
Chapter 2: The day of the escape

I woke up to the pain of my wings finally starting to grow back. I sat up reaching my hand behind my back, I touched the wound where my wings grow, and I could feel the bone starting to grow out. It takes about a week for my wings to grow back and during that week the organization would try and hurt me worse than before. I would sometimes have to hide from them just so they wouldn't hurt me, but I would always get found.

I got off the plates of wood and metal and the wool blanket they gave me. One of the people that took care of me Jason, walked into the room with a plate of food looking up to me. "Here eat up so you will have energy..." he said looking back down since earlier he snuck some pain relief for me and didn't want to get caught. I went to him as I got the plate. "Thank you for the food...and the pills..." I mumbled the last part barely audible, but he heard and smiled a bit nodding. He soon left the room and I changed into the only pair of clothes they gave me. I knew he would always sneak me pain relief pills when they ripped my wings off. I couldn't be mad at him since I knew if they found out they would have me kill him.

I had to kill many of the ones I was close to because of things like this. I would usually have on a blind fold when it came to training, but they always wanted to see my face when I had to kill my friends. It broke me so much that I tried not to get close to anyone anymore so I wouldn't have to see my own pitiful face any more.

After being dressed I walked out to the training grounds. My head was filled with thoughts of ways I was going to get out. I planned on escaping after my wings came back so I wouldn't have to feel that pain anymore. I was determined to get out of this damn hell and find my family and the person who owned the red feather on my necklace. I was happy that was the only they let me keep since it wouldn't be much of a problem.

I walked into the training room as I tensed and was knocked right out of my thoughts. There was an unknown male standing on the other side of the training ground and he had wings like me. I noticed he was blindfolded as I sighed looking around. "So, this is who I'm going against...." I frowned a bit as I took in his scent and soon blind folded myself.

There was a countdown. "3....2..." I already had my attack in my head as I got zoned out for a second. "1....GO!" I was knocked out of my thoughts as I could hear something heading my way as jumped up and ran up the walls jumping behind him. I soon felt something stopping me from moving, I groaned and used my tail cutting my shirt as I heard the object in his hand hit the wall spot, I once was in. I hated I didn't have my wings at the moment, but I could do without them for now. I heard the wind noises again as I could tell he was flying towards me, I jolt slightly sliding under him as I pull one of his feathers out as I could tell it would be to use. I could hear the male let out a groan as I felt a bit bad since I knew the pain. I soon felt a hand grab my tail as I yelped slightly feeling myself getting flipped to the ground. I let out a pained grunt. Struggling, I was pinned under him as I heard him say something causing my face to turn a soft red. "Give up yet baby bird..." I slid my feet under him as I kicked him off jumping up grabbing my weapon and panted. Hearing him get up made me a bit antsy since I felt as I was being played with and I hated that feeling. Though I couldn't see him I could feel his stare and the smirk on his face, and it pissed my off. I grew more angry as I ran towards him the fight getting more serious and I could now sense every move he was going to make.

Jason was able to see the fight. He started to get worried about me as he saw I was getting more out of control and my quirk getting stronger. He looked over to Ema one of his co-workers that helped with keeping me in control as she was getting worried as well. Ema's quirk was able to weaken a quirk if needed or strengthen. She clenched her fist as she wanted to stop the fight before we both end up really hurt but our boss seemed to enjoy it seeing the bright smirk on his face sending shivers down their spines.

I would knock him down though he wouldn't stay down long enough to win as I didn't want to use my tail since I felt it would be cheating but as this point I was getting too pissed by his cocky remarks and annoying smirks that I could sense. I grabbed his feet as I slang him to the ground pinning him down. I could tell he wasn't resisting, or we would have already been back on our feet. Kuhung my boss, stopped the fight as I moved and got up. I helped the male up as he soon left within a few seconds. I soon growled and turned stomping off to clean myself. Jason was about to follow until Ema stopped him. "U know you can't do that, or he will suspect something..." Jason clenched his fist and stayed by Ema. Kuhung walked down to the two as he had his twisted sinister smile still on his face. "That was a good fight..." he said, his graspy deep voice caused a uncomfortable silence to come. Jason soon broke it "Yea...it was.."

