't seem to like her very much. Why don't you..."

Before Christian could finish his words, Michael raised his fist and punched him yet again. Whether he liked Wendy or not was one thing, but watching his enemy try to steal his wife was another.

No man could ever put up with something like that.

Christian reached out to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth. With a devilish smile on his face, he said, "Hit me all you want, I won't fight back.

Frightened and unsure of how she could stop Michael, Wendy could only stand before Christian. Although timid, she tried to persuade him, Please stop provoking him. She did not know what Christian's end goal was, but it was obvious that he was deliberately agitating Michael.

"Are you protecting him right now? Wendy Stewart, can you be any more shameless?"

Michael's words were harsh and cruel.

Having long grown used to hearing such words from Michael, Wendy initially thought that she had grown numb to them. However, she still unexpectedly felt aggrieved and uncomfortable hearing them.

Biting her bottom lip, Wendy inhaled deeply. In a stern and serious manner, she said, "Michael, I cannot stop you if you want to hit him. But I have to remind you that Christian has been deliberately provoking you. If you wish to continue falling for his trap, then please go on."

With that, she took two steps back.

Christian never stopped smiling. Even the wounds on his face could not hinder the smile playing on his lips. His smile was calm, breezy, and uncaring.

The thing that Michael hated most about Christian was his face. Christian looked similar to him, but even when there were many things on his mind.

Michael clenched his fists tightly. Sweeping his gaze over Christian, he snorted coldly before leaving.

The bathroom became quiet again following Michael's departure.

Wendy was not familiar with Christian, and since she did not know what she could possibly say to him, she turned around with the intention of leaving like Michael did.

However, she had just turned around when Christian's voice was heard behind her, "Hi, I introduced myself earlier, but you haven't."

At that, Wendy's footsteps came to a halt. Without turning her head, she answered courteously, "My name is Wendy Stewart.

"Wendy Stewart.." Christian whispered her name in a low voice. As he watched her receding in his view, the smile in his eyes deepened with interest and playfulness.

The truth was that Christian had heard of Wendy Stewart long ago. Even though he had remained abroad all these years, he was not ignorant about the affairs within the Lucas family.

However, he knew that Michael did not love this woman. Therefore, Christian never bothered to investigate her. Their interaction led him to believe that Wendy was an intelligent and interesting woman.

"What else did you say to him in there?" When Wendy did not emerge as quickly as he had expected, Michael decided to take his anger out on her. He said, "Wendy Stewart, you best remember your identity. You're still my wife right now, so don't you dare try to get involved with other men at all.

Wendy had her own temper as well. She was not born to be submissive. Thinking about the baby in her belly, Wendy retorted boldly, "Let's finalize our divorce proceedings after Grandmother's birthday celebration."

"Don't tell me you're suddenly so eager to get a divorce because of Christian's words," Michael grinned in anger, "Do you think Christian is a good man? Do you think he genuinely desires you? Let me tell you, he's only interested in you because you're my wife and he wants to take you away from me."

Wendy knew that Michael was lost in his own feelings of anger and that he would not listen to her explanations even if she tried. Moreover, even when Michael was not angry, he never believed a single word she said. Wendy could not be bothered to defend herself. Without another word, she turned around and went to look for another bathroom, since she was still suppressing her urge.

When Wendy emerged from the bathroom, Michael was no longer in sight. Christian, however, was surrounded by many relatives.

Wendy did not deliberately approach him, but she still heard the conversations happening around him.

"Gosh, why did Michael beat you up like that?

"Even if Michael hates you, you're still his biological brother. This is too cruel of him."

"You've stayed abroad for so many years, we all know that you did that to avoid crossing his path. I think you shouldn't be afraid of him. Your father is now the chairman of the entirety of MC Enterprise. Since you're back, you should stay in Lake City with peace of mind. After all, you're also a descendant of the Lucas family, and you definitely have a share in the company. Don't worry, your aunt will definitely stand on your side."

Wendy caught the gist of what they were saying.

