

This world is a very boring place. So, it wouldn't be wrong of her to make it a little more interesting, right?

MiracleFactory · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

The girl furrowed her brow as she looked at the man in front of her door. All of her jovial mood from before was gone like a puff of smoke.

"What are you doing here, Uncle?" She asked the pot-belly man with wild untamed greasy grey hair with thin eyes in front of her.

"Ah, isn't that my favourite niece," Her Uncle from her mother's side, Jason Stuart, began to greet her, with a slimy smile.

"Cut the chase, Uncle," the girl narrowed her eyes dangerously, which seemed to intimidate Jason as intended since he gulped and his smile turned somewhat nervous.

"It's like this, my dear niece, I saw this big business opportunity that would surely profit, but I don't have the capital for thi-" The girl lifted her palm and looked at her uncle.

"How much?" she asked.

"About 5000," her Uncle said sheepishly.

"Go home, I will transfer it to your account," the girl said.

"Great! I know you have a great business sense," Jason said and ran back to his home happily. The girl smiled dangerously as she watched the man's back fading away in the distance.

It was already dark, and the girl was cleaning her house when a message from her social media account came in. The girl picked up the phone and looked at the message.

[You! What is the meaning of this?! What even is Kyat?!] The girl smiled in amusement as she could imagine the indignant frustration her uncle must be feeling from this message.

[What? Didn't you say you need 5000? I gave you 5000 kyats. So, what is the problem?] the girl answered.

[What even is this?! You must as well give me a bunch of paper! You ungrateful little bitch] The teen snorted in displeasure.

[Ungrateful what? Ungrateful of you guys trying to take all of my inheritances? Should I be thanking you and celebrating you for stealing what is mine? Don't be a joke, Jason. Be thankful that I left with only what is mine, otherwise, I want to see how you will survive on the streets of Clover city. Maybe you will survive. I heard Sew Guy is looking for new test subjects] The teen replied, giving no chance for her uncle to reply and blocked. She smiled since she could feel her uncle's palling face across the phone.

[That's all. Don't contact me again] she blocked her uncle and tossed the phone away. She sat on a couch. This is too exhausting. She disliked having to deal with that, but this is something she chose. The girl heard the familiar ringtone of her phone. The girl was surprised. Her phone was rarely called since there were only two people who would call her phone, Emerald and her homeroom teacher. She picked up the phone and looked at the number, and froze. The teen's eyes widened in surprise and settled into a frustrating squint. She didn't expect her to call her after what happened. She didn't think she would still dare to call her. The teen gritted her teeth in anger. The surrounding reality started to glitch out as the anger poured out of the teen. The teen took in a deep breath and started to calm again. She decided that this is not the time to get angry and answered the phone.

"Let's talk, come to the usual place," a single sentence was heard as soon as she answered, and she was hanged up. The phone broke from her grip. So, after all these years, she reappeared in her life and still dared to treat her like that. The teen collapsed into the sofa in a mixture of frustration and anger.

'Seriously, what is with today? Why are so many people I would rather forget resurfacing one after another,' the girl thought tiredly. Still, she has to go. At least, to know why she did what she did. She opened her palms and in them, a cloak adorned with the colour of midnight appeared. It shimmered in a chaotic pattern, like fading in and out of reality. She draped the cloak over her body and began to walk as she slowly faded out from reality.

She reappeared at a run-down playground with her cloak still on her. There she saw a girl. Wearing a stylish bluish-grey top with a Capri pant of similar colour. The warm light of the setting sun rested comfortably on her bronze skin body, which made it look like it was glowing softly. Her beautiful face was further complemented by long straight black hair, which was parted to the right. The steel-grey eyes that seem to be shining just slightly looked at the girl as she appeared. As soon as she saw the girl, she casually smiled a pleasing smile. This sight however made the girl even angrier as her clenched hand started to shake slightly.

"What do you want, Bianca?" the girl asked the one who was once like a sister to her.

"What? Can't I just visit a friend? Let's catch up like old times," Bianca replied.

"We "were" friends. Now? Not so much. I am surprised you still dare to show up after what you did to me and what you did to Arya," the girl replied with obvious venom in her tone, which made the brunette winced.

"It was a misunderstanding!" Bianca was quick to defend herself. To this, the girl just snorted.

"A misunderstanding that ended with the death of our best friends and an entire realm? I think not. Leave Bianca. I don't have anything more to say with you," the girl said, and she prepared to return. Bianca gritted her teeth as her eyes shone with determination.

"If you don't want to come with me obediently, then I will have to use force. One way or another, you will have to come with me," Bianca said with determination filling her voice. To her confidence, the girl just raised an eyebrow. Five seconds later, the girl could be seen calmly walking away from was a playground and one can see a human figure just kneeling there in the middle of a deep crater.