
Erin Greene

'Will the truth really set me free? Can it?' I ask my self

These unwanted thoughts keeps ringing on my head like an alarm that won't stop and I wonder - I wonder if these thoughts can wake me up from this state?

I sigh and continued to stare above the dark ceiling tracing the golden lines with my eyes while enchanting myself to the figure it depicts, back then I was never really into gold nor into arts but this particular painting of a woman that occupies my whole ceiling is a different story -

'an interesting one' I smiled bitterly with that thought

Hearing the vibrating noise from the side table I decided to sit up from my bed and face the full body mirror across the room - the vibration from the table didn't stop nevertheless I didn't pay attention to it and stripped out my Sunday dress instead, letting the top fall into my lap while I reach the hem, gently tugging it downwards.

The cold had embraced in an instant giving me these unwanted shivering sensation but ignoring this, I fixated my eyes to person in front of me

'I hate you' my mind screamed

I stared on those green eyes that's resonating the emptiness I am harboring inside.

I absentmindedly reach out the vibrating phone on the table at my right side -seeing the familiar contact - I took a deep breath and answered the call.

"Hey"I said trying my best to sound cheerful "you called early today."

"Yeah, 'cause I missed you already" she said

Oh how I missed this cold angelic voice - I didn't respond but, smiled instead.

"How was church?"she asked

"same old, same old" I replied as I get up from the bed and walk across the room "are you free tonight?" I added

"hmm" she hummed softly "well, you can tell me first that you missed me too" followed by her chuckle

I stopped in front of my closet resting my right hand on the handle.

"not really" dismissing her by my playful retort "we were together for the whole week - except yesterday and today"

"alright, let's see each other tomorrow then" she countered with her annoyed tone

I chuckle as I open the closet revealing my well organized casual clothes.

"Oh the princess is mad"

"I'm not a princess" she responds emphasizing every words

"sure you are, sire" I'm pretty sure that she's rolling her eyes now by my remarks

"bastard, I'll pick you up in 10 whether you missed me or not" she retorted with her dismissive tone which made me laugh even more

I scan my closet searching for what I will wear tonight.

"I said 'tonight' not right now - I m about to take a bath, it might take a while you know"

"I don't wanna wait until tonight and just so you know - I m already heading outside " she justified

"Okay" I sigh in defeat "but, let me take a bath first" I low-key pleaded, knowing how impatient she is.

"I heard you the first time hun" her first endearment for today - "is this your way of inviting me?" she asked making her voice a little sultry for my liking

"hmm?"I hummed trying to act clueless "what?"I asked innocently

"oh come on, don't play that innocent card on me - you're nowhere near that" I can practically feel that she's rolling her eyes again - if that's possible.

"I'm not - besides I am innocent girl.. until I met you"

"Yup 'were' an innocent girl" she agreed with the hint of sarcasm

"whatever"I told her "just be safe on the road - I don't want to date you in the hospital" I joked

"Of course, because you surely want to date me in 'your' bathroom, right?" she chuckled

"Have your way then"I replied and dropped the call not giving her a chance to respond.

I took a last glance at the clothes - they're too many and I can't decide. I should let Eris choose later.

I shifted towards the mirror with is on my side now - and I saw her again - her eyes are now glowing

'is this love?' I asked her on my mind 'are you really happy?' 'you should be happy right?' - the questions are flowing through my mind and the only answer that I heard is

"I'm tired"

"I'm tired" I repeated with throaty shaky voice then I closed my eyes, trying to calm my trembling body "but, I don't know how to rest."