
Unveiling the Veilied

Funny_Gotcha · Sci-fi
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34 Chs

Chapter 15

"As all of the Kaminko gathered in a place that had been destroyed by a malevolent individual named Akudama, darkness enveloped their surroundings. Kiki spoke up, saying, 'So this is the work of a demon, huh? Essentially wiping out an entire town filled with countless people... It's both horrifying and terrifying at the same time.' Kazue nodded in agreement and replied, 'It's okay, we will avenge their deaths, for sure.' Ren, speaking from the background, questioned, 'For sure?' Kazue reiterated, 'Yes, for sure, because we're uncertain about how strong this demon is, and he's with Ryūji, who shouldn't pose a threat to us right now.'

Takara surveyed the area and asked, 'How many people died here, and how did this happen?' Hiroshi began to explain, 'It happened three days ago, and the number of victims is approximately 78,000.' Takara remarked, 'Sheesh, that's a lot of kills, for sure. Could it be higher than my count for real?' Kiki chuckled in the background, while Kazue maintained a serious expression and said, 'Okay, it's time to head out. But before we do, we must pray for the souls of these individuals.' They all nodded in agreement with Kazue and replied, 'Yes, sir.'"

As Ryūji and Akudama walked away from the city, Akudama glanced at Ryūji's outfit and remarked, "You're just going to wear a purple T-shirt and black pants? Does it bother you if I ask why? You usually wear your sorcerer uniform." Ryūji grabbed his purple T-shirt and responded, "Well, I don't want to be a sorcerer. I want to be like you, Akudama, and become incredibly strong, strong, and even stronger."

Amazed, Akudama replied, "Damn, should I change out of this black kimono that the short, white-headed kid gave me?" Ryūji whispered, "Short white-headed kid?" Akudama continued, "Yeah, that short white-headed kid who gave me this outfit. But do you remember feeling the ground shake, as if the entire place where you lived was trembling?" Ryūji started to recall and said, "Oh, the dark eyeball in the sky... It shook the world, surprising everyone. Yes, it did shake the place where I lived, and to be honest, it ended up getting destroyed by it."

Akudama asked in disbelief, "Wait, for real?" Ryūji confirmed, "For real."

As they continued walking, Ryūji and Akudama noticed three individuals approaching the city they had visited earlier. Among them were two girls and one boy. One of the girls glanced at Ryūji and whispered quietly, saying, "His eyes are red. That looks kinda cool." The girl promptly hit the boy on the head and scolded him, saying, "Just shut up and keep walking. You shouldn't comment on people's looks, you know." The boy apologized, saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, big sis."

Ryūji and Akudama remained mostly unfazed by their reaction. Ryūji spoke up, saying, "Wow, it seems like there could be new people talking about my 'distant red eye'." Akudama responded, "Distant red eye?"

Kiki looked at Ryūji's information and exclaimed, "Whoa, this guy Ryūji is pretty tall!" The two girls approached Kiki and asked, "Really? How tall is he?" Kiki responded, a bit perplexed, "Why are you guys coming to me with that question?" One of the girls puffed and replied, "I was just curious, that's all. Same here." Kiki shrugged and said, "Well, okay."

Meanwhile, Kazue gazed at the distant lands and muttered to herself, "I'm afraid of those things that unconnected beyond our lives. I don't want this world to be the end." While Kazue was lost in her thoughts, Takara suddenly appeared, surprising her. Takara asked, "What are you doing here, Miss Takara?" Kazue placed her hand on her chest and responded, "I could ask you the same thing, upper-classmate Takara." Kazue then placed her hand over her mouth, took a deep breath, and wore a serious expression as she said, "I was just looking at the beautiful stars in the sky." Takara smiled and replied, "Well, that's nice. That was my idea too."

Takara joined Kazue in gazing at the stars and said, "You shouldn't just call me Upper-classmate Takara. When you say that, it makes me feel superior to you, but I'm not. I'm just a lady who is always by your side, Miss Kazue." Kazue responded, "Yeah, and these stars are brighter than ever... Just like the other dimension I traveled to, it was a place filled with extraordinary entities that had the power to destroy their own worlds. Seeing those stars was much more captivating, but at the same time, it instilled fear in me..."

Takara interrupted and said, "Well, yeah, you're the strongest woman in this world. You stand above all principles, and I believe in you." Kazue let out a sigh and replied, "Maybe in this world, but not outside of it." Takara smirked and said, "Okay, girl. Anyway, take care. I'm going to sleep for now." Kazue responded, "Alright, miss." In her own thoughts, Kazue muttered, "Wait, what? It's only been two minutes?!"

Ryūji and Akudama set out to find a place that appeared to be nearby, and soon they came across a bustling big town teeming with unfamiliar faces. The atmosphere felt relatively safe, and they wandered around, exploring the area and taking in the sight of several large buildings that surrounded them.

Ryūji angrily retorted, "I want to become a harem existence!"