'Who is that guy? He was damn good...but why was he so damn cocky and why did it piss me off so much? ' I hated that his words dug into my skin and his voice caused me to feel something I couldn't explain. I undressed and showered as I noticed my wings were halfway done growing as I thought for a bit. "Did I do this?.... " I shrugged it off washing myself and rinsing off. After showering, I dressed and went to the room they assigned me and I didn't leave the room for a while.

It was around midnight when I woke up. I sat up as I noticed my wings were back. I was shocked since they haven't grown this fast ever, but I was thankful since I could escape earlier. Jason was outside the door watching out, I called him in knowing he was there. "Jason.." He walked in and looked at me as he was confused. "What are you doing up late like this?" I looked up at him frowning slightly. "Sorry I have to do this...." I said as he gave me a look of confusion before I stabbed his leg as he fell to the ground and looked at me. I went to him kissing his head lightly before I ran thru the door. I jumped up onto the walls the claws on my fingers keeping me there. I crawled to the door and I paralyzed all the people bursting thru the window flying out quickly.

I could feel a stare from a distance which cause me to speed up flying until I couldn't see the building anymore. I soon came upon another city and I landed by a bar I saw, and I relaxed my wings and panted looking up. I smiled more than I thought I could. Walking to the bar I went down the alley right beside it and sat down. I was happy I was out that place but now I needed somewhere to stay.

A few hours past as a young lady walked out the side entrance of the bar as she noticed me and panicked slightly. Shocked seeing such a young girl in the alley way. I looked up to her. "Honey are you alright come with me so you can get cleaned up and eat you look like your starving.." she said as she grabbed me picking me up quite easily and headed to her car. I didn't mind it since the young woman was warm and sweet, I sensed it when I looked at her.

Once at the car the young lady put me in the car and then herself driving us to her home. We arrived after a few minutes and the young lady got out and so did I and she let me in slipping off my shoes. "You go to the living room I will get the bath ready for you" she exclaimed running up some stairs. I started to look around a bit I could tell the lady had money. The house was well decorated, and it looked nice on the inside and out. I wandered the house till I made my way to the bathroom where the young lady turned giving me a soft smile. "Come here baby girl and get you cleaned..." she said and that's all it took for me to tear up. I ran to her holding onto my tightly. ".....y-you won't hurt me right?..." I asked as I held the lady. "Of course, I won't. Were you hurt from someone else I can call the pol-" she was interrupted by me screaming. "No! Don't-...do that....." I said before slowly letting go. "S-sorry mam..." The lady chuckled. "I'm not that much older than you so just call me by my name. I'm Yuki and your name?" I looked at her. "(F/N) ... (L/N)" Yuki smiled as she started to get up. "Well I'm going to call you nugget if you're ok with it..." I nodded and smiled softly. "Now get washed up" Yuki left the room and I undressed getting in the water as I sighed. "Wow feels amazing..." I said softly since I don't remember the last time, I had warm water touch my skin.

After some time, I got out of the bath as I changed into a large shirt and some short slightly smaller than me. Yuki was downstairs in the kitchen as she noticed I was out, she stopped and turned to look at me. She looked at me as I pulled up the shirt to show the shorts, she leant me. Yuki chuckled. "Well seems like you have a shape "Nugget" I blushed lightly. "Y-yea I guess.. " Yuki turned as she got the plates and went to sit them down. "Come on and eat" I happily followed and sat down. We started to eat as I paused for a moment. "Is it ok if I stay here with you and work for you till I'm old enough to get my own home?.." Yuki stopped, looking to me. "Of course, you can stay here as long as you like... I'm quite lonely anyway so I wouldn't mind the extra company..." I smiled now that I was in a safe home. I started to eat again until I was done. I helped her clean the dishes once finished with the food. Yuki grabbed my hand softly leading me to the room with the large queen-sized bed. "You can sleep here if you want....I hope you don't mind sharing with me though.." She said as she got some clothes changing into a pair of shorts and a shirt. We laid down covering up and I slept peacefully for that night.