Now, she finally understood Christian's goal. He had provoked Michael into hitting him. This way, he would become the victim and gain the pity from his relatives. His uncles and aunts were already jealous of how wealthy MC Enterprise was. Even though Anthony's siblings had their own careers and companies, they were still far behind MC Enterprise. Hence, they usually attempted to find job positions within MC Enterprise for their own family members.

Despite superficially expressing their support for Christian to join MC Enterprise, the truth was that they simply wanted to incite conflict within the company. This way, they could only stand to benefit.

Since Wendy could tell what was going on, she was sure that Michael would not have missed it.

Yet, he still hit Christian. She could not help but worry about Michael. She thought, knowing his character, I'm afraid that Christian will easily take advantage of him. The more she thought about it, the more she felt like she was being nosey. After all, Michael did not trust her at all.

He also hated her, and they were getting divorced in a few days.

Even if she wanted to take care of Michael, it was no longer her place to do so. He could still smile so easily.


Wendy did not see Michael again that night. She approached Mrs. Lucas for a chat before she left the mansion and drove home.

Michael had not returned home, which did not surprise her. As Wendy switched on the lights, the dark room was instantly illuminated.

However, no matter how bright the lights were, her heart still felt empty. Sighing, Wendy comforted herself, "Hasn't it been this way for the past three years? It shouldn't bother me."

Wendy did not see Michael for about a week after Madam Lucas's birthday celebration.

She remained at home to take care of the baby in her belly and picked up design skills once again. Zen visited her every other day and taught her how to post short videos on TikTok.

Gradually, Wendy regained some of her inspiration from the good old days. She also edited her first video and uploaded it on TikTok.

Wendy was still new to this when she posted her first video. The editing and filming of the video were very amateurish, and hence, it did not make a big splash online. Zen comforted her, telling her that video views had to be accumulated over time and the chances of her first video going viral were very, very slim.

Fortunately, Wendy felt pretty indifferent. She had not expected much in the first place.

However, after filming and editing that first video, Wendy fell in love with the process.

Eventually, she developed the habit of filming herself while she came up with new designs. When she felt bored at night, she would try trimming the videos. After editing a few videos, her skills improved significantly The fulfilling days Wendy spent at home allowed her to recover some semblance of her old self.

In fact, she even started growing used to it. Michael's absence. Even thoughts of their divorce were pushed aside. She thought that this new lifestyle would last for a while.

Unexpectedly, her peaceful life was interrupted by a call from an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, Wendy," a lighthearted voice was heard over the phone.

Wendy grew slightly nervous and afraid when she heard that voice. She thought, isn't this Christian? He and I shouldn't have any interaction.

"So sorry to suddenly be calling you like this. I just wanted to ask you if you've seen the news recently"

"Just tell me what you have to say to me."

Wendy had not watched the news, as she had spent the past few days immersing herself in design and video editing.

"Ah, you haven't seen the news. I didn't think you would be so calm if you did," Christian continued.

"What exactly do you want to say? If there's nothing else, I'll hang up."

Wendy did not wish to get involved with Christian. After all, she was still Michael's wife. Since Michael treated Christian as his enemy, she would do the same. Even after her divorce with Michael, Wendy would not wish to get involved with someone like Christian. Her instincts told her that Christian was too dangerous for her.

"Wendy, I think you should go on the internet," said Christian. He wanted to hang up, but after some thought, he added, "Oh, right, and I think you should be expecting a call from their family."

After hanging up, Wendy checked the internet Michael's face was featured on the front page of the tabloid news, with the headlines, "President of MC Enterprise, Michael Lucas, caught in compromising photos with his girlfriend, who is also his personal assistant at work."

Wendy clicked on the link and scanned through the content. They contained photos of Michael and Yvonne. The photos of them were very intimate. 0ne depicted them having a meal together, another showed Michael's arm around Yvonne's waist, and in the third, Yvonne was resting her head against Michael's shoulder.

Initially, Wendy thought that the past few days had diminished the importance of Michael's existence in her life. She never expected to tear up when she saw these photos.

She thought, Michael, oh Michael, couldn't you wait until after our divorce before behaving so brazenly in public? Must you be so eager to announce your relationship with Yvonne?