
Unveiling calamity.

To be a Mystery is to go against the heavens. To go against the heavens is to die. But being a Mystery is to live and exceed the heavens, what a contradiction. To be a Mystery is to be a secret, to be a secret is to hide. Therefore, to hide is to live, and to live is to hide. What are we hiding? Chris a young man with an unknown past who just wants to be left alone, has found himself haunted by danger and trouble alike. With an attribute such as ‘Kismet’, trouble followed in his wake. Blood, gore, death and betrayal had soon become a normal for our young Mystery: a mythical group of people with powers untold, ungraspable by mere mortal minds. In a world threatened by a darkness that has corrupted countless worlds and realms, distorting their very essence; looming over them. Chris found himself pitted against abominable monsters, the subverted beings, and other Mysteries alike – in a bid for survival… and truth. Why does fate keep lying and tormenting me? Maybe fate should be eradicated.

Tragic_tales · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Affinity test

"Sir, I still do not understand the point of goading them into overreaching and searching for a second Mystery while still so weak, won't it be better to push the senior cadets to accomplish such task. The way I see it, they have greater hope of achieving this task than the new intake." Welsh had come to the headmaster's office to give account of the task the headmaster had entrusted him, but he also wanted to understand the headmaster's intentions.

They were at the top of a building that if Chris saw, he would recognize it as the training facility he and Naliaki had carried out their sparring session. The headmaster was standing at the edge of the building with his hands placed together behind him, and the sleeves of his robes flapping with the wind while he gazed at the horizon with a slightly dazed look. "What does power mean to you? Is it just a means of survival or an aid to leave a better life?"

A melancholic silence ensued after the headmaster's question. "It's the same question you asked me all those years ago sir, when I had almost given up on life. Power to me is-- "

"You do not need to tell me your answer as long, as you have one in your heart then you're ok." The headmaster cut him off, not wanting to sink into the depths of the conversation. He let out a sorrowful sigh as he brought down his hands that were clenched to his sides, giving of a heavy aura of sadness. "When insects are caged and forgotten in a glass jar, the only way to escape such dire fate is break the jar… " he disappeared with a soft sounding pop but his voice kept on echoing even after his departure. " …the only way to break that jar is power. Power is their only rite to freedom."

The cadets had gone for lunch after Welsh left the class, they were back and waiting for their last class of the day. It was supposed to be their last class of the day and it was a training class, a training class meant a lot of things physical were going to take place.

Having waited for a while for whoever was going to take the class, Chris messing around with his tactical wrist watch observed the occupants of the room. There already clicks being formed and some that looked like a matter of course, an example would be the titled nobilities… well, except Naliaki. The rest of them had already been surrounded by those of noble birth and common birth alike looking like lesser stars around one bright star.

"Why do you look less and less like a titled noble each day that passes?" Chris having looked at the other scions of titled houses, couldn't help frowning as though to show his displeasure at hanging out with a 'Fake' noble. Like really, how do you go from on top of the world to living like this, it's not the fact that he was despised or looked down upon that bothered him… no, it's the not being able to afford any other thing than the academy provided free meal.

"Can you le-- "

"Settle down everyone, we are going to the training facility in a bit as that's where today's class would be held." Before Naliaki could respond to Chris, the instructor taking the class walked in while speaking. He was the no nonsense type, he directed them on where their classes were to hold.

When they got to the training room they went to the right wing this time, this hall was way bigger than the previous one used by Naliaki and Chris the first word that came to mind when they saw the room was 'sturdy'.

The room looked like it could survive a bomb blast without a scratch, everywhere they looked gave one a feeling that it had been reinforced and it probably had been. There was a weapons rack and there were a lot of practice weapons. There were also a few large rune devices here and there, and they were heading towards one of them.

"As a Mystery everything in relation to our power is best kept a secret, but today we are going to test your various soul classes. Soul class is very important, because it's a sort of talent metric. It determines a lot of things in cultivation and battle. But it is optional because when you kill your first corrupted creature you would be automatically connected to the hex-matrix, then you would have all your records within the hex. Some of you already experienced this and the rest of you would learn more about it in the coming months. 

At the end of the academic year the academy is going to organize a field trip outside the safe zone in other for those that haven't connected to the hex to do so, you could check your soul class now or you could wait. I just like to give every new cadet the option, any volunteers?" their physical instructor whose name was Marcus explained to the class, and after waiting a while only two people stepped forward.

"Very well, step into the rune device and a soul scan would immediately be initiated. Don't worry there would be no pain involved, it is not an intrusive test." they both stood in front of the device while instructor Marcus put them through the dos and don'ts they should be aware of.

"Charles, step in." they were both dark haired and had dark skin complexion, but of the two Charles was the shorter one. He stepped in

While they carried out the test, talk of what the other device was for floated around, from logical conclusions to absurd reasoning. Some said it was to test another form of talent, others said it was to test for a sort of corruption (some rumors about a certain corruption had been discussed for as long as most of them could remember.) The craziest one was the one who said it was used to know the fate of the cadets or even to check TOD.

"It's an affinity test." Instructor Marcus interrupted them after he and the other two were don with the tests, it was time for the other one and this one was mandatory for all the cadets.

"I'll call your names and you would walk in front of the device, grab the transparent handle on it and circulate your essence. That's all you need to do, easy right?" Instructor Marcus said while his eyes singled out each noble in the crowd, it was clear that they were going first.

"Cordelia Neri." His first pick was obviously the daughter of the island lord. She walked over to the rune device and as per the instruction from the instructor, she gripped the transparent handle and circulated her essence round her body. The large screen on the front of the device flashed and a few characters slowly settled on the screen, only those who could read garulish could tell what was written on it. But you did not need to think too much to know majority of her affinity as she was a member of the ocean spirit clan, and their affinities were always related to the ocean. 

"That reads water and power, both on the high side." Chris was puzzled as what was written in rune characters translated to water and power in pidilish. Looks like hers was something to do with the power of the ocean and water, a good combination if utilized well.

"Hassel Stein, step forward." After calling out and waiting a while with no one coming out, the instructor focused his gaze on Naliaki with a frown. "You, from the fallen storm clan, are you hard at hearing?"

"My name is Naliaki, instructor." Naliaki said as he stepped towards the rune device.